Sep 11 2010, 08:06 PM
i have quite a few questions on this rumor... so from what i hear sometime with in the next 2 years you will not be allowed to jump putt which means you can not fall past your lie anywhere in the fair way but if there is a hole that is 800 feet and you throw 400 feet down the fairway do they really expect us to not follow through while throwing another 400 foot shot? and i would also like to know the exact rule if anyone knows it?
Sep 11 2010, 11:08 PM
Don't believe rumors, especially ones that speculate that the rules of the game are being drastically changed.
Sep 11 2010, 11:09 PM
No truth to the rumor. It's not even being discussed by the Rules Committee as a future option. You already can't jump putt by the rules. You can putt jump outside 10m.
Sep 12 2010, 02:32 AM
so your telling me that you will still me allowed to putt jump in2011 and 2012 ?
Sep 12 2010, 07:22 AM
Read these documents and you'll have a leg up on your buddies who are spreading false rumor:
Sep 13 2010, 12:14 PM
Taking the ability to walk out of putts out would seriously ruin the short game and there is no reason they would ever do it.
Sep 14 2010, 10:27 PM
Not Inside 10 meters !!! You should show balance at that distance.
Sep 28 2010, 08:41 PM
The jump putt is already illegal, inside or outside ten meters. Outside ten meters the putt jump is allowed. Which did you mean?
Sep 29 2010, 02:50 PM
The jump putt is not illegal outside of 10 meters, as long as the disc is released while one supporting point is in the proper place behind the mark, and none of the playing surface or objects that are closer to the target than the mark is contacted before the disc is released.
Sep 29 2010, 07:14 PM
The jump putt is not illegal outside of 10 meters, as long as the disc is released while one supporting point is in the proper place behind the mark, and none of the playing surface or objects that are closer to the target than the mark is contacted before the disc is released.
You described a putt jump. A jump putt is illegal. Take a look at Bruce's post. Think of it like a set shot and a jump shot in basketball. A legal putt jump is like a set shot. There is contact with the ground before release. The player may elevate after release of the shot or putt depending which sport you are playing. an illegal jump putt puts one in the air before release like a jump shot. You are really talking about the same thing. Implicit in Bruce's post is that the term jump putt has always been misused and confused. I tend to agree. When players think its ok to jump putt they often tend to elevate a little early. (Perhaps there is medication or meditation that could remedy that problem. Would I be off base in observing that younger men seem to jump putt more than others or would I merely be threaddrifting at the risk of violating message board protocol?) Of course, I don't need to speak for Bruce. He is more than ready, willing and able to do that for himself. :-)
Sep 30 2010, 11:03 AM
I would guess that about 1% of the discers, or less, call a jump putt a "putt jump". We're all talking about the same thing, people.
Sep 30 2010, 12:54 PM
Yesterday I made a putt and accidently fell forward ahead of my mini. Right away everyone in the group called a "putt falling" on me.
Sep 30 2010, 01:59 PM
Is it possible for a player to legally "jump putt" on every attempt at holing out, regardless if said player is less than 10 meters of the target?
Answer: yes
Player stands on playing surface behind lie, jumps in the air, lands on the playing surface, steadies his balance... and then putts.
That could be considered a "jump putt".
Sep 30 2010, 02:03 PM
Falling puts are also OK, as long as your fall, upon its completion, results in no part of your body or equipment touching the playing surface (or obstacles) any closer to the target than your just-thrown-from lie.
Sep 30 2010, 02:09 PM
Yesterday I made a putt and accidently fell forward ahead of my mini. Right away everyone in the group called a "putt falling" on me.
That is funny
Oct 08 2010, 01:00 PM
Speaking of jump putts, it looks like Nikko is trying to learn a legal putt to replace his illegal flying putt.
Oct 08 2010, 02:38 PM
That link didn't work.
Oct 08 2010, 02:41 PM
Works for me...
Oct 09 2010, 01:26 AM
But I spoke too soon. Check out Nikko's funky putt at 2:37 of the video posted on the PDGA home page. It is not a jump putt but it is in the grey area between legal and illegal for the same reason as jump putts.
Oct 13 2010, 04:51 PM
Durring the AM US Doubles i saw a guy jump around the bamboo on 7, then throw his putt rite before he landed. It had to be a good seven or eight feet to the opening. He hit his putt and the other team playing with them had no clue that was illegal! I think the difference between the two needs to be clearly stated before tournaments for those who think that kind of putt is ok.
Oct 13 2010, 05:19 PM
Durring the AM US Doubles i saw a guy jump around the bamboo on 7, then throw his putt rite before he landed. It had to be a good seven or eight feet to the opening. He hit his putt and the other team playing with them had no clue that was illegal! I think the difference between the two needs to be clearly stated before tournaments for those who think that kind of putt is ok.
The difference absolutely should not need to be clearly stated before tournaments, or this sport is doomed. It is CRYSTAL CLEAR in the rulebook already.
A. When the disc is released, a player must:
(1) Have at least one supporting point that is in contact with the playing surface on the line of play and within 30 centimeters directly behind the marker disc (except as specified in 803.04 E); and,
(2) have no supporting point contact with the marker disc or any object closer to the hole than the rear edge of the marker disc; and,
(3) have all of his or her supporting points in-bounds.
If there are people who think this kind of putt is ok, they need to be called out on it ASAP. If you see a shot like you describe, speak up. Don't let it go unnoticed even if no one else has the cajones to actually call it. Ignorance of the rules should not be an excuse for breaking the rules, especially at an event of that caliber.
Oct 13 2010, 05:40 PM
Durring the AM US Doubles i saw a guy jump around the bamboo on 7, then throw his putt rite before he landed. It had to be a good seven or eight feet to the opening. He hit his putt and the other team playing with them had no clue that was illegal! I think the difference between the two needs to be clearly stated before tournaments for those who think that kind of putt is ok.I once saw Cam Todd do that jumping sideways out of a Russian olive bush at the DGLO to make a 50 or 60 foot putt. It was awesome!
I've come to believe that most pros who do that are not cheating. They just don't understand the rule. Feldberg used to be a serious violator, but he has learned the rules and adjusted his style. So there is hope for Nikko, GG and the other young pros.