Nov 26 2010, 09:41 PM
Thanks for running skins Wise!!

Nov 26 2010, 09:49 PM
Great job Paul!

I heard that you were the big winner today....

Nov 27 2010, 12:34 AM
I heard he walked with 3 bills. Good golfer!!

Nov 27 2010, 02:10 AM
Thank you Dave W. for running skins again! Its always a blast! I only got three skins but I think I earned them. On the second playoff hole (18), I hit early tree and had to skip in a 120'er to stay in it because Coda was PARKED! I was fortunate to make my putt on #1 (25'er) because I'd been missing all day from that Coda unfortunately missed and in turn gave me my three skins!!! Man it was unreal! Thanks to everyone that came out and played. I'm thankful this holiday season to be associated with a an outstanding group of guys who love this sport as much as I do!! :)

Nov 27 2010, 11:05 AM
Okay better later than never. I was too tired yesterday to screw with this so here we go.

We had 56 players come out and a car load from Arkansas. At one point we had players entered in each of the divisions but when it settled out we had 30 in the $20, 20 in the $40 and 6 in the $60.

The big winner was Paul Dorries in the $40 division with 15 skins that paid him a cool $300!

Here are the rest of your winners:

Victor F. $160 (thanks to Tommy Agent)
Matt raz $40
Jeremy Taylor $36
Sammy N $162
Josh Crowel $162
Eric R. $80
Adam H $20
Justin Bougher $80
Coda $60
Seth C. $30
JoJo $10
Chris Shelton $20
Richard Mitchell $110
Kyle Wilkes $60
Jack Fouts $10 (first skin ever)
Michael Bougher $10
Chris Cervantes $10
Chris Eads $126
Taylor Sears $108 (and hole 1 ctp)

Total piad $1760.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not bad for a Friday afternoon.

We had less winners this year but those that did won more this year. We had 8 winners of $100 or more.

I want to thank all that came out, I had a blast running it and everyone was very pleasent to deal with. Even though I didn't let anyone see the signup sheet.

I am still looking for a volunteer or volunteers to run the next two events, as I will be away on vacation.

Well thats about it, hope everyone had a great time, I know Patton did.!

Nov 27 2010, 11:28 AM
That was fun. The General was officially man down. He literally fell 15 times. He then would randomly would take off on a full sprint. Funny stuff.

Nov 27 2010, 01:00 PM
Good job Wise.

I was on a great card so no skins but a lot of fun. Crowl and Sammy took all of our skins, bullies...

Black is looking awesome, Wayne has a high noon flight type deal out there tomorrow.

Everyone should play that course, its Black Hawk season..

Nov 28 2010, 01:42 PM
Thanks for making it happen Twoputt, Great times, I love Blackhawk!!

Ya'll can keep the water discs that I threw in, but I did lose a SE TeeBird on the course, :(, cash reward for its safe return!!

Big Easy
Nov 28 2010, 11:56 PM
Thanks for making it happen Twoputt, Great times, I love Blackhawk!!

Ya'll can keep the water discs that I threw in, but I did lose a SE TeeBird on the course, :(, cash reward for its safe return!!

I have some SE TL's in stock if you need some :)
Send me a PM.
D.P. :D

Nov 29 2010, 10:21 AM

I am still looking for a volunteer or volunteers to run the next two events, as i will be away on vacation.

... it's time for some of you fellers to step-up ...

Nov 29 2010, 10:33 AM
thanks Wise for running skins, well run... timely and organized.

uhh... skins is very interesting... adam hunt and billy lund did a lot of pushing, dan bougher did a lot of talking and putt missing, and I snuck in at two opportune times to take some skins, it was a pleasure playing skins with my group.

Nov 29 2010, 10:45 AM
Thats the great thing about don't have to be good for the whole round, just a hole or two.

Nov 29 2010, 06:50 PM
I hear that........Mitchell!!

Nov 30 2010, 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by twoputtok

I am still looking for a volunteer or volunteers to run the next two events, as i will be away on vacation.

... it's time for some of you fellers to step-up ...
=== Bueller ? ... Buel-ler ? ... ? ? ?

Dec 01 2010, 08:52 AM
All right you low lifes, who is going to run this for me?:cool:

Its not that hard. It doesn't cost the TD a dime, unless he chooses to throw in some extras. I only had to have one blank sheet of paper, 5 score cards and pencils and some change
($5s and $1s) to handle payout and one deck of cards to draw from.

You know you would be playing if I ran it, so take a little extra time, step up and give the players an event and a place to play on those Holidays.

One is Sunday the 26th and the other New Years Day, you saw how easy it was, so help your fellow gofers out.

Come on now, don't make me start calling you all out by name.;)
Cause I can name about 20 of you that can handle it.

If you can't post here and want to do it, then call me at 918-232-8562

Dec 01 2010, 11:03 AM

Dec 01 2010, 11:50 AM
If you want to run it, then thats fine with me. The only requirement is that it be on a course that will offer chances for skins to be won and not carried 18 holes, so no Chandler.

It would probably have to be a Black, Hunter or Haikey. McClure was used originally but it seemed to have a lot of big carries.

Dec 01 2010, 12:29 PM
Dude I appreciate that you would even en-trust me with my lousey "on-time" record to run one of your fine "Skins" events but I didn't even make it out last week.:(

I posted "The Donkey" in reference to guys like Bougher, Mitchell, and twenty other guys that have won big out there that should be willing to step up and run it for you.

If Mitchell were to step up and do it I believe we would actually get to see pigs fly in our lifetime but I'm sure he would use the fact that he can't post here as an excuse.

It's not like they have to deal with plasic or anything. Even a caveman could do this and Blackhawk is the best location IMO if it's not covered in snow by then.

Dec 01 2010, 01:31 PM
Dave Pennekamp has agreed to run the next event Dec 26th.
Thank you Dave!

Any takers on New Year's Day?

Dec 01 2010, 01:38 PM
Dave Pennekamp is a stand up get er done kind of guy..

Good job....

I would recommend Duff but we need a non-partier for News Year Day!!!


Dec 01 2010, 02:04 PM
Uh that would be YOU! You know you'll go to bed before midnight and sober. You also know you'll be up that morning and ready to go.

And it is as much or more fun to watch than it is to play, if you play the way I did.

Dec 01 2010, 06:11 PM
Fine, I will take the New Years Day skins TD job. I have never ran skins so I need to add that to my resume..

Can we do the 12:30 sign ups???

Dec 01 2010, 06:17 PM
Make sure you bring my Happy Meal!!!!:)

Dec 01 2010, 06:25 PM
Dave Pennekamp is a stand up get er done kind of guy..

Good job....

... he should "cook-up" his details soon ... one-side-note : Joyle HAD took a 1:00pm Mini to play at McClure on that day (Sunday Dec.26) ... m-a-y-b-e , Penny should just use that Park (maybe Gold-tees ; or Alt-tees) (good attendance in bad-weather) for his Skins-Tourney ... IF there were any bodies showing-up at McClure for a tdsa-singles-type-mini , they could probably be coerced into signing-in to play Skins anyway ... just a thought ...

Dec 01 2010, 06:28 PM
... Michael should use Redhawk -or- WhiteHawk -or- Centennial for his Skins date ...
... (then again , make sure that the "Park" is open on New Years Day) ...

Dec 01 2010, 07:11 PM
Alright Treat, way to step up! Don't forget the bloody mary's it will be new years day.:cool:

Dec 02 2010, 09:47 AM
Joyle shouldn't have taken or been given the day after. That has been a skins day for the last 6 years.:(

Dec 02 2010, 10:01 AM
Mike, I started sign ups at 12:30 and stopped them about 1:15. I think we had groups going out right at 1:30.

Also, no matter how hard they try, DO NOT let them see the signup sheets or you will run behind. If they see them, then they walk off and wait to sign up to see who has gone where. Then you have half the field trying to sign up the last 2 minutes. This is not about who is playing in which ever catagory, it is about how much the player wants to wager. Plain and simple. Trust me on this one, I learned the hard way.

Big Easy
Dec 02 2010, 11:10 AM
In addition to that, if he is going to start running events, he needs to at least have the basics of a computer to post times, layouts rules and such. This is how we all communicate, or through emails.

This is one of the main reasons I started using Facebook.
Many of the younger players may not have a computer....
but you can bet they have a phone that is internet enabled... and likely on facebook.
Thats why FACEBOOK is great for getting out DG info.
D.P. :D

Dec 02 2010, 11:11 AM
I was wondering if you were going to give him that bit of advice!:rolleyes: dang it!:p

Dec 09 2010, 02:54 PM
... I may not have read back far enuff , so I may have missed these :

… did Pennekamp ever decide details for a “Holiday Skins” on Sunday , Dec.26 … ?

… Mr. Michael … any details to disclose for a New-Years-Day Saturday “Holiday Skins” … ?

Dec 09 2010, 05:07 PM
... I may not have read back far enuff , so I may have missed these :

� did Pennekamp ever decide details for a �Holiday Skins� on Sunday , Dec.26 � ?

� Mr. Michael � any details to disclose for a New-Years-Day Saturday �Holiday Skins� � ?

New Years Day Skins will be at Black Hawk. Sign ups start at 12:30 and end at 1:15.

Tee time 1:30..

Divisions available are $20--$40--$60--$80

Dec 09 2010, 06:33 PM
... thanks ... got it notated ...

Dec 10 2010, 10:08 AM
Yes, Penny is running skins on the 26th at Black Hawk.

Dec 24 2010, 11:13 PM
... "HOLIDAY SKINS SPECIAL" will be at Black Hawk on Sunday , Dec. 26 ...
... TD: David Pennekamp ...
... Sign ups start at 12:30 and end at 1:15 ...

... approx Tee time 1:30 ...

... Divisions available are $20 -- $40 -- $60 -- $80 ...

... should be a Great Time ; where any 1 Hole can really pay you well ! ...

Dec 24 2010, 11:22 PM
... "HOLIDAY SKINS SPECIAL" will be at Black Hawk on Sunday , Dec. 26 ...
... TD: David Pennekamp ...
... Sign ups start at 12:30 and end at 1:15 ...

... approx Tee time 1:30 ...

... Divisions available are $20 -- $40 -- $60 -- $80 ...

... should be a Great Time ; where any 1 Hole can really pay you well ! ...
... I'm hemmed-in Sunday , and don't get to enter-and-play this Great Gig ... however I will stop by out there ... I have the all-new Innova R-Pro Wahoo 169-gram , speed-12 rated Golf Discs ... (did I mention they Float In Water?) ... another "Holiday Special" : any TDSA current Club Member can buy these for $10 each (limit 2) ... anyone else can buy for $12 each ...
... Happy Holidays to you and yours ...
... Merry Christmas to all ...

Dec 24 2010, 11:47 PM
... (did I mention they Float In Water?) ... another "Holiday Special" : any TDSA current Club Member can buy these for $10 each (limit 2) ... anyone else can buy for $12 each ...

... I will try to do the same thing for Michael Treat when he runs the "Skins Special" on New-Years-Day ... ( if I've got any left ) ...

Dec 24 2010, 11:59 PM
Excellent. Wayne is the king of the floater.

I would like to reserve two please..

Dec 25 2010, 07:08 PM
I'll take one please. Thanks.

Dec 25 2010, 11:35 PM
I have alot of birthday cake to walk off tomorrow!! And I'm still after that first skin. Hope to see you all at the park, ITS CHRISTMAS SKINS!

Dec 26 2010, 10:10 AM
doug lets play the 80 division .
then ill let you win one skin.

Dec 26 2010, 11:10 AM
First skin, he11 all this time I thought you were after foreskins.

Dec 26 2010, 07:03 PM
I left my ls disc chair where penne was giving the money at. It does not have any name on it and the only stickers on it are ls disc stickers at the feet. My name is Sean Gaither and u can reach me at 918 645 8099. Will meet you anywhere in tulsa. Thank you

Dec 27 2010, 12:26 AM
Thanks for running the event Penny. Great job getting us teed off on time. We had a fun group! Big putts and a fairway ace!!

Dec 27 2010, 11:06 AM
Thanks Penny I had a great time.....I finally won my first skin, I actually got paid at one of these things and it wasn't because I yelled Dollar!
Sean you won enough cash to buy a new chair, get with the "THE LINE" they have alot of awesome looking ones!

Dec 27 2010, 02:00 PM

Dec 27 2010, 03:11 PM
Duff = 1 :D

Dec 28 2010, 12:18 AM
Atta boy Duff

Dec 28 2010, 09:03 AM
now you have to change your sig line Duffer.

Big Easy
Dec 28 2010, 04:02 PM
So from our group of ten.... 1 of 2 $40 groups...
Included Dorries, Sammy, JT, Brad HOI, Bary Joe, Triska, Zach lund, and ...
Thru 18 holes 2 players had skins.
Dorries 7 skins, Sammy 7 skins,
4 players (Dorries, Triska, Sammy, and HOI )
had proceeded to 2nd playoff hole #17 to continue playoff.
As a group we shot 45 with 2 4's, 13 and 16...
I had part in several pushes shot around 58 but no skins...
Is someone going to post results like Wise normally does ???

Dec 29 2010, 04:04 PM
Dale, sorry but Penny cant post here. His pdga membership is not current. Contact him on face book and maybe he can send it to you there and you can post it for him. Best I can do from here.

Big Easy
Dec 29 2010, 04:37 PM
I will give that a shot !

Dec 29 2010, 06:19 PM
OK, I agreed to run Skins for Wise this Saturday.

Same drill as before, sign-ups from 12:30 to 1:15 with a prompt 1:30 tee time.

The only difference, and I hope this doesn't screw things up, is I will offer a $10.00 division that will play from the White Pads.

If after 18 holes there are skins being pushed, the play off is from the Blue pads.

I am setting up a shorter pad on hole 9 so bring your new Wahoo, but no one should lose any disc from the White pads..

So, there will be a $10, $20, $40 and $60 division.

I am offering the $10.00 division to hopefully get some players out that are leary of paying $20 at Black Hawk, and it is just after Christmas and we just had skins last weekend. Disc Golf budgets can be tight this time of year. This is all for the players enjoyment anyway.

Let me know if there are any questions otherwise I hope to see a good crowd Saturday..

Dec 30 2010, 12:12 AM
there are a few golfers who could afford the 100$ division after christmas.

Dec 31 2010, 12:47 PM
This is Penny posting here. Sorry for taking so long to get these results out to you....its been really tough getting out of the hot tub this week. :rolleyes:

Here are the results from Skins. We had 41 players come out for some action at BlackHawk. 22 players played in the $20. 19 played in the $40.

$20 division winners. The players voted and split into 3 groups.(7,7,8)

Bill Pennington- 8 skins $64
Coda Hatfield- 15 skins $105
Victor Frescaz- 1 skin $8
Doug Duff- 1 skin $7
Tommy Agent- 6 skins $48
Mike Conners- 5 skins $35
Sean Gaither- 6 skins $42
Nick Roesle- 12 skins $84
Kyle Wilkes- 5 skins $40
Paul Williams- 1 skin $7

$40 division winners. The players voted and split into 2 groups.(9,10)

Hutch-7 skins $126
Gary Harrison- 6 skins $108
Sammy Nielsen- 9.5 skins $190
Sean Young- 1 skin $18
Kevin Gable- 2 skins $36
Devan Owens- 4 skins $72
Paul Dorries- 7 skins $140
Brad HOI- 3.5 skins $70

Congratulations to all the winners!

I hope everyone is able to get out tomorrow and play New Years Day skins featuring Mike Treat as your TD.

Dec 31 2010, 07:11 PM
Yep skins on January 1st. It's gonna be a little nippy so dress warm

I will be there by 12:30 and sign ups are open till 1:15, tee at 1:30.

Come on out the course looks great. We played from the Whites today and had a blast.

Everyone stay out of trouble and have a safe Happy New Year!!!

See you tomorrow..

Jan 01 2011, 12:30 PM
I am getting my first skin "s" today, mark it 8 Dude...

Oh this is Matthew Treat!

Jan 01 2011, 08:44 PM
This post is from Michael Treat. I am using Matt's log in since the system won't let me post even though I paid for 2011 on Thursday.

Anyway, we had a great turnout today, 42 players. The weather was cold but very little wind.

We had three divisions $10 with 4 players, $20 with 27 players and the $40 had 11 players.

Results (shows # of skins then the payout):

$10 Division:


$20 Divison(s)




$40 Division:

ADAM HUNT 10 $220

Congratulations to Adam Hunt as the big winner of the day.

Thanks to Pennekamp for helping me out and thanks for coming out..

Wayne has a High Noon filghts tomorrow at Haikey.. Be there!!!

Jan 04 2011, 10:43 AM

BVA and Jennifer just had their baby. 9lbs 7oz, 21.5 inches, baby boy.


Jan 04 2011, 08:56 PM
Congrats BVA...

Jan 05 2011, 11:15 AM
Hey the board let me back on!!

Congratulations on the toddler Jennifer and Brad..

Jan 05 2011, 10:12 PM
jennifer and baby are now home.
gabriel and joshua are at grandmas house.
baby has doctors appointment tomorrow and jennifer goes back to the doctor on friday to have the staples removed.
both are comfortable and doing well.
now maybe we all can rest.

Jan 06 2011, 02:38 PM
Congrats Brad and Jennifer on your new baby boy!
Tell me when it's time to break out the minis and the mini basket:)

Jan 06 2011, 11:28 PM
baby boy has a name.
Jonathan Douglas.
it took a while as Jennifer was set on a girl.
heck i never got to see a list of boy names before the delivery.
she is very happy with the result.
it is truly amazing that the human being automatically has more love to feel, one would think that it would be a full cup , until there is another child in the picture.

Jan 07 2011, 12:01 AM
That is a great name.

Nothing is cooler than a baby...