Patrick P
Jun 16 2009, 02:37 AM
How come the tournament ratings are not showing after the official tournament results are posted for certain events (i.e. Fling XIII, Chavez Ridge, CA May-09)?

Jun 16 2009, 09:03 AM
Read the FAQ on ratings.

Jun 16 2009, 11:45 AM
If you see the scores but don�t see any ratings, it means the TD has sent the tournament report to PDGA HQ and the official scores are now posted. Once official scores are posted, any unofficial ratings disappear until the next official ratings are processed.

spamtown discgolfer
Jun 16 2009, 12:20 PM
I suggest including a link to the Ratings FAQ within the results of every tournament.

Jun 16 2009, 12:46 PM
Good idea. Dave eventually wants to figure out a way to leave the unofficial ratings up there when the official results get posted.

Jun 16 2009, 01:30 PM
That would be a good idea as I knew there are TDs (myself included), that wait until the last minute to turn in the TD reports so that the unofficial ratings stay up as long as possible. Once they figure out how to leave the unofficial ratings up, different colored trophies on the schedule would be nice to indicate the state. e.g.
Green: Pre-reg list, no results.
Bronze: Unofficial Ratings
Silver: TD report turned in, ratings unofficial
Gold: Everything is official

Patrick P
Jun 16 2009, 01:51 PM
Good idea. Dave eventually wants to figure out a way to leave the unofficial ratings up there when the official results get posted.

I second this, maybe I am missing something here, but it doesn't make sense that you can see the round ratings for the unofficial results, but then they dissapear and don't show up until the 2-month rating update.

Jun 16 2009, 01:56 PM
Unofficial ratings are a web app that calculates the unofficial ratings when the scores are posted from outside. The only connection with the PDGA databse is the PDGA numbers of the players so the app can grab their player ratings for those unofficial calcs.

The official scores come from the PDGA database which doesn't activate the web calc process and there are no ratings in the PDGA database at that time to display in those columns until the official calculations are done and transferred into the PDGA database each time they are updated. In addition, the web app needs to know what divisions played what courses to produce new "unofficial" ratings and that info isn't available in the PDGA database.

Jun 17 2009, 12:57 AM
Stony Spring Fling C/B Utica, MI Sun, Apr 26, 2009 for some reason only the second round has a rating, plus it doesn't show up on any of the players pages...

Jun 17 2009, 01:40 AM
PDGA hasn't received TD report yet. You can quickly tell simply by moving your mouse over the little gold cup on the tournament name in the PDGA Schedule page. If it says Unofficial Tournament Results then the PDGA does not have the report yet. Likewise, if there's no gold cup at all, the PDGA doesn't have the report and the TD didn't upload the unofficial results.

Jul 21 2009, 08:51 PM
Would anyone happen to know why the Tower Ridge Open on 5/10/09 is no longer in anyones stats? It was incorporated into my ratings last update but now not only is it not calculated in my ratings but it's completely eliminated off my stats page??

Jul 21 2009, 10:28 PM
Would anyone happen to know why the Tower Ridge Open on 5/10/09 is no longer in anyones stats? It was incorporated into my ratings last update but now not only is it not calculated in my ratings but it's completely eliminated off my stats page??

Probably has something to do with the fact you are a MA-sheen!

Jul 21 2009, 11:00 PM
Would anyone happen to know why the Tower Ridge Open on 5/10/09 is no longer in anyones stats? It was incorporated into my ratings last update but now not only is it not calculated in my ratings but it's completely eliminated off my stats page??
Not sure it was ever in anyone's stats. It shows the event is "Unofficial" meaning the report hasn't been turned in yet.