May 10 2010, 01:00 PM
Rocs are coming! I have 13 CFR incolor rocs left for the Monkey trap open. Pre order yours today. This event is going to be great you won't want to miss it. July 10th , 2010 I already have $2400.00 raised for this event. So far 1st place open, advanced, and Intermediate will win a one of a kind Monkey trap. Please help support this event with the purchase of one of these rocs while supplies last.

See Northwest Arkansas board for picture

Jun 29 2010, 10:31 AM
The 1st Monkey Trap Open is almost here! PRE-Registration directions below! - Jun 28th, 2010
On July 10th in Springdale, AR, the 1st Monkey Trap Open will be held at the Sports Life course. Sports Life is the first course that has installed the Monkey Trap baskets. If you have not played on them, you are in for a treat! I guarantee one thing, "It is better for a basket to Trap than to catch!" Experience the Monkey Traps at the self titled tournament!

Registration can be done at my shop or simply send the amount (plus a $2.00 Paypal fee / entry) through paypal to my account [email protected] You will find the entry amounts on the flier (to the right under the Tournament Schedule heading). Name, Division, PDGA # (if you are current), and shirt size. If you have any questions please feel free to call me (417) 818-7165.

I will be giving three (3) Monkey Trap baskets away at this event valued at $1,200!!! Here is how they will be given away. The first place finisher in the Open and Advanced Men's Division will receive one. The Open champion will pick the one he wants followed by the Advanced champion. The third Trap will be given away in a raffle. All other division winners will be placed in a (hat, box, or bag) and who ever is drawn will win. I really don't know of any other tournament that has ever given out 3 baskets at this value! I'm sure it may have happened, but for a "C" Tier!?

Get registered early, and come see what the hype is all about...Get Trapped!

Jul 06 2010, 05:48 PM
Who else is planning on making this event!

Jul 08 2010, 09:09 AM
Who else is planning on making this event!

We are also going to have Friday night doubles. The cost will be $20 bring your own partner. We will have a rolling start beginning at 3:30

Big Easy
Jul 08 2010, 10:56 AM
Who else is planning on making this event!
Didn't even become aware of it until this week :(

Jul 08 2010, 11:16 AM
Have at least 8 confirmed...let's go get those Monkey Traps and bring them back to Tulsa!!

Chris Hatton
Jul 09 2010, 08:25 AM
anyone going to the dubs today and comming back tonight?