Jun 30 2010, 10:44 PM
Where: Chandler Park, Tulsa, OK
When: July 31st & August 1st
Time: Tee off at 10am on both days!
Cost: Pro Divisions- $80 per team
Amateur Divisions-$70 per team
Each AM entrant will receive a players pack with entry!
All entries include Ace Fund and CTP�s!
Pre Registration at
Contact: Lars Nordgren 785-220-1226 or
[email protected]
Jul 01 2010, 12:05 PM
So???....Who wants to be my partner????
Wise???....Treat????.....Come on little buddies!!!:)
I'm ready!!!
Jul 01 2010, 12:48 PM
Are you sure you can handle two days that time of year???
I might consider a partnership but I need a partner both days!!!
Jul 01 2010, 02:15 PM
So???....Who wants to be my partner????
Wise???....Treat????.....Come on little buddies!!!:)
I'm ready!!!
Did I hear you say that you are a Grandmaster now? :eek:
Maybe we should talk. :D
Jul 06 2010, 11:40 PM
And we decided not to make it sanctioned so that everyone could enjoy the weekend and bring their beer and whatnot out on the course with them!! We'll have a great payout since their won't be any money taken out for pdga fees!!
Jul 13 2010, 08:50 PM
We decided to do something different for the day before so people can come on out and sign up during the event!! We are going to be doing a Flex Start 3 Man Scramble!! Only $30 a team with 100% payout!! I have already heard back from a large amount of people coming from oklahoma, kansas and texas for the Heatstroke Doubles Event so we should have a great turnout.
Hopfully there will be lots of pro teams with the big dogs out of town
Jul 14 2010, 10:35 AM
We decided to do something different for the day before so people can come on out and sign up during the event!! We are going to be doing a Flex Start 3 Man Scramble!!
BTW Lars.
Friday August 30th will be the second concert of the "Chandler Summer Sunset Concert Series". Concert is 7pm-10pm in the event field.
Opening act is "Molly Blanten and The Lost Perceptions". Those that attended the Haikey Classic will know Molly as the girl that kicked butt singing the national anthem at the players meeting.
Headliner act is "The David Dover" band out of Sand Springs.
Food and drinks will be available from the Tulsa County Parks.
Lil'Moose and I will be manning a table for the TDSA and be handing out glow stuff.
Park is open to 11pm in case you might want to run some night golf out there as well.:)
Jul 14 2010, 01:46 PM
... Molly ... YES ! ...
Jul 14 2010, 03:48 PM
... Molly ... YES ! ...
used to be a local tulsa band called molly's yes, hah
Chris Hatton
Jul 18 2010, 03:21 PM
Is this just 1 pro division 1 am division, or a bunch of little protected divisions? :P
Jul 19 2010, 09:09 AM
If it weren't for thos little protected divisions, you couldn't win by 9.
Jul 19 2010, 09:18 AM
i was thinking the same thing..... Doesn't Hatton usually play open???
Jul 19 2010, 09:48 AM
I think he has played every division except Masters and Jrs.
Jul 19 2010, 11:14 AM
i mean, he would have still smoked my score... But what about wanting equal competition :)
Chris Hatton
Jul 19 2010, 12:54 PM
was it 9? :D If im sub 935 in two days, you can both blow me :) otherwise im sorry i r super bagger :P i played haikey as int and took 5th! i just played my best sanctioned golf ever this weekend, dunno what to tell ya :) it being chandler though, really theres no need for sub divisions, a pro and an am side fits everyone, masters can shoot -18 there as well as pro/adv :P would make for a good sized pro field if there isnt sub divisions.
Jul 19 2010, 01:00 PM
If im sub 935 in two days, you can both blow me :)
With all the shiet talking you have been doing, if you're sub 935 in two days, then you should be doing the blowing.:cool:
Jul 19 2010, 07:27 PM
As for divisions, we have had interest in Mixed (male, female) Doubles and what I'm doing is if there are at least 3 groups interested in a division we will be open to opening that division. I'm planning on having divisions different divisions but it will be depend on how many people enter those separate divisions. I think we will probably end up having Amateur, Advanced, Open, Mixed, certain masters divisions if there's interest and Female divisions upon interest as well.
Jul 19 2010, 09:29 PM
Also for anyone who hadnt seen it yet...we will be hosting the 3 man flex start scramble (3 man, best shot) on friday july 30th from 12-7. Only $30 a team with 100% payout!!
Jul 26 2010, 07:05 PM
We will be playing 4 rounds in the tournament. We will be playing 2 rounds of best shot, 1 round of best score (both players play the full hole and take the best out of their two scores) and 1 round of alternate shot.
Jul 29 2010, 03:31 PM
let's help our bro Lars here with some lodging this weekend. Anyone close to Chandler got a place for the guys to chill?? Roomate and his kids are putting the block on me or I would do it. Plus theses guys don't want to drive 40-45 minutes to the course from my place. Let's see if we can't help LsDiscs Out.
Jul 29 2010, 11:44 PM
let's help our bro Lars here with some lodging this weekend. Anyone close to Chandler got a place for the guys to chill?? Roomate and his kids are putting the block on me or I would do it. Plus theses guys don't want to drive 40-45 minutes to the course from my place. Let's see if we can't help LsDiscs Out.
Have an extra room on brookside... have them get in touch if they still need a place.
Jul 30 2010, 10:37 AM
thanks Josh, I'll let Lars know if he hasn't already seen the post. I will give up my air mattress to help the cause. Thanks again.
Jul 30 2010, 12:33 PM
You don't have an air matress. I do.
Jul 31 2010, 11:36 PM
It was hot today!!! More of the same tomorrow.
Aug 02 2010, 12:23 AM
Hot! Willkes and Pennington pulled out a good finish for the open win. Hot! Good work LS Discs.
Aug 02 2010, 12:29 AM
so many missed putts!!!!
congrats to the winners!!!
well done lars!!!
next doubles is aug 14
Duff Does Doubles
5000$ ace hole
Aug 02 2010, 02:39 PM
Thank you so much to everyone that came out to our event!! It was definitely a hot one this weekend. Everyone make sure and thank John Barton every chance you get for making sure that all the water jugs were refilled! And thank you to everyone who participated in the Fundraiser Throwoff for the Basket. Steve Hatcher won the finals throwoff! It allowed us to raise another $150 for the Mighty Shunga Open A tier up here in Topeka, KS. If you want more details on that tournament, check it out at We will also be running another 1 day C Tier event and 1 day doubles event in the upcoming months in OKC. I'll post more on that soon. Heres the results from the different divisions.
Open Divisions (played for cash)
1. Kyle Wilkes/Jared Pennington - 159
2. G. Harrison/Sam N. - 160
3. Billy Lund/Mike Conners - 168
4. K. Raz/B. HOI - 176
5. Fayde Nicholson/Dan Bougher - 178
6. John Belty/Mike Barr - 178
1. Barb Paske/Terrill Paske - 194
2. Neil K./Miranda F. - 198
3. Mike Wells/Akea Smith - 202
4. Linda Chandler/Rick Richardson - 202
Amateur Divisions (played for merchandise)
1. John Hatcher/Steve Hatcher - 171
2. Richard Why/Casey Fletcher - 173
3. Kevin Jones/Joseph Brandonburger - 174
4. Clint Jacob/Chris Hatton - 176
5. Matt Raz/Brad Evans - 177
6. General/Carp - 179
7. Chance/Tim - 195
1. Brad Stone/Steve King - 179
2. Diel/Norris - 195
3. Wayne Gregory/Bud Johnson - 200
1. Joseph Stettinger/Terry Jacobs - 173
2. Jeremy Barnett/Garren Cabe - 176
3. Luke Weaver/Dennis Minnick - 176
4. John Barton/Charlie Chung - 178
5. Austin Thornton/Drew Custer - 179
6. Garrett Wolfe/John Hunton - 184
7. Richie/ Mike G. - 186
8. Justin Smith/Matt Wright - 190
9. SnakeSkinn/2Gunns - 196
10. Adam/Scooby - 202
1. Jason Marier/Memphis - 206
2. Austin Ford/Zach Barton - 210
Aug 02 2010, 03:29 PM
1. Joseph Stettinger
nice shooting wilkes and pennington, i dont know the layout, but the score seems smokin compared to some of the others. well done