Patrick P
Mar 15 2010, 05:45 PM
I know this is going to be a touchy subject for many, so I please ask to use discretion and courtesy before posting responses. I'm not trying to start an anti-smoking ban. The state of California and certain counties have passed laws forbidding smoking in parks and beaches. There was an article in the San Diego Newspaper today about this and that is what prompted to discuss this issue:
I understand the current PDGA stance on this issue: 801.01F. Courtesy dictates that players who smoke should not allow their smoke to disturb other players.
Several points to make here:
1. There are laws that dictate non-smoking in parks, (I'm not sure of which parks, if it is by county, or by state). Can anyone chime in on the current laws in place in California?
2. In many sports (i.e. golf) I believe players cannot smoke during play. Again, maybe someone can chime in on the rules in PGA? (since this is the closest related sport).
3. So with current laws in place and other sports preventing smoking during play, how come the PDGA has relaxed rules regarding this activity?
4. I plan to have family members come out and watch in an upcoming event, is it my responsibility to make other players aware of the laws in place, and 801.01F?
5. If you are a smoker, what is the proper etiquette for a player to proceed to tell 3 out of 4 players on the card to avoid smoking on the tee-pad, around the benches, and while walking through paths leading to the basket when the 4th player does not smoke and family members are interested in following to watch the game?
Bottom-line, when will the disc golf community as a whole come together to project a more professional and respectful attitude towards the population we are trying to attract to help the growth of our sport? Are we expected to discourage bringing family and youth to these events because of the current activities that occur on a regular basis in PDGA sanctioned events?
Again, I please ask to use discretion and courtesy before posting responses. Thank you.
Mar 15 2010, 05:52 PM
A portion of the Live Oak City Park in Texas is on school property. There is no smoking on this park. During events I beleave that some TDs have stated they would DQ anyone in violation of the rule. Tell the people the same way you would in your own home. As gently as possible.
Mar 15 2010, 05:57 PM
Players can smoke in PGA events.Remember the US Open when the Angel Cabrara was puffing like no tomorrow with the pressure mounting and of course Big John Daly goes thru 2 packs a round.It's frowned upon I'm sure but within the rules.
Mar 15 2010, 06:19 PM
I think 804.05.A.(4) covers this without the help of 801.
Mar 15 2010, 06:57 PM
The PGA does allow smoking during a round and always has
Mar 15 2010, 07:44 PM
Perhaps we should also explore disc golfers who did not shower after the big party the night before and stinks of sangria.
Mar 15 2010, 10:31 PM
The State of California has banned smoking in State Parks and State Beaches. Note the capitalization - that means parks and beaches owned/managed by the State of California, not all parks/beaches in California. Local governments are responsible for the laws governing their parks and/or beaches.
In San Marcos, where I live, the City Council passed an ordinance last year prohibiting smoking in parks, except for in designated smoking zones. This was after the Community Services Commission formerly requested such an ordinance. Anyone smoking on the course during our PDGA-sanctioned Ice Bowl last month would have been subject to DQ, as outlined in 804.05.A.(4)
So, as far as Yucaipa Regional Park is concerned, you should check with the San Bernardino County Parks and Recreation Department - it's their call.
Mar 15 2010, 11:34 PM
Our Beachwood Tournament is on a private course and we allow smoking but if you do not dispose of butts correctly....I will DQ your *** in a NY minute. After BWC #1 I personally spent 6 hours making the course right. (This includes the camping area.)
Mar 19 2010, 12:27 PM
I made a mistake in my previous post about a smoking ban in California State Parks. That law has not been passed - it was approved by the Senate but fell 5 votes shy of passage by the Assembly this week.
804.05.A.(4) is still in effect, though.
Patrick P
Mar 19 2010, 02:05 PM
Yes, and 801.01F is still in effect as well. I don't mind people smoking as long as it is away from play. It would be courteous and the right thing to do if smokers would actually ask their card before they light up. If that means asking players to not smoke around the teebox, then so be it.
Mar 19 2010, 02:37 PM
i'm a smoker, and i smoke while i play. but, i have asked every card i've been on before lighting up (not on the tee box, and usually on a longer hole, where i can finish my ciggarette before we all putt out). a buddy of mine has asthma and the smoke kills him. and there has been a couple of people who have asked me not to smoke around them, so i didn't. it's just a respect thing. not everyone likes it.
it is courteous to, not really ask permission, but be sure that you're not going to offend or get anyone sick. and if a smoker is gonna get mad when someone does ask them not to smoke, that's just tough ****. the smoker needs to get over it and have more respect.
and my drink carrier has plenty of room to put butts in. people who leave their butts on the ground are a whole different breed of jack***
Mar 19 2010, 02:57 PM
Ish I honestly never even noticed you smoking and I am an ex smoker so I usually notice that.
Mar 19 2010, 11:09 PM
Disc Golf has certainly come a long way. Only 10 years ago I ostracized because I came against smoking pot on the course.
But, smoking is not against the law, and I smoke. In fact, in my town, you can still smoke EVERYWHERE, and you will find an ash tray in almost every home.
I like it here!
Mar 21 2010, 09:56 PM
Here in Norman,OK smoking is banned in public parks and since all three of our courses are public they shouldn't do it at any time but do. However since not knowing pdga rules completely I would think if it is a sactioned tourny then the pdga would want the td to enforce act as the local laws are and if smoking is banned and during a round someone does then they will have to kick them out.
Mar 22 2010, 01:09 PM
Smoking is banned in Norman????? Wow
Mar 22 2010, 01:27 PM
only thing smoking is good for is to get a good read of the wind direction...
Mar 22 2010, 02:06 PM
banning smoking outside lol.....people are so dumb
Mar 22 2010, 02:49 PM
Smoking cigarettes... People are so dumb.
Mar 22 2010, 03:07 PM
Smoking is banned in Norman????? Wow
Only in public parks and most restaruants/bars if thier sales of food is more than 50% of the total sales then they would not be considered a bar, as I mentioned though I do not know of anyone who has been ticked for somking in the parks and I assume it happens but I was just making reference to it because I would think the TD who have to kick someone out if it is sactioned tourny and they got caught.
Patrick P
Mar 22 2010, 03:54 PM
It was enjoyable this weekend to play three rounds smoke free without even having to bring it up once, thank you! I'm sure there can be an endless debate on the pros (if any) and cons (many) on smoking cigarettes. As long as smokers adhere to the rules of the PDGA (801.01F) and the park regulations/state laws, then I have no problem with the choices people make to their own health. (Well, since Obama is trying to pass a nationwide health care system, then that could be an entirely new debate.) Bottom line, keep your smoke away from non-smokers then we can all enjoy are own personal freedoms.
Mar 23 2010, 12:59 PM
Smoking cigarettes... People are so dumb.
Now that was funny
Patrick P
Mar 23 2010, 02:09 PM
Now that was funny LOL, I got a kick out of that too. Sad thing about cigs is watching a family member smoke for 20+ years, and then watch them battle cancer that almost took their life. That's maybe why I feel so strongly about not smoking cigs. Just looking out for the folks out there!
Mar 23 2010, 02:52 PM
When I smoked I always said the only thing worse than a non-smoker is a quitter. Once I quit I knew how true it was. Smoked for eleven years. April 27th will be eight years for me. I have saved upwards of $14000 dollars in that time.
Apr 10 2010, 03:52 PM
If smoking is banned in a public park then the PDGA should take action if a player in that tourney is smoking DQ for sure, I smoke. If people where there doing whatever and the local PD saw them Im sure they would be subject to the law,warning,ticket,Kicked out od the park and so on. No Smoking=No Smoking weather your outside or not. Maine has laws agaisnt allowing your dog to run on some beaches w/o a leash. If an owner gets caught they get a fine. Why should smoking be any different. State parks state no smoking then its the law.
Apr 20 2010, 07:50 AM
If others smoking ban laws are the same as Bowling Green KY city parks.....the parks department has said they can't, and won't enforce the laws, unless a problem occurs.
The Tournament Director that stated he would DQ anyone who smokes during a PDGA event is causing more problems for Disc Golf than solving them....sounds like a lot of self importance issues to me, so get off the soapbox, or get a badge.
......are you going to DQ anyone that curses.....parks illegally......speeds through the parking lot.....turns their stereo up to loud in between rounds???
Get over yourselves, concentrate on more sponsors, smile and thank the players who come to your tournaments....instead of threatening them....
I tell my players before a tournament about the law....ask them to use common sense, discretion, respect your group, and don't litter.....we've never had a problem.
Big Shot
May 12 2010, 11:56 AM
in california its legal to smoke pot for medicinal purposes and will probably be legal for rec use by next year, now formy medicinal purpose what would be the fair ruling if it is legal, should people not be able to take motrin?
May 12 2010, 12:12 PM
PDGA Competition Manual, Section 3.3B:
B. Players are expected to behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner while participating in a PDGA sanctioned event. Actions that are in violation of this conduct include but are not limited to:
� Loud cursing
� Throwing items in anger (other than discs in play)
� Overt rudeness
� Destruction, abuse or vandalism of property, including animals, and plant life
� Cheating or willful attempt to circumvent the rules of play
� Physical attacks or threatening behavior.
� Any activities which are in violation of Federal, State, local laws or ordinances and park regulations.
� Excessive use of alcohol or the use of illegal substances at the tournament site.
� Underage drinking
(emphasis added)
Motrin = legal
MJ = illegal
May 12 2010, 01:14 PM
PDGA Competition Manual, Section 3.3B:
(emphasis added)
Motrin = legal
MJ = illegal
yea, but in CA and CO, smoking pot IS legal, so according to the PDGA rules, smoking pot is allowed during tournament play as long as its not against any local or park rule. OF COURSE, it technically ISN'T legal if you ask the federal government, so what now?
I smoked for 12 years, just quit 5 months ago. I couldn't imagine playing a round of DG without smoking at least 1 or 2 cigs, if not 8 or 9. Luckily, I found the E-Cig. Now I can smoke indoors, at Home Depot, the hospital, my wife even lets me smoke in my house, WOOHOO. I do get weird looks but who cares. SMOKING BANS DONT APPLY TO ECIGS, cause its steam or vapor, not smoke.
May 12 2010, 01:18 PM
yea, but in CA and CO, smoking pot IS legal, so according to the PDGA rules, smoking pot is allowed during tournament play as long as its not against any local or park rule. OF COURSE, it technically ISN'T legal if you ask the federal government, so what now?
What now?!?! Are you literate?!?!
The PDGA rule is CRYSTAL clear. I will post it again, slowly for you this time:
Players are expected to behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner while participating in a PDGA sanctioned event. Actions that are in violation of this conduct include but are not limited to:
� Any activities which are in violation of Federal, State, local laws or ordinances and park regulations.
May 12 2010, 02:49 PM
Besides, the laws and ordinances banning smoking in parks aren't limited to tobacco. You can't smoke, tobacco, marijuana or your old dirty socks in these parks. Think about the intent of the law - smoke is bad for people to inhale - so it doesn't matter what type of smoke.
May 13 2010, 11:59 AM
well the problem with the all powerful feds is they make laws without considering ,that us in are illiterate states like Ca, or Co., Can think on our own and make laws on our own. So that is why there is so much tax dollars goin to waste in court trying to figure out who is more right.And by the way Riz lets start a bill to ban BBQs in parks because of the smoke, or hey how about no vehicles that cause pollution.
May 13 2010, 12:02 PM
well the problem with the all powerful feds is they make laws without considering ,that us in are illiterate states like Ca, or Co., Can think on our own and make laws on our own. So that is why there is so much tax dollars goin to waste in court trying to figure out who is more right.And by the way Riz lets start a bill to ban BBQs in parks because of the smoke, or hey how about no vehicles that cause pollution.
?????? :confused: ??????
You do seem to be in an illiterate state�
May 13 2010, 01:20 PM
?????? :confused: ??????
You do seem to be in an illiterate state�
:D:D:D I nominate this for the "Post Of The Day".
May 20 2010, 09:03 AM
:D:D:D I nominate this for the "Post Of The Day".
I second that quote of the day:)
Any activities which are in violation of Federal, State, local laws or ordinances and park regulations......
OK, looks like the PDGA covers a lot with this rule.....but......I would like to see how the Federal (IRS), State, local laws/ordinances (City Licensing), and park regulations really feel about folks running PDGA events where money changes hands/food is served/etc......
are local city and state taxes being paid?
has the local health department approved the food?
who is paying the federal income taxes?
are proper city licenses being applied for and granted?
Is the insurance offered by the PDGA enough coverage for every park in the US?
This seems more important than keeping a few folks from smoking descreetly during a round....
that's why we just need to use common sense, and police ourselves in a smart, respectful way.......
May 20 2010, 11:40 AM
Great in theory, but in reality the discretion part of the bargain is almost never met.
May 20 2010, 02:26 PM
And, all of the questions he is bringing up have nothing to do with the Rules of Play.
Jun 17 2010, 03:47 AM
I doubt that the "medicinal purposes" law could be stretched to use of pot on a disc golf course. Unless the law was written by the PDGA Rules Committee, and brought up on this board.
No, that's not really intended as a dig at the rules committee. I just wanted to say it, since I'm sort of surprised some of the whiners haven't.
Jun 17 2010, 04:07 PM
I don't think the medicinal use law would cover consuming marijuana in a public park, but I haven't done painstaking research on it. However, I definitely don't think it's a good idea for someone to bring their medicinal pot to the disc golf course, and then LITTER THE COURSE WITH THEIR EMPTY MEDICAL MARIJUANA VIAL. I'm glad that I was the person who picked it up off the ground last Saturday, while I was playing in our weekly doubles league - especially since I found it on the ground about 50ft away from a popular piece of kid's play equipment.
Not too bright.
Jun 17 2010, 09:39 PM
[QUOTE=go18under;1426107]I second that quote of the day:)
I Dizcreatly third dat dere cwote of de day!
Dose colliforniyuns are darned stoopeid, Y'all shood stayed awayed from dere.
Got a smoke?
Jun 17 2010, 11:15 PM
[QUOTE=go18under;1426107]I second that quote of the day:)
I Dizcreatly third dat dere cwote of de day!
Dose colliforniyuns are darned stoopeid, Y'all shood stayed awayed from dere.
Got a smoke?
Got a light?