Nov 17 2009, 02:55 PM
I have a 24-pack carton of Coke in my office. As I reached down to grab a can, I notice some things:
1) A big picture of Santa Claus holding a Coke bottle
2) Under the Coca-Cola logo at the top, it says, "FELIZ NAVIDAD"
OK so far, but
3) Above the Coca-Cola logo at the bottom is says, "HOLIDAY 2009"
Well, gee, with a picture of Santa Claus, and the greeting "FELIZ NAVIDAD", I wonder what "holiday" that are referring to?
If companies don't want to make any reference at all to Christmas, that's fine with me, they should just be consistent and stay away from this half-baked PC nonsense.
Nov 17 2009, 03:39 PM
be careful! inspect that carton more carefully. i heard that the coca cola marketing department planted recording devices to see how many folks they could get to complain about something so utterly meaningless. you're on CANdid camera!
Nov 17 2009, 04:58 PM
I have a 24-pack carton of Coke in my office. As I reached down to grab a can, I notice some things:
1) A big picture of Santa Claus holding a Coke bottle
2) Under the Coca-Cola logo at the top, it says, "FELIZ NAVIDAD"
OK so far, but
3) Above the Coca-Cola logo at the bottom is says, "HOLIDAY 2009"
Well, gee, with a picture of Santa Claus, and the greeting "FELIZ NAVIDAD", I wonder what "holiday" that are referring to?
If companies don't want to make any reference at all to Christmas, that's fine with me, they should just be consistent and stay away from this half-baked PC nonsense.
FELIZ NAVIDAD is spanish for Merry Christmas.
Nov 17 2009, 05:10 PM
FELIZ NAVIDAD is spanish for Merry Christmas.
This can't be emphasized enough. :)
Pizza God
Nov 18 2009, 02:43 PM
It is the 2009 collector can. They do a different set every year.
There are a lot of can collectors out there (I know, I use to be one of them)
Nov 20 2009, 01:02 PM
I'm personally waiting for the Flying Spaghetti Monster six pack.
Dec 14 2009, 10:40 PM
Any Festivus cans, for the rest of us?
Lyle O Ross
Dec 23 2009, 11:51 AM
I think you're missing the greater point. None of these things means anything to Coke. What matters to Coke is selling Coke. So, if dipping the can in horse dip meant you'd buy it, then they are going to put that on there. Half baked Holidayism is simply their way of covering as much of the market as possible.
Charlie Brown said it best, doesn't anything mean anything anymore? Nope, all that means anything to corporate America is how to separate your dollar bill from your pocket.
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah, Good Kwanzaa, May the demon god eat your liver, I raise this cup of mead to the tree gods, The great spirit lives on, All worship the golden bull idol, Michael Jackson rules, may your virgin daughter bring us a good harvest next year... Ahhhhhhhh, and my personal favorite, the Winter Solstice Celebration rocks!
Dec 23 2009, 12:09 PM
...and a Happy New Year!