May 25 2010, 03:43 PM
The 3rd Annual Bella Vista Open May 29th and 30th - May 13th, 2010
The 3rd annual Lake Bella Vista Open is the next stop on the Monkey Tour 2010. This will be the Monkey's first two day event. Several of the same sponsors are on board again with some new sponsors as well. The event is shaping up nicely.

On line registration is available just like last event. Simply send the amount (plus a $2.00/Am & Jr and $3/Pro player for the Paypal fee) through paypal to my account [email protected] You will find the entry amounts on the flier. Add your information with the payment: Name, Division, PDGA # (if you are current), shirt size. We will have 100 players packs with a shirt and an Innova Flat Top Roc. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at (417) 818-7165. See you in Bentonville!

May 25 2010, 07:46 PM
All info for this event can be found on www.discgolfmonkey.com