Oct 17 2010, 09:54 PM
What is the info on the event going on at LO on saturday. Times, entry fee, where we are meeting ect. Thanks! Looking forward to saturday!
Oct 19 2010, 11:01 AM
Here is the flyer. We will meet by hole 23C at 9:30.
Flyer says entry fee is $'s actually $10.
Two divisions, advanced and open.
More details after we meet with the rep later this week.
Oct 23 2010, 06:43 PM
Wow 61 players, thanks everyone for coming out!!
Thanks to you we raised $305 for the Combat Marine Outdoors organization...Texas A&M San Antonio stepped up with another $200, plus additional raffle sales, somewhere in the $550 - $600 range total. Not too shabby for an event we just started talking about a month or so ago.
Rep Farias is already talking about the second annual, only bigger and better. I think we was really impressed by the number of players. I'm thinking two rounds next year.
Oct 26 2010, 09:47 PM
Thank you to everyone who participated. Hope everyone enjoyed their players paks. All the leaders in attendance were very excited about making this better next year. WOW! $550-$600 in two hours, that's awesome. We couldn't have made this such a success without all of y'all. Thanks again! <><