Jan 21 2010, 11:39 PM
Battle of Blackland Prairie
Sunday Feb. 21st at East Metro Park (Manor)
This will be a one day Sunday tourney. Two rounds starting at 9am. There will be $500 added cash for payouts split between the divisions. This will be a good warm up and a chance to put some extra money in your pockets before pro dubs. You can sign up at www.titledisc.com This tourney is being brought to you by 4thechains disc golf. Kevin puts on a great event. Rivery was a great turn out, but we are looking to have a little more competition on the pro side. Please pre-register at title disc because we will be on a tight schedule Sunday morning.
Jan 29 2010, 12:12 AM
The sponsors are rolling in. We are proud to announce that Chris from Gorilla Boy Disc Golf has helped us with one of his new Evolution Series Kong bags to be raffled off at the tournament. All proceeds from the raffle will go to support the TWC (Texas Women's Championships) Kevin has promised to help fill it up with some free disc for the winner as well. So come out and support the TWC and win a great new bag.
Don't forget about the $500 added cash. $250 for pros and $250 for ams. The bigger your division the bigger the cut. This is a great chance for you to warm up for the Texas State Pro Dubs and put some extra cash in your pocket!!! Hope to see you there. Make sure you sign up at www.titledisc.com because we are going to be pressed for time on Sunday morning.
Feb 09 2010, 11:32 PM
Great news!!! We have even more added cash for the tourney thanks to our newest sponsor Wanna Play Disc Golf. Go meet Shawn over at the shack. It is a new disc golf store in Round Rock, pretty close to Cat Hollow. Here is the web address for their webpage http://www.wannaplaydiscgolf.com/ We are up to $650 added cash, plus plenty of awesome freebies. We will have a CTP contest after the 2nd round and if we have time we will have another ring of fire for some great prizes. Don't forget to sign up before the tourney because we are going to be limited to 72 players. We will also be limited on time before the start of the first round. This event is going to fill up so dont wait. Dont forget to check out the Evolution Series Kong Bag from Gorilla Boy Disc Golf that we will be raffling off to raise money for the TWC. Check out the bag here. http://www.gorilla-boy.com/kong.shtml
Feb 14 2010, 09:38 PM
Crunch time is coming. We are a little over half full with the people already signed up, the entries that are on Titledisc, and the verbal commitments that we have. Don't wait till the last minute if you want to play this event. We will be reserving some spots for the pros on Sunday so we will probably have to limit the number of rec and inter players that we can sign up. We will be offering lunch on Sunday, so if you don't want to leave after the first round you can have lunch brought to you. We will collect $5.00 at check in if you want to get lunch and we will make a run to Subway. It will be waiting on you when you get done with round #1. This event is going to be a blast. It looks like the weather is going to cooperate with us as well.
Feb 19 2010, 09:51 AM
Less than 10 spots left. If you want to play, you need to sign up at www.titledisc.com or call Kevin @ (325) 423-4295 so he can get you a spot on the list. I think that we will be full soon, so you might not get to play if you wait till sunday morning to sign up. So get signed up today or you will miss out on a big payday. See ya out there.