Jun 01 2010, 11:22 PM
Jun 02 2010, 07:38 PM
Consider me there! Awesome course!
First year got rained on, wet as a dog and I think 2nd pl.
Second year 100plus temps. Played like I only had 1 leg.
Third year ??????????? We shall see. This and Hell on the Border are the 2 events I will NEVER miss while I am playing disc golf. Lets pack the place!
Jun 02 2010, 11:03 PM
I love the Alma Greens. Where are the three new holes. Sure dig those 1 dayers.
Jun 03 2010, 09:41 AM
I have to go back just to see if I can get through it without cramping up into a ball on the ground.:D
Jun 03 2010, 11:45 AM
I love the Alma Greens. Where are the three new holes. Sure dig those 1 dayers.
basically between hole 9 & 10 (in the shade!!)
9A: Tee by 1st picnic across path from the pavilion - downhill, basket close to lake OB on path
9B: Tee where sidewalk towards dock from handicap access starts, short uphill - double mando
9C: Tee will either be on the dock or close to the entrance of the dock - steep uphill but reachable - basket elevated on picnic table
The guardian tree on 18 has been butchered - we are considering moving the basket so it isn't an automatic circle 3
Thinking about moving the tee and perhaps the basket on #6 also
each of the cliff holes will have a drop zone with an OB line around 5 feet from the edge of the cliff the whole way (I really want to keep people away from the edge for safety)
Jun 03 2010, 12:02 PM
Jun 03 2010, 02:24 PM
Looking for something to do the Friday or Saturday of the Alma Greens??
Check out the 20th Annual Riverfront Blues Festival in Fort Smith
website: www.riverfrontbluesfest.org (http://www.riverfrontbluesfest.org/)
only $10 per day, kids under 12 free with an adult
Friday, June 25th, 2010
5:30 Gates
6:00-6:40 Copesetic
7:00-8:00 Wisebird
8:20-9:30 Band of Heathens
10:00-11:30/11:45 Grace Potter & The Nocturnals
Saturday, June 26th, 2010
4:00 Gates
4:15-4:45 Copesetic
5:00-5:45 JP Soars & The Red Hots
6:00-6:45 Mark May
7:05-8:00 Honey Island Swamp Band
8:20-9:30 JJ Grey & Mofro........................ (way good music!!)
10:00-11:30/11:45 Delbert McClinton.........I've seen this guy jam with Phish - great musician
Jun 03 2010, 04:47 PM
... some Lucky Player will win their FREE ENTRY into the Alma Greens Event next weekend at The Haikey Classic ...
Jun 03 2010, 04:55 PM
Thank you Wayne, I appreciate that. I just didin't expect you to announce me as the winner until after the event.:D
Jun 03 2010, 05:00 PM
... could be ... ya never know ...
Jun 14 2010, 08:11 PM
:DAlma Greens Pre-Registered Players may be viewed by clicking here (http://www.pdga.com/discussion/../tournament-results?TournID=10684#Open):D
If you are planning on attending please e-mail or call me
I will hold your spot, you can pay the morning of
if something happens and you can't make it, please let me know :)
if you show up on the day of....if you get in....there will be a $5 late fee
We have added a highly coveted 04 USDGC Battle Roc to the EDGE Raffle, valued at $125 or more!!
more secrets to be revealed later.......:eek:
Jun 15 2010, 09:28 AM
For those that haven't played this course, get your butts over there. Drink lots of water the day before, you'll need it.
Evan puts on a great event and always has the course ready for us. Plus you can get a good lunch at the bottom of the hill.
Jun 15 2010, 07:52 PM
:DUPDATED PRE-REG LIST:D (http://www.pdga.com/discussion/../tournament-results?TournID=10684#Open)
Tournament Dry Fit T-Shirts are now in the first 100 registered players packs
Pro & Ams at no charge to payout for the shirts
first 100 registered players pack value exceeds $40 for ams, $20 for pros with the high quality t-shirt
send shirt sizes to my e-mail to insure that you get the proper fit
also.....Laser Engraved Solid Walnut Trophy Discs to all division winners :)
Jun 16 2010, 07:20 PM
:DUPDATED PRE-REG LIST:D (http://www.pdga.com/discussion/../tournament-results?TournID=10684#Open)
The winner of advanced will be receiving a bonus shopping spree with KEEN Footwear - worth $150
The same package is also in the EDGE raffle
KEEN is a great supporter of Disc Golf and the EDGE program :)
e-mail me if you are not pre-regged and plan on coming
also e-mail me if you haven't gave me your t-shirt size for the Dry Fit Tournament Shirt
Jun 16 2010, 09:28 PM
sweet, now I don't have to buy any disc golf shoes this summer.
Make sure those are 11's :)
Jun 18 2010, 07:18 PM
Hey Hinds, the adv. winner & the raffle winner will get to shop online at KEEN's website and pick-out whatever they need and let me know....I'll have it shipped to them - KEEN has all sorta neat stuff other than shoes, they have some real nice bags & clothing also
:DUPDATED PRE-REG LIST:D (http://www.pdga.com/discussion/../tournament-results?TournID=10684#Open)
If you are planning on attending and have not pre-regged...please do
just e-mail me and let me know, you can pay when you get to the course
I'd need to know, Name, Div., PDGA#, PDGA current or not, T-Shirt Size
If you haven't gave me a t-shirt size, please do to insure you get a proper fit (Dry Fits do not shrink)
Players that just show up on Saturday not pre-regged will pay $5 extra, if they get in, this event can fill
On Friday, June 25th, I'll be at the course all day :D
I hope to have the course in it's 21 hole configuration, along with the 2 alternate baskets (#6 & #18 will be modified), this depends on the availability of the temp baskets that day
if not available on Friday, the temps will still be marked and for doubles we'd play the original 18
OB will be clearly marked and rules sheets available
FRIDAY DOUBLES - BYOP or find one there - 100% payout
flex tee offs, 2pm - 7pm, must have 4 to a card
$20 per team
Pro & Am division - top 1/3 pay out - CASH payout for PROs - MERCH payout for Ams
payout will be available on Saturday
Jun 20 2010, 10:33 PM
Can you add me to the Pre reg. list please? I'll take an XL shirt please. Thanks Evan.
Jun 20 2010, 11:00 PM
gotcha Kyle, thanks!!
Jun 21 2010, 06:06 AM
Guess who won entry into this event at the Haikey Creek Classic in Tulsa OK.
I get to play disc golf at Alma during the day and go to a Delbert McClinton concert that night. How lucky am I....Is there a hotel close to where he is playing?
Jun 21 2010, 02:52 PM
Guess who won entry into this event at the Haikey Creek Classic in Tulsa OK.
I get to play disc golf at Alma during the day and go to a Delbert McClinton concert that night. How lucky am I....Is there a hotel close to where he is playing?
nicest Hotel close to the River Front Ampitheatre would be the Holiday Inn
website: http://www.holiday-inn.com/hotels/us/en/fsmdt/hoteldetail
Days Inn would be the most affordable, 1025 Garrison, Ave. - 1-800-329-7466
there are also a few lesser desirable motels if you are brave
Delbert McClinton is awesome!!
I would definitely suggest checking out MOFRO also
These are good places if anyone is planning on hitting the blues festival
for just lodging at the Alma Greens: check out Meadors Inn
website: http://www.meadorsinn.com/
Alma is 10-15 minutes north of Fort Smith
Jun 21 2010, 03:05 PM
Even, please make sure you do something about the heat in Alma or should I narrow it down to doing something about the heat on that spill way.:(
Please have volunteers ready with a hoses up and down those holes or maybe you could get the fire department to sit on the bluff and hose us down going up that hill.:D
Jun 21 2010, 03:09 PM
Don't worry about it Evan. Just tell Wise to park his truck at the bottom of "the hill" with his AC running and he'll quit and never have to walk up that hill.
Big Easy
Jun 21 2010, 03:19 PM
Evan M.
You have a PM
Jun 21 2010, 03:26 PM
Don't worry about it Evan. Just tell Wise to park his truck at the bottom of "the hill" with his AC running and he'll quit and never have to walk up that hill.
I would but that is like hole 4. Now if it was hole 15, I'd be in business.
Jun 21 2010, 06:31 PM
Even, please make sure you do something about the heat in Alma or should I narrow it down to doing something about the heat on that spill way.:(
Please have volunteers ready with a hoses up and down those holes or maybe you could get the fire department to sit on the bluff and hose us down going up that hill.:D
No problem, weather is calling for 76 degrees, only thing is that's the low, the high is the same as my Tulsa Tag, 99, but what do the weather men know?? :eek:
Everyone: HYDRATE, drink LOTS of Water (in the days BEFORE the event), BRING EXTRA WATER, use an umbrella for shade in the 6 open holes
get rested before the tournament, if you don't party alot the night before, you'll be better off
we will have 40+ gallons of cold water on the course and will refill during lunch
Most of all, be ready to have FUN on an outstanding course with lots of high quality prizes and cash payouts :D
Jun 21 2010, 06:40 PM
BLAST from the PAST
does TwoPutt look tired at 1:05 ?
<object height="405" width="660">
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/42lO-vGexKo&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="405" width="660"></object>
Big Easy
Jun 21 2010, 08:27 PM
Can't see the pic.
Its just a white box.
Post another way please.
Jun 21 2010, 08:41 PM
hey Dale, link to you tube video....
Link to updated Pre-Reg
if you are coming and haven't had a spot reserved, contact me, e-mail, PM, post, phone - need name, div., pdga#, t-shirt size (dry fits don't shrink)
if you show up morning of without having a spot reserved, if we have room, there is a $5 late fee
Decision on course layout is: definitely 21 hole layout, even if we don't go over 90 players
Hole 6 & 18 will stay original instead of alternates
Looking forward to it, so Bring It On Okies :D
Jun 22 2010, 03:30 PM
Evan, when you get a chance move me to Grandmasters.
Big Easy
Jun 22 2010, 03:53 PM
Evan, when you get a chance move me to Grandmasters.
OH OH OH me too.... in 3 and 1/2 years....
If I could come play, I have to work... One of those things I can't get out of...
Kyle in 10 more years :( :( :(
Evan any info on Bags tags RE: my PM ?
Jun 22 2010, 06:17 PM
Evan, when you get a chance move me to Grandmasters.
Will do Kyle, looks like 4 Pro GM now :)
Big Easy
Jun 22 2010, 07:12 PM
Kyle in 10 more years :( :( :(
OOOPS Wrong Kyle.
Mr. Power I presume :)
Jun 22 2010, 08:34 PM
Mr. Power. I like that!
Jun 22 2010, 10:44 PM
Hey Mr. Power, what size t-shirt do you wear??
Jun 23 2010, 09:37 AM
XL for me!
Jun 23 2010, 03:03 PM
Thanks Mr. Power :D
Jun 23 2010, 09:37 PM
:DUPDATED PRE-REG LIST:D (http://www.pdga.com/discussion/../tournament-results?TournID=10684#Open)
If you are planning on attending and have not pre-regged...please do
just e-mail me and let me know, you can pay when you get to the course
I'd need to know, Name, Div., PDGA#, PDGA current or not, T-Shirt Size
If you haven't gave me a t-shirt size, please do to insure you get a proper fit (Dry Fits do not shrink)
Players that just show up on Saturday not pre-regged will pay $5 extra, if they get in, this event can fill
Jun 24 2010, 08:02 PM
:DUPDATED PRE-REG LIST:D (http://www.pdga.com/discussion/../tournament-results?TournID=10684#Open)
we currently have 38 spots left, we are capped at 105
I will not be around a computer on Friday, I'll be reachable by phone, 479-651-0417
I will be at Alma at the course all day
Bring your partner or find one there
it will be the 21 hole tournament layout with LOTS of OB :eek:
2pm till 7pm flex starts
PRO and AM divisions
$20 per team 100% payout, Pros cash, Ams merch
I will have players packs and taking sign-ups till close to dark
Jun 25 2010, 12:58 AM
stay cool evan. You got a looong weekend ahead of you! I am paying a personel chauffer to drive me down. He's an o.k. golfer as well :)
Jun 25 2010, 10:01 AM
That ok golfer is considering going down this afternoon. Evan has the 21 hole set up in and I want to play it. You may want a back up plan.
Jun 25 2010, 11:27 AM
lots of out of bounds rope eh? normally I'm a fan, but it's just a one day tournament that some people won't get to practice before hand, sounds pretty weak to me. just another advantage for locals who get to play it today.
rant over.
Jun 25 2010, 11:55 AM
I had a last minute change of plans and decided to go to Alma later this afternoon.
"It's my birthday and I'll play if I want to...."
Jun 25 2010, 02:51 PM
lots of out of bounds rope eh? normally I'm a fan, but it's just a one day tournament that some people won't get to practice before hand, sounds pretty weak to me. just another advantage for locals who get to play it today.
rant over.
Too many ropes? then you must hate the USDGC :D
Jun 25 2010, 03:19 PM
Too many ropes? then you must hate the USDGC :D
That course is set up well in advance of the tournament giving all competitors traveling there equal opportunity to practice it and be aware of the places that are out of bounds. It also produces a caddy book to show where OB lines occur.
Adding a ton of OB rope to a course that 50% of the players are traveling to from out of town, doesnt really make it fair to the travelers that can't make it till the morning of the tournament.
But, to counter my own arguement, I could just throw it underneath the basket everytime and not worry about the OB... I guess I should just be perfect and amazing every throw then....
OB rope fail
Jun 25 2010, 03:23 PM
If I sponsor your entry fee Dorries, what percentage of your winnings would you be willing to kick back?:)
Jun 25 2010, 03:25 PM
That course is set up well in advance of the tournament giving all competitors traveling there equal opportunity to practice it and be aware of the places that are out of bounds. It also produces a caddy book to show where OB lines occur.
Adding a ton of OB rope to a course that 50% of the players are traveling to from out of town, doesnt really make it fair to the travelers that can't make it till the morning of the tournament.
But, to counter my own arguement, I could just throw it underneath the basket everytime and not worry about the OB... I guess I should just be perfect and amazing every throw then....
OB rope fail
good point..... However, those who have played the course before from out of town know what to expect. Gotta counter those short holes somehow.
Jun 25 2010, 03:26 PM
If I sponsor your entry fee Dorries, what percentage of your winnings would you be willing to kick back?:)
i'll give you all of my discs that i might win! i just wanna play.
Jun 25 2010, 04:04 PM
If I sponsor your entry fee Dorries, what percentage of your winnings would you be willing to kick back?:)
thanks for the offer, dispite the ropes, I still like my chances :)
Chris Hatton
Jun 25 2010, 05:47 PM
u can sponsor me for 50% kick back furdog :P i been playin pretty **** good lately, i could prolly get last cash in pro :)
Jun 25 2010, 05:59 PM
Dude....you're not even pre-registered. How do I even know you would show up???
I didn't expect Dorries to take it but me betting on you would be like betting on Mr Ed.:)
Jun 25 2010, 06:11 PM
I had a last minute change of plans and decided to go to Alma later this afternoon.
"It's my birthday and I'll play if I want to...."
Obviously your wife doesn't read the board!:D See you tomorrow! And Happy Birthday!!
Chris Hatton
Jun 25 2010, 06:26 PM
Dude....you're not even pre-registered. How do I even know you would show up???
I didn't expect Dorries to take it but me betting on you would be like betting on Mr Ed.:)
im pre reg now, just called evan and told him furdog was sending a check, should be updated tonight, and im riding up with duff so ill be there, 50% is a pretty good cut :) and betting on brian would be like bettin on mr ed, ive already got 1 pro cash this year so at least i can say i got pro cashes on my resume, better than some horses people bet on :)
Jun 25 2010, 06:34 PM
Sorry but you're application for sponsorship has been denied.
Maybe next year.:D
Jun 25 2010, 06:38 PM
Sorry but you're application for sponsorship has been denied.
Maybe next year.:D
ahh phooy, thats it I challenge you to a match, Loser shaves their head!!! How many strokes do you need! lol
Jun 25 2010, 06:41 PM
thanks for the offer, dispite the ropes, I still like my chances :)
Better get that dictionary back out... I believe it's D E S P I T E. Despite.
HA HA, I win!
Chris Hatton
Jun 25 2010, 06:59 PM
all right but when i kick some *** your going to regret it :)
Jun 25 2010, 09:55 PM
Just finished playing Alma. Great course and Evan has everything totally hooked up..
There is still time to make it, easy 2 hour drive and well worth it..
Jun 25 2010, 10:32 PM
5 of us will be rolling in tomorrow morning, ready for another always awesome WAFDA disc golf event!! Turn on the air conditioners please!
Jun 25 2010, 11:29 PM
Duff, it was way hot this afternoon. Drink some water, not beer water, regular water!!!
Jun 26 2010, 11:45 PM
left in the shire closest to waterpark.... yellow CE eagle, name and number on back and an orange esp buzzz, left below hole 1, greenish yellow 1st run Nuke. pleas let me know if any of theses discs get found. Thanks again for the tourney Mr. mckee and Wafda.
Jun 27 2010, 12:25 PM
I lost a purple/blue pro wraith off the cliff on hole #2. It has my name on it.
Flipped over and almost cleared the cliff. Wise could see it but by the time I played around to that spot I couldn't find it.
Any help would be appreciated..
But...... Great event by Evan and team. That is a great course and they throw a great tournament..
Jun 28 2010, 10:14 AM
Thanks Evan, had a blast. I just couldn't score well. Drives were okay, just didn't finish well. :(Worst ratings I've had in a long time but some of the most fun also.:D
Congrats to DJ for another complete spanking. Nice thing about DJ is, you still enjoy it.
Congrats to Jeff Ash for playing very well and to Kelly Watson for never playing, then coming out and kicking the Pro masters around.:p
Jun 28 2010, 10:32 AM
You should be thanking Mike Treat as well because he saved your butt from DFL. You barely beat Charlie Chung (an 800 rated player) by 1 stroke. Did you guys not play the same course or what???:D
Jun 28 2010, 10:42 AM
I guess not only can you not play, you can't read either.
I already have all of your emails filtered to the junk file, text messages to the trash bin and now I guess I'll just turn on the ignor button also.
Jun 28 2010, 10:53 AM
All of that just because I made one little comment about the fundraiser for your kid to go to the Rose Bowl??:(
Can't you just pacify them with a copy of this??
What's next???....a fund raiser to bail out out of work insurance employees?:confused:
Where does it end????:D
Jun 28 2010, 06:03 PM
I wanted to be the first in saying THANK YOU for the Awesome participation that the Oklahoma Disc Golf community showed, this weekend at Alma Greens !!!!!!!! :cool:
Okie disc golf is a model for everyone to follow, especially your friends to the east !!!!!! :)
Also Duff hold on to that #128 and maybe with local course karma !!!!! You can return that beat down and get that #20 !!!! ;)
Thanks Eads already wants my tag too !!!!!! But it'll cost him a dollar !!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Jun 30 2010, 10:31 AM
want to say thanks to evan and all of his staff and those involved with the alma tournament. it was very well run, tons of water on the course, and the course itself was in great shape.
was so excited to play in the tournament that I only got 45 min of sleep the night before it!! uh oh! Not the best way to try and play against some sharp competition. 7 out of bounds strokes doesnt help the ole score either!
I definitely want to make it back to alma as many times as possible.
Jun 30 2010, 01:30 PM
I wanted to thank everyone who supported the Alma Greens this year
we were way lucky with the weather, turned out real nice
we compiled some statistics on the course layout: Hole 4 (525 ft.) was the toughest hole at an average of 4.18, Hole 16, (160 foot dogleg) was a 3.88, I thought hole 9A would of been tougher, it was only 3.5
we saw 13 year old Douglas Maxfield nail 1 of 2 aces (on hole 10) to split $305, Paul Dorries hit the other one on 9C
The total value of the event counting the incredible raffle and everything came up to just over $9,000
The BEST part was the largest profit maker of the event: $836 was raised for the EDGE program - Thanks to everyone for making that happen :D
DejaVU, Daryl Johnson wins the complete set of all 10 custom stamped Alma Greens discs in the raffle, just to turn around and donate it to the next EDGE raffle, same thing happened last year with a 14 year set of World's Doubles plastic :)
Many folks donated to the EDGE raffle... THANK YOU!!
I want to throw out a plug for a great supporter of this raffle, I met a fella named Ray over the phone about a week before the Greens, he said that he was gonna send me something for the raffle, to my amazement I received a box of plastic with an estimated worth of $350 Friday night
check out their web site: www.theUDGC.com (http://www.theudgc.com/)
lots of real cool collectors items as well as throwers and a nice variety of premium "light" plastic for kids
5% of their online sales goes directly to EDGE
and never forget Twisted Flyer either, Joe is always on it when it comes to the EDGE program, he hooked us up with a bunch of plastic for the Greens also
Mike Treat donated a real nice USDGC Champion Roc also, he is gonna make an excellent Oklahoma State Coordinator, and is who myself, the Arkansas Coordinator, is endorsing
support those who support the sport the most!!
THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE, the smiles are what keeps me doing this :)
Mark your calendars: the 15th HELL on the BORDER: Aug. 21 & 22, more info very soon :D
Jun 30 2010, 03:53 PM
Mark your calendars: the 15th HELL on the BORDER: Aug. 21 & 22, more info very soon :D
... oh YEAH , babee ! ... H-O-T-B-O-D on the Horizon ! ...
Jun 30 2010, 05:06 PM
... oh YEAH , babee ! ... H-O-T-B-O-D on the Horizon ! ...
yeah hot bod was what the weather did in 2007 it almost melted plastic :D
Be there if I can though :cool:
Jun 30 2010, 05:21 PM
... HOTBOD ! ... the Greatest ! ... the August 'combo' of Hell On The Border ; and Okie Doubles ... the pinnacle Events ... the best of singles play , followed by the best of doubles play ...
H ell
O n
T he
B order
O kie
D oubles
... your ultimate August awaits us all as Players ...
Jun 30 2010, 05:39 PM
yeah hot bod was what the weather did in 2007 it almost melted plastic :D
Be there if I can though :cool:
last year the weather was so nice we almost wiped the custom stamps in order to re-stamp "Heaven on the Border" :)
if you don't like the weather in Arkansas, give it an hour, it'll change
speaking of changes,
.... these tee-time events sure do sound neat for a Sunday finale ;)
Jun 30 2010, 07:25 PM
.... these tee-time events sure do sound neat for a Sunday finale ;)
... indeed ! ...
Jul 01 2010, 02:20 PM
last year the weather was so nice we almost wiped the custom stamps in order to re-stamp "Heaven on the Border" :)
if you don't like the weather in Arkansas, give it an hour, it'll change
speaking of changes,
.... these tee-time events sure do sound neat for a Sunday finale ;)
Love the park and course I will bring some shade this year!:D
Jul 02 2010, 02:45 PM
Hey Coda....I found your KC Aviar
Willie found several more this morning and is calling the owners
Jul 02 2010, 08:14 PM
I hope they find my blue wraith, bottom of the hill throwing hole 2..
Jul 02 2010, 08:39 PM
Hey Mike, I'll scout for it tomorrow when I'm out there
Jul 03 2010, 09:34 AM
from 4's tee box if you look down at the water park. My CE eagle is in the shire on the second hill. Between the silver tower and the tbox. I cut my legs up for 30 minutes in their but somebody may just get lucky if they know where to look. Also first run Nuke is below the bluff pin high on hole 2. Either one of these being returned would be a great thing.Thanks Evan.