I will be traveling to Phoenix soon. Should check my disc golf bag or carry it with me on the plane.
Apr 14 2005, 02:17 PM
CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON. You can always replace clothes and stuff but you can NEVER replace your disc golf bag. NEVER LET THAT THING OUT OF YOUR SITE!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 14 2005, 02:32 PM
DITTO !! ;)
PT Woods
# 20431
Apr 14 2005, 02:53 PM
Apr 14 2005, 03:47 PM
There's nothing worse than having your luggage lost by the Airlines, except losing your disc.
P.S. there's always a shopping center to replace lost clothing but it's hard to find a pro-shop that serves disc golfers.
Apr 14 2005, 03:56 PM
Carry on, but be prepared to open it up and explain exactly what they are. Apparently the weighting agent in champion plastic is barium, which will block x-rays and look funny on the machine..
Apr 14 2005, 04:02 PM
I have done both, and had no problems either way. I did get some funny looks from the screeners in Baltimore when I did carry on there. They actually didn't believe me when I was telling them what they were used for.
Apr 14 2005, 04:03 PM
The last couple times i took mine the people at the airport KNEW what they were and what i was doing. Kinda sweet because last year when i went to AZ i think they though i was trying to blow [*****] up with these things because they took them in a back room and scanned them in some machine.
Always carry on though. NEVER NEVER NEVER let the airport people touch your bag out of your site.
true. i always get stopped when going through the terminal. apparently what looks like "a bag full of coils" is not what the x-ray tech likes to see. i've had armed guards approach me while a guy in what looks like a space suit "disarms" my disc golf bag :o. it makes for a good laugh once they realize what it is, even though they're never the ones laughing. :D
Apr 14 2005, 04:14 PM
Last year when i was flying out of chicago I had my discs in my luggage that was going under the plane. They called me to unlock the luggage so they could examine the golf discs. They kept asking me question. Funny.. HaHa
I only placed them underneath because I didnt have a choice in the matter, but otherwise I always carry on..
Apr 14 2005, 04:18 PM
carry-on. i dont trust anyone with my bag.
if you dont, take the strap(s) off before.
Apr 14 2005, 09:21 PM
Not only coils, but plastic that looks like plastique explosive on an x-ray. If you want to really mess with them, make sure to put your cell phone or palm pilot in a pocket on the end. It looks like the timer/detonator.
I usually just wait for the x-ray guy to start looking around, them I tell him Frisbees. I know, discs, but I don't feel like doing that explanation with my shoes off!
Apr 15 2005, 01:59 AM
Well, the 3 minute time limit is also how long the airline
will look for your lost discs. Then you have to go back
and re-throw from the ticket counter.
I'd carry them on.
Apr 15 2005, 12:12 PM
Carry on. I've done both...carry on!
One long out of town job I put my tour bag in the big suitcase under the plane. Luckily, Delta was great and never lost them. For the shorter trips on courses I didn't know, I just took a small bag with two putters, two mids, and 4 drivers. I'd put the discs between my clothes so that I could carry the small suitcase and my laptop bag on and didn't check anything. If you travel alot, not checking saves 1-2 hours a week. Depends on what else you're taking and how many discs I suppose, but so far the vote doesn't favor checking!!!
[quoteI only placed them underneath because I didnt have a choice in the matter, but otherwise I always carry on..
What's up Scott, I thought you flew 1st class USAF, they ought to appreciate the attachment to one's flying discs, and leave them alone. Don't mess w/ my arsenal of tactical projectile's, that's my award-winning trick bag man!!!
Apr 15 2005, 02:45 PM
carry on...but dont put anything questionable in the bag. I have had to open my bag all 4 times Ive flown with discs. they kept wondering what all those "coils were in the X-ray" I said coils....oh you mean discs. they looked real worried everytime. so be warned
Apr 15 2005, 02:48 PM
And if you really want a good laugh. Fill your golf bag with Ching Bombs. that should get them all worked up
Apr 15 2005, 03:05 PM
Just say it's a bomb, you'll have one hell of a trip.
Apr 15 2005, 08:37 PM
Or tell them they are autographed plates from the Last Supper. :eek:
Nov 02 2005, 06:12 PM
Does anyone check their DG bag when flying? I'd like to carry it on but I think it's too big (Revolution). I might just put the discs in a backpack and carry that on and either take apart the revolution and pack it or just put other stuff in it.
Any ideas?
Nov 02 2005, 06:15 PM
I've never had a problem taking it as a carry on. The X-Ray folks usually ask to look inside b/c all they see is a bunch of vertical dense objects.
Nov 02 2005, 06:25 PM
Does anyone check their DG bag when flying? I'd like to carry it on but I think it's too big (Revolution). I might just put the discs in a backpack and carry that on and either take apart the revolution and pack it or just put other stuff in it.
Any ideas?
Sure..............I always fly with my Golf bag , through the carry on section. Let them X-ray your plastic. Open your bag if requested.
Do not carry lighters or soda pop cans though.
It takes me longer to re-tie my shoes , than it does , walking through security. About 30 seconds.
You may want to wear slip-on shoes. Make sure they do not have a metal shank in the sole.
They always ask " How come you need so many Frisbees" ?
Tell them , your playing in a Professional Disc Golf Tournament. They think it's pretty cool !!!!!! /msgboard/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Nov 02 2005, 06:28 PM
never had a problem with mine on the plane and it gives you something to do in security (that is looking at the wierd faces of the people trying to figure out what in the world you have in that bag - someone asked me if they were plates one time :D)
Nov 02 2005, 06:45 PM
Just don't carry your DevilHawk in your bag ... You never know what this disc is going to GO OFF! ;)
Nov 02 2005, 06:58 PM
Does anyone check their DG bag when flying? I'd like to carry it on but I think it's too big (Revolution). I might just put the discs in a backpack and carry that on and either take apart the revolution and pack it or just put other stuff in it.
Any ideas?
It is the only bag that I carry on any flight.
Nov 02 2005, 07:03 PM
always carry on your bag.. if your luggage gets lost you can still play in the tournament! who needs the rest of your luggage? disc golf was never about good hygene anyway! :D
Nov 02 2005, 08:06 PM
You can buy new clothes, but good luck getting a set of drivers that are perfectly broken in. Check your clothes and carry-on your bag.
I have the Innova Tour bag with quad-shocks, and it is big. But it's smaller than most of the things non-DGers carry on so the size isn't a problem.
I open the zippers and throw the flap back before sending I through x-ray, though. That has speeded things up. The xray tech sees the barium in the plastic light up, wonders "what the heck", and takes a peek. Once they see the discs all is good. If it's zipped up they usually end up asking you to open it, so I juts open it up before sending it through.
mr smOOOth
Nov 02 2005, 09:28 PM
Plates! Thats funny, I just came back from Florida and the security guy made the scrunched up face and asked if my discs were plates. I hadn't ever heard that one before. Anyway, my Revolution 'Texas Edition' bag fit in the overhead compartment no problem. Definately don't let your discs out of your sight.
Nov 02 2005, 11:12 PM
nice, I didn't think I was gonna be able to carry it on! I might just 86 the other suitcase all together so I don't have to wait at baggage claim ... maybe not though
Nov 02 2005, 11:40 PM
I travel quite a bit for my job and I always bring a small bag with 10 or so discs so I can play new and different courses. I usually put my disc bag in my carry-on with my clothes and I've never had a problem. A couple of weeks ago I was going through security at DIA, and the guy at the xray machine called over to me and said "Looks like a couple of putters, couple mid-range, and the rest drivers." Asked him if he played, and he said of course. Pretty cool.
Nov 03 2005, 02:03 AM
I have the innova tour bag and in the last 2 weeks i have flown from vegas to burbank and back then vegas to houston to new orleans and at all those places i used it as a carry on
I checked my bag in last time, and a disc was taken out. (nike illusion) So I suggest to keep the bag with you on the plane. You can always throw a thumber at a terrorist if need be.
Nov 03 2005, 10:19 AM
Like Val said. Never let your bag leave your site if you are flying with it. I also always try and either carry on or wear my golf shoes on the flight because you can always play if you have your bag and shoes and no other luggage but if you lose your bag its basically a waste of a trip.
Plus its a great way to promote the sport as well. I usually try to carry a few of the free disc golf magazines with me it my bag so I can give them to people that are asking about the sport.
I will NEVER check my disc golf bag at the airport. I suggest you follow the same policy.
Nov 03 2005, 11:57 AM
I have often just put my discs and bag in my suitcase and checked it but it usually has a this bag has been searched tag on it when I pick it up, I will probably just carry my disc bag and discs as a carry on in the future. I am planning a trip to Hawaii this January and not only do i plan to take my discs but would like to take my ching skillshot basket as well, I am thinking of checking that as a separate piece of luggage. what do others think on that approach?
Nov 03 2005, 12:03 PM
Go ahead and check the basket. No big deal on that.
Im just saying if you show up at your destination after checking your disc golf bag and they cant find it that would be way more devistating then losing your clothes!!!
I could easily get over losing a few hundred dollars in clothes but it would take me a while to get over losing my disc golf bag.
Nov 03 2005, 06:36 PM
never had a problem with mine on the plane and it gives you something to do in security (that is looking at the wierd faces of the people trying to figure out what in the world you have in that bag - someone asked me if they were plates one time :D)
they have planes in greenville ?
I have often just put my discs and bag in my suitcase and checked it but it usually has a this bag has been searched tag on it when I pick it up, I will probably just carry my disc bag and discs as a carry on in the future. I am planning a trip to Hawaii this January and not only do i plan to take my discs but would like to take my ching skillshot basket as well, I am thinking of checking that as a separate piece of luggage. what do others think on that approach?
well don't expect someone to go through your lugguge take out your brand new nike illusion, and then put a tag stating they opened your bag now do you?
Nov 03 2005, 10:15 PM
i just brought it carry on, no problems in security or anything, flew newark to phoenix, then phoenix to flagstaff
I got harassed only right after 9-11.
Now, I just carry 2 or 3 discs in my hand, then put them in my carry on bag. If you guys say you're getting through okay, I may start taking my full bag. I'm paranoid of losing it though. And, normally I play just as good or better with 2 discs than with 15.
Oh one other thing...Does anyone carry nail clippers, tweezers, or anything like that in their bag? You may want to remove them, but I'm sure you guys know that.
Nov 04 2005, 01:32 PM
I've carried my Revolution bag on before, I've even carried on a duffel bag thats about 36" x 18" x 18", it barely fit in the overhead compartment but I stuffed it in there.
Nov 06 2005, 08:36 AM
While I'd prefer to carry it on board, my experience is it depends upon the airline, or the security guys.
Some airlines its fine to go as carry-on, & I go through xray, explain what they are and once in a while find someone who knows about disc golf.
Pretty rare in Aus. & NZ but it happens.
Others are really strict (rules state that all sporting items must be checked in) & I've had to put the bag in the hold.
Once I carried it on board one way & had to check it in the other!
Maybe it would just be easier to just call them plates or lids.
Jan 07 2010, 04:02 PM
So my wife is about to travel to Florida in February to attend the La Vie En Rose. She is highly concerned about traveling with her disc golf bag. She wants to take her bag as a carry on so the airline won't lose it.
Has anyone traveled within the past few months with a bag full of disc as a carry on? I'm wondering if the airline would not let her because of security reasons. Who knows anymore, these airlines would probably think the discs are weapons. She also mentioned to me this morning that she would carry the latest issue of DiscGolfer Magazine so she can prove to the TSA agent that disc golf is an actual sport. I thought that was quite comical...
Jan 07 2010, 04:19 PM
UPS a small box of backup discs to the TD, just in case. I have carried mine on without any problems. Just make sure you inspect the bag for anything that might cause problems.
Jan 07 2010, 04:48 PM
she wont have a problem. ive taken the revo bacpack full of discs as well as the carolina bag full, at separate times with only a couple of innocuous questions from tsa.
Jan 07 2010, 04:59 PM
Just make sure she doesn't wear a burqa.
Jan 07 2010, 06:50 PM
I flew from Phoenix to san Francisco last week and had my full bag and went through with no problem. Never had. Definitely bring PDGA membership card and have her name on all discs.
Jan 07 2010, 11:38 PM
If an airline loses a bag with 15 discs in it, then do they get 45 minutes to find it?
Jan 08 2010, 01:49 PM
My discs ALWAYS go as a carry on, and occasionally they get pulled aside for the plastic explovises check, but I never had had an issue getting through and even had had several TSA people ask me which Event I'm flying to or from that know about the sport.
I haven't been in an Airport with my discs since the last idiot, so I will find out when flying to Vegas next month if things are different now.
It was MUCH easier to fly before 9/11/2001 - but it's still the best or only way to get to most Events for me.
Jan 08 2010, 06:25 PM
wife and i are flying to miami for the dg cruise next weekend and i was contemplating this same question, I was planning on doing the carry-on especially as they would charge me $50 to check the 2nd bag, probably will open the bag before sending it thru the x-ray just to save time, but my wife also works at the airport and knows quite a few people so she can hopefully vouch for me if they say anything funky and try taking them from me or something.
the magazine idea was a good one, I've got to see if i have any extras to give to the other passengers, etc for reading material during the flight, maybe get a game of mini-golf going in the terminal or cabin???
Jan 08 2010, 10:40 PM
I have taken my discs and bag through security in Houston so many times in the last 8 years that I think all the Continental security screeners know what they are. I have not had to open the bag in about two years. I try to never check anything and I would never, ever check a bag with discs that I valued. Feldberg carried his on the flight we were on.
By the way, Southwest still allows you to check bags w/o charge. I heart SWA!
Jan 10 2010, 01:59 PM
I flew out of Boston with my discs after christmas (the day after the attack) and really had no problems, sure they searched me, but they didnt find the grass in my pocket an 1/8 to be exact.... I was being an idiot thank god i wasnt caught!
Jan 12 2010, 10:05 AM
I have been on American, Northwest, Southwest, and Continental flying to Michigan, Florida and Monterrey, Mexico and never had a problem with carrying on my bag. Plus, you have extra space to carry magazines, snacks, etc. for use on the plane. I would not check your bag in, definitely carry it on.
Jan 12 2010, 10:34 AM
Do not leave LEDs duct taped to the top of your discs
Jan 12 2010, 11:34 AM
have done both. bags on the plane with us. backups checked. never had any problems. well it was that one time in Milwaukee when the rental car was broken into and my ID was stolen, they wiped all my disc down for Explosive residue.Man it really scared me when they put the gloves on. And Kansas city when Andrews Distance trophy didn't make it home.
Jan 12 2010, 03:05 PM
I travel for work almost 100% of the time.
#1 Do not put objects in between the discs when carrying on the bag - its makes them look harder. My rule of thumb is my disc bag has only discs in the main compartment..the rest is either is in the checked baggage or in the side pockets. This way it’s only plastic in the main bag itself - Side pockets will have my iPod or some additional gadgets. Discs for some reason show up like metal on their scanners and light up like a Christmas tree – most of the time they are more curious about them and the sport..
One other tip I have learned is they are not really screening for explosives per say but mainly nitrates which is used in fertilizer which of course is used in the making of the things that go Boom - which if you were playing in a nicely groomed park they may have just laid down some fertilizer. I usually will wipe down my discs with a damp rag prior to packing - this way if they do the wipe test there is no questions and no explanation is needed..
I always put my bag with the logos or patches towards the outside of the overhead – this usually creates a few good looks from casual players and most of the time a good conversation or two with my seat mates…