Feb 10 2010, 06:12 PM
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title -->First, the bad news: Emerald Isle Golf Course will be removing their disc golf baskets and tee pads at the end of March.
Since I am not the owner nor an employee of Emerald Isle, I can't make an official statement, but given the information I have received from well-placed sources, we will soon see the end of disc golf at this great location. What I have been told is that Emerald Isle's lease with the HOA that surrounds the course (they own the land) was up, and that removal of the disc golf facility became a part of the negotiation. If this is inaccurate, I hope that the EI folks will correct my errors.
Bottom line - we will be losing a unique and wonderful place to play disc golf. The combination of beautiful setting, great design and layout, friendly staff, and carts ;) helped to foster a warm and inviting disc golf community. Sunday and Monday Doubles at EI was always fun, with lots of camaraderie and great competition. The EIEIO became one of the most popular tournaments in SoCal disc golf, on the basis of the great facility, the hard work of Skip Winship and his staff and the artful TD-ing of Rhett Stroh.
When they pull the last basket out of the ground, the hole left behind won't simply be filled with a shovel and dirt.
Feb 10 2010, 06:43 PM
Now, the good news: There will be a 2010 Emerald Isle Open.
A sanctioning agreement has been submitted to the PDGA to hold the 2010 EIO on Sunday, March 14th, and we expect it to be approved quickly. Yes, we know that's not much notice. But because of the last-minute news of the course closure and the scheduling of other events, this is the date we have - it's that date or no date.
Details are not yet available, nor is a registration form, but we'll get that out ASAP. You can expect a 36-hole tournament with a short final for MPO and MA1. Registration fees will be about the same as last year. Carts will be available for an extra fee. We'll be using PDGA.com for registration - not sure yet when it will open up. The player's pack won't be as great as in year's past, since we just started working on this two days ago and won't have time to pull it all together. But - you can expect a tournament disc that will appropriately convey our feelings about the demise of this golf course.
One thing you shouldn't expect is a rich payout. We don't have the time to do a lot of fundraising and begging for prizes (of course, if you do, feel free to help us out!). This tournament will be about celebrating the great people and great times that we have all had at Emerald Isle for the past several years. The payout will at least meet the minimum level outlined in the PDGA Tour Standards document, so you won't be cheated.
I'd like to thank Rhett Stroh, Scot Golia, Monica Watkins, Randy Wylot, Carl Renda and other members of the San Diego Aces board for jumping into this with me, as it will be a team effort. Also, thanks to Skip for making our case to the boss and Suzette for helping us make the schedule work.
Watch this thread for more info as it becomes available...
Feb 12 2010, 12:06 PM
We're on the PDGA and SoCal schedules - PDGA sanctioning is pending, but is sureto go thru. Entry form is in the works, PDGA on-line registration also in the works. Field will be 72 players.
Feb 15 2010, 11:18 PM
Tee sign sponsorships are available for $25 each. Please send an email to
[email protected] if you'd like to sponsor the last tourney at this great facility!
Holes #1 and #6 are already reserved... :)
Feb 16 2010, 08:17 PM
Tee sign sponsorships are available for $25 each. Please send an email to
[email protected] if you'd like to sponsor the last tourney at this great facility!
Holes #1 and #6 are already reserved... :)
Is that in trade plus some small cash payment for me when I see you in Vegas or the Memorial for your 2010 GSSS Silver Sponsorship? :)
Feb 17 2010, 02:58 PM
Tee sign sponsorships are available for $25 each. Please send an email to
[email protected] if you'd like to sponsor the last tourney at this great facility!
Entry forms and on-line reg should be available soon. Please consider helping send this great course off, and get your message out, all for the very reasonble price of $25. :D
All reasonable logos, messages, and taunts will be printed and given to you at the end of the tourney.
Feb 19 2010, 01:25 AM
On-line registration is up.
Feb 19 2010, 04:09 PM
Three quick notes about the EIEI Oh No!:
1) We have tee sign sponsorships available for $25 ea. It's very important for us to get these sold, since we're counting on them to make the tournament finances work. After the tournament is over and the baskets are gone, the tee sign will be a nice momento. Contact Rhett if you want a tee sign.
2) There will be some fundraiser discs available for sale.
3) We will need volunteers as spotters, score-totalers, photographers, etc. Contact me ahead of time to get on that list. Pre-confirmed volunteers will receive lunch and a tournament disc.
Feb 27 2010, 03:05 PM
Three quick notes about the EIEI Oh No!:
1) We have tee sign sponsorships available for $25 ea. It's very important for us to get these sold, since we're counting on them to make the tournament finances work. After the tournament is over and the baskets are gone, the tee sign will be a nice momento. Contact Rhett if you want a tee sign.
2) There will be some fundraiser discs available for sale.
3) We will need volunteers as spotters, score-totalers, photographers, etc. Contact me ahead of time to get on that list. Pre-confirmed volunteers will receive lunch and a tournament disc.
We will need volunteers as spotters, score-totalers, photographers, etc. Contact me ahead of time to get on that list. Pre-confirmed volunteers will receive lunch and a tournament disc.
I'll send you a Email if I haven't done so already. Thanks Again !!!
Mar 02 2010, 01:32 AM
Registration list for the EIEIO is now available for viewing on the PDGA Tour schedule page.
Mar 02 2010, 07:09 PM
EIEIO Waitlist as of 3/1/2010:
Long pads (MPO/MPM/MA1):
1. Micah Dorius
2. Dale Chambless
3. Daniel Lichtman
4. Patrick Paramore
5. Rocky Brown
6. Chance Stevens
Mixed pads (FPO/MPS/FW1/MA2/MA3/MM1):
1. Eric Simmons
2. E.J. Simmons
3. Michelle Chambless
4. Christina Scantlin
5. Tom Clickner
6. Indigo Brude
7. Michael Hole
I will update this list as changes occur.
Mar 03 2010, 03:48 PM
The final EIEIO disc golf tournament is a scant 11 days away. If you would like to help sponsor this tournament with a very reasonably priced $25 tee sign, please contact me ASAP at:
[email protected]
I'll need artwork or blurbage and payment (I can take paypal) by this coming Sunday March 7th. Your artwork will print full color at approximately 10"x10" on a laminated 11"x17" tee-sign, which you can take with you immediately after the tournament is over. If you don't have artwork, I can put your message in a fairly jazzy font and make it look good.
In any event, please consider helping us put on the farewell tourney for what has been a premier disc golf course in SoCal. Advertise your business, club, or upcoming tournament; give a taunt or shout-out to a friend; or put out pretty much anything within reason...all for only $25!
Mar 07 2010, 04:23 PM
EIEIO Waitlist as of 3/6/2010:
Long pads (MPO/MPM/MA1):
1. Micah Dorius
2. Dale Chambless
3. Daniel Lichtman
4. Rocky Brown
5. Chance Stevens
6. John Tompkins
7. Bart Gebbie
8. Kirk Hinkleman
9. Reese Swinea
Mixed pads (FPO/MPS/FW1/MA2/MA3/MM1):
1. Eric Simmons
2. E.J. Simmons
3. Michelle Chambless
4. Christina Scantlin
5. Tom Clickner
6. Indigo Brude
7. Michael Hole
8. Joe Anderson
9. Eric Kramer
10. Aaron Hagner
11. Emily Hardy
12. Jeff Bozigian
We still have a few tee signs open at $25ea. Contact Rhett if you are interested ASAP!!
Mar 08 2010, 12:42 PM
Sounds like 6 ghost cards to take care of it. No big deal, right?
Just a crazy thought, how about the 4 extra holes in the driving range area like in 2008? That could pack us in real nice.
Mar 08 2010, 03:15 PM
It would take some work to add the 4 extra holes. Also, I don't know if the staff is going to keep the driving range open or not. That being said, if the decision was made to do it, finding the baskets to use in SD would be no problem...
Mar 08 2010, 03:43 PM
Sorry - 76 players is what we planned for and there won't be any change from that. I wish there was a way that we could expand the field to 200, so everyone who has been calling, e-mailing, texting, etc. could play, but there isn't.
Feel free to join us as a spectator on Sunday, the course could use a big send-off (and I hear that a sizeable chunk of Skip's disc collection may find it's way into the raffle...).
Mar 10 2010, 06:05 PM
Pin positions for Sunday's EIEIO:
Round 1 Layout:
1. Standard
2. Left
3. Right
4. Long
5. Left
6. Right
7. Long
8. Left
9. Left
10. Right
11. Long
12. Standard
13. Standard
14. Right
15. Left
16. Right
17. Left
18. Standard
Round 2 Layout:
1. Standard
2. Right
3. Left
4. Right
5. Right
6. Left
7. Right
8. Left
9. Right
10. Left
11. Right
12. Standard
13. Standard
14. Left
15. Right
16. Left
17. Long
18. Standard
Patrick P
Mar 11 2010, 12:18 PM
Played Emerald Isle on Tuesday afternoon with Carl and boy was it windy like I never seen. It was a good learning lesson of how to throw discs on the front nine with a tailwind behind us. Coming back throwing into the headwind was an entirely different matter. Had to throw super overstable discs on all the holes throwing west into the monsterous 15-20mph headwind. Learned the hard way to not throw less stable discs as on 14 my disc drifted all the way to the other side of the course on the southern edge nearly going down the cliff to the street. Don't expect to see conditions like this on Sunday (keeping fingers crossed for everyone that is playing).
Have a great time, wish I was able to play.
Predictions to win in each division:
OPEN - Philo vs Carlo. Carlo has the past history of winning, but Philo is coming out strong this year finishing 2nd at Wintertime open and 3rd in the Memorial (finishing over 2009 World Champ Nikko). Carlo be prepared for Philo to give you the toughest run for your money this year.
OPEN WOMEN - Suzette
MASTERS - Wisecup (w/Nichols or Kirkland nipping at his tail)
SEN GRAND - Garber
ADVANCED - Cody, the kid can play. (Luke, step down and give this kid a run for his money)
ADV MASTERS - Tom Millard
REC - Ryan Meyer
Mar 11 2010, 04:15 PM
EIEIO Waitlist as of 3/11/2010:
Long pads (MPO/MPM/MA1):
1. Dale Chambless
2. Daniel Lichtman
3. Rocky Brown
4. Chance Stevens
5. John Tompkins
6. Bart Gebbie
7. Kirk Hinkleman
8. Reese Swinea
Mixed pads (FPO/MPS/FW1/MA2/MA3/MM1):
1. Eric Simmons
2. E.J. Simmons
3. Michelle Chambless
4. Christina Scantlin
5. Tom Clickner
6. Joe Anderson
7. Eric Kramer
8. Aaron Hagner
9. Emily Hardy
10. Jeff Bozigian
A few small changes. We had our first drop, so Micah joins the open field from the long pad wait list.
PLEASE!!!!!! Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night (Spring forward...) for Daylight Savings. This means Sunday's schedule will start pretty early:
- 7:30-8:30
Players Meeting - 8:45
Round 1 Tee-Off - 9:30
If you haven't signed in by the time the players meeting begins, you will lose your spot, with no refund. Since we're playing on Sunday, the plan is to stay on schedule so our fellow competitors from parts north can get home at a reasonable hour. Getting started on time is the first step.
Mar 12 2010, 05:30 PM
Played Emerald Isle on Tuesday afternoon with Carl and boy was it windy like I never seen. It was a good learning lesson of how to throw discs on the front nine with a tailwind behind us. Coming back throwing into the headwind was an entirely different matter. Had to throw super overstable discs on all the holes throwing west into the monsterous 15-20mph headwind. Learned the hard way to not throw less stable discs as on 14 my disc drifted all the way to the other side of the course on the southern edge nearly going down the cliff to the street. Don't expect to see conditions like this on Sunday (keeping fingers crossed for everyone that is playing).
Have a great time, wish I was able to play.
Predictions to win in each division:
OPEN - Philo vs Carlo. Carlo has the past history of winning, but Philo is coming out strong this year finishing 2nd at Wintertime open and 3rd in the Memorial (finishing over 2009 World Champ Nikko). Carlo be prepared for Philo to give you the toughest run for your money this year.
OPEN WOMEN - Suzette
MASTERS - Wisecup (w/Nichols or Kirkland nipping at his tail)
SEN GRAND - Garber
ADVANCED - Cody, the kid can play. (Luke, step down and give this kid a run for his money)
ADV MASTERS - Tom Millard
REC - Ryan Meyer
Ok I see about 20 things wrong with this post. That being said, I will only correct the obvious. First, Luke shouldn't play down, Cody should play up. Both won major A tiers with a near thousand rated average and probably belong in pro not AM1. In Cody's case, his average was OVER 1000. PLAY UP! Second, Nikko won USDGC. Avery Jenkins is our world champ. Third, I go against making actual predictions on who will win, but I think counting Rhett out in MM1 on his home course would be a mistake. And last, but not least, we know what happens when you underestimate the beanie...
Mar 12 2010, 05:50 PM
Well, I think Cody should probably stay in MA1 to keep his amateur standing for college. CSUSM could use another good golfer for it's run at the U.S. Collegiate Championship next year. Hopefully he won't be the only young'un gunning for MA1 this year.
Yeah, hard to bet against Rhett in MM1, but there's also Thompson, Kvasnicka, Babin, and Maury-Holmes who have tamed the leprechaun before with hot rounds. I may be forgetting a few...
The Open field looks pretty choice. Former champs Carlo, George, Richard T. and perennial strong EI-ers Dorius, Braithwaite, Gomez and the ultra-darkhorse...Gwillim...
Should be fun!
Mar 12 2010, 05:51 PM
EIEIO Waitlist as of 3/11/2010:
Long pads (MPO/MPM/MA1):
1. Daniel Lichtman
2. Rocky Brown
3. Chance Stevens
4. John Tompkins
5. Bart Gebbie
6. Kirk Hinkleman
7. Reese Swinea
Mixed pads (FPO/MPS/FW1/MA2/MA3/MM1):
1. Michelle Chambless
2. Christina Scantlin
3. Tom Clickner
4. Joe Anderson
5. Eric Kramer
6. Aaron Hagner
7. Emily Hardy
8. Jeff Bozigian
A few small changes. One more in off the long pad list and a few drops from the top of the short pad list.
PLEASE!!!!!! Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night (Spring forward...) for Daylight Savings. This means Sunday's schedule will start pretty early:
- 7:30-8:30
Players Meeting - 8:45
Round 1 Tee-Off - 9:30
If you haven't signed in by the time the players meeting begins, you will lose your spot, with no refund. Since we're playing on Sunday, the plan is to stay on schedule so our fellow competitors from parts north can get home at a reasonable hour. Getting started on time is the first step.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Mar 12 2010, 06:14 PM
Well, I think Cody should probably stay in MA1 to keep his amateur standing for college. CSUSM could use another good golfer for it's run at the U.S. Collegiate Championship next year. Hopefully he won't be the only young'un gunning for MA1 this year.
He can play open and decline the cash if he is interested in playing in the Collegiate Championship, or tourneys like Am Nats or Am Worlds...When you finish first in AM1 by 4 strokes over a 120 person field then you get no sympathy from me, move up. Luke did it.
Mar 12 2010, 06:46 PM
Thought I'd toss a question I'm mulling over for others to comment on as we head towards Sunday.
I find myself thinking through the course and being very interested in going for certain shots that under other tourney conditions I might not attempt for risk/reward reasons. Why? This will be my last two rounds at Emerald Isle, ever I guess.
They're all drives. I'll play my mid-range and putting game as the circumstances dictate, as always (either successfully or not). But I find myself drawn towards wanting to try certain shots out of the two-fold desire to a) see if they can be done, as is always intriguing in any time and place and b) "not leave anything in the bag" in playing this particular course that I've loved and will be gone. Something to the effect of "last one out, turn off the lights."
Any thoughts? Are others thinking through their game plan for The Finale differently than they have other tourneys?
Greatly looking forward to playing with and in the midst of many of you on Sunday. I can guarantee that Samuel and Joel are intending to throw over the ponds (Joel has just said shorts only for him, which last year was still a stretch).
Mar 12 2010, 11:56 PM
Don't think I will be doing anything that's not in my standard approach. I have to play within myself to do well. Playing long pads right now it will be a challenge for me to figure out when I can run it over the greens/ponds and when I have to lay up and try to take a par. I think I have a pretty good game plan, we'll see how it works.
My whole goal is to finish one stroke better as it relates to the cash line...in 2008 I was bubble boy for the cash. Giving Cody and the rest of the baggers in MA1 a run for their money would be nice as well.
Mar 13 2010, 12:22 AM
Unfortunately for me, I think I've already played my best round at EI. I just haven't regained enough strength post-spinal surgery to attack the way I once tried to do (and that wasn't really TRUE attacking, was it?). What I'd really like to do is through a clean round - no OB's no bogeys. But I'll watch you go for it Bill - I'll even chide you if you DON'T go for it! ;)
Mar 13 2010, 01:32 AM
Unfortunately for me, I think I've already played my best round at EI. I just haven't regained enough strength post-spinal surgery to attack the way I once tried to do (and that wasn't really TRUE attacking, was it?). What I'd really like to do is through a clean round - no OB's no bogeys. But I'll watch you go for it Bill - I'll even chide you if you DON'T go for it! ;)
Best round for me at E.I. was a 3 down (53) with an ace. I have hopes that I can beat that this weekend; today I shot a 55 there with two penalty strokes.
Mar 13 2010, 09:12 PM
But I'll watch you go for it Bill - I'll even chide you if you DON'T go for it! ;)
I expect nothing less from my friends...
We three can't wait for tomorrow. It's going to be an early wakeup.
Mar 15 2010, 11:08 PM
The grass was green and the skies were blue, albeit windy, for the final EIEIO on Sunday. A dedicated field of disc golfers � 74 of 75 players were PDGA members � showed up to bid a fond farewell to the disc golf course at Emerald Isle, and a wonderful time was had by nearly all who were present. Scot Golia and Skip Winship did a fantastic job of setting up the course � it was in beautiful shape. Randy Wylot and his band of merry spotters kept the play running smoothly throughout the day. Tina�s Deli delivered a tasty lunch, as always. Monica Watkins and Kerri Vogel ran an entertaining and lucrative prize raffle that raised $554 to augment the prize payout � big thanks go to Emerald Isle, Innova, The San Diego Aces, Skip Winship, Scott & Yvonne Jamison and the Stroh Family for their prize donations. Michelle & Dale Chambless and Aaron van Matre � have fun in Vegas! Yvonne � we�ll expect even better putting from you in the future, now that you have that new Traveller basket.
Now, on to the play:
The Men�s Open Pro division provided top-notch entertainment. Philo Braithwaite, Micah Dorius, George Spracklen and Steven Thomas paced the field in the first round, all firing 1000-rated rounds. The afternoon wind proved challenging for all but Richard Thompson and Steven Thomas, who held on in the seven hole final for the win. Being an EI local, Steven�s victory was very popular among those in attendance.
In the Pro Women�s division, Emily Hardy took a two-stroke lead over Suzette Simons after the first round, and added another two strokes to that in the afternoon with a 962-rated round, ending up with a four shot victory. Dan Duron lapped the Men�s Pro Master field, winning by ten strokes over second-place finisher John Kirkland. Scott Jamison prevailed in the "Battle of the Jamisons," also known as the Men�s Pro Senior Grandmaster division.
Cody Kirkland followed up his MA1 win at the Memorial in Arizona with a two stroke victory at the EIEIO. Cody opened up a four shot lead after the first round (how far can he throw a putter?), and maintained that lead over Dan Lichtman after 36 holes. Hard-charging A.J. Risley was down by eight to Cody after the first round, but got back three strokes in Round 2 and three strokes in the 7-hole final � not enough to catch Cody but enough to tie Big D for second place and force a CTP playoff for the trophy, which he won. Michelle Chambless won another title � this time in FW1 � as she came off the waitlist to best Laurie Stroh and Cristina Brow by one shot.
Robert Livingston�s 1004-rated 51 from the mixed pads in the first round ended up giving him the three stroke lead he needed over Ryan Stroh to win his second title in three weeks in Men�s Intermediate (MA2). In the Men�s Recreational Division, Steve "the new one" Valencia fired a 58 in the first round, and held on to his lead to beat Ramon Trevino. And in the Men�s Advanced Master division, co-TD�s Allen Risley and Rhett Stroh shot matching rounds of 55 and 58, one better than Mike Kvasnicka, to force a sudden-death playoff. You�ll have to ask the spectators exactly what happened, but after four playoff holes, the senior member of Team Rizbee had eeked out the patriarch of Stroh Family Disc Golf for the final EIEIO MM1 title.
Many thanks again to all the aforementioned volunteers and to Rhett and Laurie Stroh for their "special" assistance with the payout. While we will all be sorry to see disc golf at EI go away, at least we can do it with another fond memory of a competitive and fun day.
Mar 16 2010, 05:27 PM
Get some sleep Allen. :o
Patrick P
Mar 16 2010, 08:51 PM
Ok I see about 20 things wrong with this post. That being said, I will only correct the obvious. First, Luke shouldn't play down, Cody should play up. Both won major A tiers with a near thousand rated average and probably belong in pro not AM1. In Cody's case, his average was OVER 1000. PLAY UP! Second, Nikko won USDGC. Avery Jenkins is our world champ. Third, I go against making actual predictions on who will win, but I think counting Rhett out in MM1 on his home course would be a mistake. And last, but not least, we know what happens when you underestimate the beanie...
You are right about Nikko as the 2009 USDGC, not the world champ, my bad.
You should look at your prior post on the 2009 EIEIO event. The EIEIO is a fun event. I wish I could play, but I will at least be there to help out, watch the action, and of course, talk a little trash. So who does everybody think will win? Here are my predictions:
Open: Pelg over Dorius
Masters: Wisecup over everyone
Advanced: If Dave Roper shows up, I pick him. If Rave Doper shows up, my money is on Parnell or Nash.
Adv. Masters: Wylot over Hauser and the Z-Slinger (Danny Z)
Intermediate: Tyberg pulls the upset over Ballestas and Price
Rec: Hard not to pick Alex Lawn, who I think would have a good shot against the aformentioned names in intermediate
Lastly, I see about 20 things wrong with your 2nd round score. Just poking fun at you!
Mar 16 2010, 10:02 PM
Nice. Can't you see i've learned since then?
Not how to play disc golf though apparently. Just not to make predictions on who would win in any given tournament, because anything can happen.
And as far as my round two is concerned, it's like Parnell said. I stopped at the 76 station to get some gas and forgot to play golf. So I just posted the 76 as my score.
Mar 17 2010, 02:23 AM
Nice. Can't you see i've learned since then?
Not how to play disc golf though apparently. Just not to make predictions on who would win in any given tournament, because anything can happen.
And as far as my round two is concerned, it's like Parnell said. I stopped at the 76 station to get some gas and forgot to play golf. So I just posted the 76 as my score.
Nice, To bad it wasnt a Philips 66 gas station.....Spin iTT
Mar 17 2010, 02:26 PM
I think Carl decided to stay at the Super 8 motel right near hole 7. ;)
Mar 17 2010, 07:47 PM
I think Carl decided to stay at the Super 8 motel right near hole 7. ;)
That would be the Super 8 Double P deluxe motel thank you very much. LOL
I think i had something ridiculous like 12 penalties in that round. At least I can laugh about it now. I think that needed to happen to me, anyway.
Mar 18 2010, 12:56 AM
That would be the Super 8 Double P deluxe motel thank you very much. LOL
I think i had something ridiculous like 12 penalties in that round. At least I can laugh about it now. I think that needed to happen to me, anyway.
I'm finding that I need to be able to laugh at things like that during the round, so I can then let go of them. Once the OB is done its done - no sense getting angry.
Zen Golf is helping...
Mar 18 2010, 10:48 AM
I'm finding that I need to be able to laugh at things like that during the round, so I can then let go of them. Once the OB is done its done - no sense getting angry.
Zen Golf is helping...
I had a bit of an explosion after the 8, although I felt I was under control...the thing that sucked about it most is that it really took all the momentum I had and threw it right out the window, and I had no ability to muster the effort to get back on track after that. But that is why you never give up, because it leads to efforts like my second round Sunday.
I did have one first in that round. The first time I ever gave up completely in a tournament. I can guarantee you it will be my last.
Not quite at Zen status yet, but i'm learning...
Patrick P
Mar 18 2010, 12:34 PM
The quicker you can move forward from a bad shot, the better your next one will be. Mistakes and bad shots happen to anyone and everyone, it's how we respond to them and how we proceed to go forward that makes us greater players.
During the St. Patrick's classic, I kept missing 25-35ft birdie putts on every other hole during the 3rd round. I was playing conservatively, but after missing 3 birdie opportunities in a row (holes 11, 12, 13 Shady Oaks), I tried to force a putt and ended up 3 putting for bogie on 14 to move back to par. It was difficult to accept what I just done, but luckily on the next hole there was a slight backup, and I was able to recompose.
One of the tougher holes of the course was next, Hole 15, the island hole, where I had picked up a 6pp in the rain on my first round. I called out to the Zen gods, forgot about the 3putt on the last hole, and threw a drive that almost hit chains, and landed 12 ft out, and made birdie putt.
To me, that was the turning point, to realize that no matter what happens on the last shot, to not look back, and put all your effort and confidence to focus on the very next shot.