Apr 12 2010, 12:12 PM
Might not be the right club to let this be known, but I lost a 1st run black disc with a yellow stamp Surge out on hole 9 at Manor this past Sunday. Would love to have this disc back...it is my "the one" disc. Will pay to get it back if I must. Should have a name and number on the bottom - Jason Moore 325-653-4809

Thanks for any help!

PS, loved the course other than losing my most favorite disc of all time! The pro tees kicked our butts!

Apr 13 2010, 01:01 AM
It's as good a place to post as any. I'll let you know if it gets turned in to Waterloo or if I see it at the HOTT Manor event.

Apr 13 2010, 08:51 AM
Thanks Lou!