Oct 19 2010, 11:48 PM
I have good news. After a lot of work and negotiations the Claremore City Council voted last night in favor of a permanent 9 hole course at Claremore Lake.

This is a really nice location and I think the design I did will be fun to play.

There are quite a few walkers and side walks so this isn't Winthrop Gold but it will be a nice course.

They are ready to order baskets and get this thing in the ground so I anticipate this happening quick.

As I get more details I will of course pass them on.

The Pryor Rec Center also contacted me about buying a few baskets for a course. I am not sure yet if there is even room for a 9 hole course, but it is progress and expanding our sport into the netherlands...

More info to follow...

Oct 20 2010, 11:24 PM
I am in Claremore and Pryor at least 3 times a week. Keep me up to date so I can volunteer some time to help out!

Nov 10 2010, 05:51 PM
Rdy and waiting Mike Bring on the baskets.

Lets get a plan going soon as ya can cant wait to get this one In :)

Nov 11 2010, 09:55 AM
Timeline for opening day? Thanks.

Nov 11 2010, 12:08 PM
Funds are being gathered from the sponsors and delivered to the city. They will be paying Innova directly for the baskets. I think the course could be open within 30 days, and maybe sooner..

Nov 11 2010, 04:29 PM
... and maybe sooner..

... I thought you were an O.S.U. fan ... ? ...

Nov 11 2010, 04:56 PM
how about this....


Nov 11 2010, 04:57 PM

hey oh! nice one mike!

Nov 11 2010, 07:14 PM
... good one , Mr.Detonation ...

Nov 11 2010, 10:07 PM
Thanks Mike. You are a great ambassador of our game.

Nov 11 2010, 11:30 PM
I want One Can ya put it on a glow roc

Nov 11 2010, 11:46 PM
I took a tour out there the other day to take a gander at the land. You have really found a gem out there. It has the chance to be a very nice but tough course. Great layout as well.

Nov 16 2010, 10:28 AM
got a question for ya,
the new baskets are they coming with the anchor post or do you have to order/ buy these separate.
if so call me i can make these better, Joyle showed me one and they weren't made very well.
getting close to time to put them in.

Remember no matter where you go, there you are.

Kenny Morton

Nov 16 2010, 11:42 AM
I think they are ordering collars as well, is that your question?

Nov 16 2010, 12:49 PM
yep Joyle had mentioned that they are bit high on there price and that i might be able to save TDSA some cost there I can probably make them cheaper just let me know

Nov 30 2010, 09:57 AM
Mike do you know if we are going to need teeoff signs?
I saw the post about chandler and have the photo and dim, I can see if some of the locals want to help with these. posible making them, and sponsers.

any Idea when we might get started? or when will the baskets will be shipped

Kenny Morton

Nov 30 2010, 12:12 PM
I found out yesterday that the baskets should ship right before Christmas. The tee signs are taken care of and all cost have been covered by the sponsors.

I anticipate the course will go in after the first of the year. We need enough warm weather to pour concrete.

All is well and progressing as planned.

Jun 07 2011, 05:05 PM
There is a work day scheduled for this Saturday at Claremore City Lake Park.

Our plan is to install 9 tee pads and baskets. The concrete company there is kind of strange in that we may not know until Friday if they will deliver the concrete for the pads.

Either way we will at least assemble and install the baskets.

Looking for a few volunteers, though we don't need 50. If you have an interest please send me a pm or post on here that you will be attending.

They are going to provide lunch. Jerry Stacey is doing the concrete finishing so we need a little help with screeting, spell check, and general tee pad work.

The city is loaning us their post hole digger so barring a lot of rock the baskets should go in pretty quick.

Since it is a nine hole course we should wrap up just after lunch.

The main park entrance is closed so I will post the alternative entrance tomorrow.

I am going out tomorrow evening to paint the tee pad and basket locations.

More info to come after that...

Jun 07 2011, 09:35 PM
If i get the ok from the boss, I will be there.

Jun 08 2011, 07:06 AM
I will be there

Jun 09 2011, 12:49 PM
We met at the course last night and did the final layout, painted tee boxes and basket locations. Craig Butler had his tractor so we loosened all the dirt in the tee pads.

Thanks to Wise and Kenny for coming out and assisting with the last minute location decisions.

We are meeting at the lake park Saturday morning at 9:00 am.

We hope to get the pads poured but at the least we are going to assemble and install the baskets.

I think we will be wrapped up by just after lunch.

Kenny is coming with a couple of his buddies, Wise said he can make it so we are close to 10 volunteers with a few others I know of.

If you want to get out and do a little course work let me know. We are trying to get a number for lunch..

More updates to come..

Jun 09 2011, 03:12 PM
Just received word that we will have concrete Saturday at 10:00 am.

So, tee pads will be poured along with basket installs..

Jun 09 2011, 08:51 PM
my son Anthony is safely back from afganistan and saturday isour celebration get together so i wont be there.
hope all goes well.

Jun 10 2011, 05:45 PM
Glad Anthony is back safe and sound..

Jun 10 2011, 06:00 PM
Directions to Claremore Lake ( We will be on the west side by the water treatment plant and lake office) You can take highway 66 which is free, still turn right on highway 20 to the east

Take the exit onto I-44 E toward Joplin/Turnpike Toll road (cost .50 cents)

Turn right on Highway 20

Go east .80 miles and turn left onto Lake Road (if you cross the bridge over the turnpike you went just a bit too far)

Stay on Lake Road to the stop sign at Blue Starr Drive, about 1 mile.

Turn left on Blue Starr drive for about 1/10 of a mile

Turn right into the lake/park, D4168 RD ( You will see the water plant)

Drive through the park towards the back. You will see the lake rangers building and boat ramps, the lake will be on your right.

We are meeting at 9:00. Call me if you need directions 918-639-3959

We could use shovels, hoe's, no comment Wise, and 1/2 inch wrenches for the baskets.

Concrete will be there at 10:00 so we need to shovel the loose dirt out of the pads and place the forms in.

There will be a tractor with an auger to dig the basket and tee sign holes.

This will not be hard work and if we can get 10 to 15 folks we should finish just after lunch, which I understand is being provided.

Come on out if you can...

Jun 11 2011, 11:29 PM
There is now a new 9 hole course at Claremore Lake. Everything is complete except placing the tee signs on the poles. They should be ready in 10 days.

We had a lot of great help. Jerry and Carrie Stacey came through big time. The pads look great with a Moose Run texture.

Kenny Morton brought his welder which was key. Joyle Deering is personally responsible for hole 6 being at the correct height. He showed that sand stone who was boss.

Several others piched in, Jim Geurin, Tom Reese, Travis Parks and others I am forgetting.

Thanks to everyone who helped in any way. This is a nice little course and we have planted the disc golf seed in Claremore.

Lets hope it grows..

Jun 13 2011, 12:12 AM
The lake ranger told Kenny that someone showed up at 7:00 am and there have been players all day!!


Jun 14 2011, 09:00 PM
Will be playin the course wednesday around 1230-1245 if anyone wants to show us the course.

Where is the first tee?

Is it easy to follow?

Jun 15 2011, 10:35 AM
You shouldn't have any problems, I may show up to guide you.

Jun 15 2011, 11:13 AM
Ill be there No Problem best to park by hole nine pavilon shade and all

Jun 16 2011, 05:33 AM
What a fun little course.
you can tell a righty designed it and did a hell of a job with the layout as far as flow with the available land.
There didn't seem like there was an issue with the rest of the park patrons like riverside
As far as the park is looked incredible.
There are plenty of pro pad possibilities for the future if desired
I just wish it was closer to the house.
And yes there was the added "riverside scenery" running around.

Jun 16 2011, 01:02 PM
I am glad you liked it. The righty preference was dictated by the park department. Once they are comfortable with us I am sure we can make changes.

But, glad you enjoued it. It is a great park..

Jun 22 2011, 05:10 PM
The following is a message I copied and pasted from Kylie Butler. She is the young woman who started this project and found the donars to make it possible:

To Everyone who Installed the Claremore Disc Golf Course:

Thank you all soooo much for all of your help with installing the disc golf course in Claremore!!! The course is not even officially completed and there are already dozens of people playing every day! The course looks so beautiful, and I really appreciate all of your help. Can't wait to see you guys out there!

Thanks again!!!