Jun 15 2010, 11:24 PM
Just found out last night that we will be loosing one of our Disc Golf courses in Billings Mt. It is a course that the city council said that they were going to keep a month ago but as of last night's meeting Pioneer is gone. This was a great place for kids just getting out of school to go at the end of the day to stay out of trouble. The course can stay until June 1st 2011. But after that well poop. Also Air Fairways the local disc golf club has said that they may pull out all the baskets before then since they own the equipment. This is a big blow to the disc golf community as we will be down to one course. Although Diamond X at Phipps park is an awesome course but you really need to dedicate some time as it takes 1 1/2 hours to play were as Pioneer takes about 30 minutes. The Billings council has said that there is plans for a new course but since they lied about keeping the Pioneer course we can't really say that we are confident that this will actually happen ( fool me once ). I will keep you all up to date. Later yall and have a great week with low scores. :eek: :mad: :mad: :(

Jun 17 2010, 04:13 PM
Why is the course being pulled?

Jun 18 2010, 01:11 AM
The council voted the way they did because they determined that the course was destroying the natural beauty of the park and it was to much in maintenance cost's . the thing is they occasionally water and mow the lawn which would have to be done regardless. There is a group of us going to the next council meeting on the 28th.

Jun 18 2010, 09:28 AM
Oh I also forgot to mention that the council says that the sport brings in to much alcohol and there are drugs being sold on every corner of the park. I have been playing disc golf there for 5 years and have never seen a drug transaction or anyone walking around with alcohol.

Jun 18 2010, 02:19 PM
Thanks to the flood of emails and calls to the city council it looks like this will be back on the table for discussion. There is a HUGE rally being planned at the city council meeting on monday the 28th of june. there will be free shirts and possibly a chance to buy some support discs, there will also be an ultimate game going on in the courthouse lawn. for more information join the facebook group and email those city council members. There was alot of talk about Diamond X at this meeting so we really need everyones help with this one. This thing is getting pretty huge.