Feb 03 2010, 02:13 AM
Hey 2 of us from Colorado are going to be in Vegas this weekend, and we were looking to throw some discs. Is anything like doubles or tags going on Saturday? If not, does anyone want to go toss a round with us to show us the course?
Let me know,
Feb 03 2010, 01:01 PM
Our info is duly updated by our attentive club president always.
There is a club monthly event this Sat. See web site for more info. :)
Feb 03 2010, 06:01 PM
Our next monthly is Satuday, Feb. 13 at Sunset Park.
Our next bag tag is Sunday, Feb. 14 at Mtn. Crest.
This Saturday, Feb. 6 will be a regular weekly round at Sunset at 8:00am. If enough people stick around for doubles, it will begin shortly after the end of the first round.