Joey D
Aug 05 2010, 10:00 AM
The Hickory Classic, a B tier PDGA sanctioned event held on Labor Day weekend (Sept 4 and 5, 2010).

I just signed up online here... Registration (

This course is fun and the club has added several new holes (22 total) and multiple pin placements.

Let's rep the Port City and bring home some hardware.

Aug 05 2010, 01:12 PM
I signed up yesterday. From talking to guys in the club, most don't want to make such a long drive. I'll be there, though. It's one of my favorite courses.

Aug 05 2010, 09:21 PM
I'd love to go up there with you guys. Maybe next year. It's a super fun course. Go bag 'em up Port City Playas!

Aug 06 2010, 11:36 AM
team coors light will be in attendance.......hickraw!!!

Sep 05 2010, 10:13 PM
Ok. Team Coors Light update:

We came...we saw...we partied.

Pre-tournament club member bag-tags:

Drew Tucker- 8
Gabe Steil- 17
Chi Vegas- 33
Joey D- 37

Final round bag tag challenge:

Gabe-52 Tag: 8
Drew Tuck- 53 Tag: 17
Joey D- 56 Tag: 33
Chi- 57 Tag: 37

The weekend was a blast, especially the Chi Vegas invitational break dance competition Friday night. Special thanks to the Champ.

It was a good time and even more special thanks to Joey D and parents for putting us up in an awesome spot on the river. We danced, fished, partied, and even got in some disc golf.

Thanks Hickory,


Joey D
Sep 07 2010, 11:27 AM
He think I'm talkin' bout Pooo.


GO MF'er GO!

Nacho Nacho

Sep 10 2010, 11:18 PM
Wuz up NHDGC it was weird being in the lead/lead card for 3 rounds of pro in a pdga tournament, learning lesson for sho. I cant remember a time when I was more nervous, my hands were litterally shaking every putt and I never get nervous. Being in the lead by a stroke after the first round was proof that anything is possible. Big ups to the wilmington crew for everything ive ever learned. Not the last time DTUCK will be up at the top of the leaderboard. I did however hurt my back very bad during the tournament hence the bad scores on sunday but i did finish. anyways big thanks to mr joe for putting my brother, chi and i up for the weekend and of course "Im the champ" for the laughs. oh and there is officially a wilmington boys teepad at eastway now. See yall around -"trash bags mo focker"

Aug 21 2011, 12:23 PM
Anyone down for some hickraw action. Sept. 3rd and 4th.

Aug 22 2011, 09:01 PM
Yep Yep..Team Coors Light in the house..staying out of the way and looking for the champ.