Feb 22 2011, 09:59 AM
This year is going to be off the chains and mighty TWISTED!

Feb 22 2011, 10:31 AM
Great tournament, great stamp..

This one is a can't miss for me..

Feb 22 2011, 11:06 AM
do players need to have taken the rules exam in order to play this event?

Feb 22 2011, 11:12 AM

Feb 22 2011, 03:17 PM
... ALWAYS Fun at the HillClimber ! ! ! ...

Feb 22 2011, 05:54 PM
Just when you finally got the van clean :) WAYNE is 100% correct FUN for ALL at the Hillclimber!

Feb 27 2011, 10:13 AM
Jerry's Cherrys has signed on as a sponsor of the DLHO this year! Jerrys makes some of the most TWISTED dipped cherrys and Pineapple treats of the adult variety. A huge hit in the south Jerrys will not leave you unpuckered! Packages will be available in the pre reg raffle and other twisted games at the DLHO! THANKS Jerry!

Mar 20 2011, 09:29 AM
Planning and prepping galore!!! This years DLHO is in full swing! The courses are looking better than they have in a few years. With the free work day mini being so popular we were able to trim MANY trees, pick up MUCH trash and a few folks dropped in 8 permanant baskets on the temp course which will free up a great amount of time for Johnny this year.
We also tweeked a few AM Pads and made the baskets more visible on the downhill holes, all of which will help speed of play!

Here are the folks who "left it better than they found it"

Johnny Zumwalt
Marty Dayhoff
Tom Lowry
Maci Zumwalt
Braden Stradley
Brittany Ozment
Mike Scrivner
Joseph "bubba" Stettinger
Steve "Dig" King
Jason LaPierre
Ben Cochrane
Stan Herman
Chris Bardy
Zac King
Haley Hulsey
Tina Harjo
Larry New
Jake "and I helped" Christian
Mitch Mac "alakka New York and Compton"
Chase Barrett
James Kuhn
James Haywood
Chris Yarber
James Bierman
Kate Schwartz
Theresa French
Neil French
Debi Osterlund
Chuck Bayless
Gena Parker
Om Chansombat
Josh Lane
Tim "will do" Parker
Matt Steward
Don Cook

It should be noted the top 5 folks have been working on the course over the last 12 0r 13 years.

Thanks everyone!!!

Mar 20 2011, 09:42 AM
Saturday night at the DLHO is coming together as nicely as the courses. This years Saturday evening entertainment is Will Porter from OKC's up and coming Porterhouse Band. Will is going to keep it TWISTED from 6:00pm until 8:00 pm I am hoping PJ Fry (we've seen his magic the last 3 years at DLHO) from Sally Majestic will then take the stage to round us out jam wise.

The JEREMY MARTIN MEMORIAL CREW will be hosting a Spaghetti FEAST Saturday night to raise funds for this years JMMO. $5.00 gets you a heapin' helpin' from this Disc Golf family.

The OKCDGA will be in the house signing up members and hosting a putting contest and a few other shennanigans. The putting final will be on Sunday at the awards. The OKCDGA currently holds the HIGHEST PAID MEMBER count for the State of Oklahoma and are worth checking out.

Mar 21 2011, 01:24 PM
Pre Reg is up thru Sunday morning. This event is capping at 180. The pre reg raffle is going to be sweet. SKEET from Skeetland - Beyond the disc will be onsite and keepin' it TWISTED throughout the weekend. The weather is looking good and the courses are looking even better!

Mar 23 2011, 11:46 AM
Pre Reg is updated! Shaping up nicely... SKEET has arrived and he has brought some pretty SKWEET stuff from across the land. Pre Reg folks are enjoying a few benefits this year so sign up now if you can! Pre Reg and get $5.00 off the SKEET DLHO INNcolor and get in the raffle!

TD's interested in offering an event entry for this years massive OK Disc Golf raffle let me know. It would be much appreciated. So far we have OKCDGA Route 66 Challenge, Twisted Flyer smash n grab, Twisted Flyer Open, Norman pro am, Brent Edwards Memorial, Jeremy Martin Memorial and the Tye F Cunningham Memorial. Thesed TD's will be at the DLHO advertising their events and discussing growth in their area. A BIG THANKS to the Oklahoma TD's that step up.

Mar 23 2011, 12:55 PM
You can add the 3rd Annual Centennial CUp to that list also!

Mar 23 2011, 04:02 PM
Thank You Dave! Way to step up!!! I really appreciate it!

Mar 24 2011, 10:56 AM
Joe, I will not be able to attend and promote my tournament but please add 1 free entry into the 27th Annual Chandlerstock Tornado Open on April 9th & 10th as well.

Chandlerpark loves the smell of Disc Golfers in the morning!!!

Barber Shop
Mar 24 2011, 02:08 PM
Is there any directions on how to get to this event anywhere?

Mar 24 2011, 06:26 PM
Is there any directions on how to get to this event anywhere?

The easiest directions:

I-44 South to Chickasha @ Hwy 81 Exit
Hwy 81 South to Duncan
On the North end of Duncan (2nd stop light) turn Left (East) at Plato Road
Plato Road approx. 10 miles to a stop sign at Duncan Lake Road
Go Right (South) on Duncan Lake Road approx. 1/2 - 3/4 miles to the entrance (on your right) to the equestrian area/marina (If you go across the dam you went too far)
Take the marina entrance to the shelter and camping area

There are probably other ways, but this is the easiest to follow.

Mar 24 2011, 09:43 PM
Ok Folks!!!

Thanks Tom for Directions!

Thanks to Furdog for the entry! And sir Evan McKee has stepped up to donate an entry into the Alma Greens! Thanks to our TD's for sharing the love.

Weather is looking great, courses looking great, discs looking great!!!

Mar 24 2011, 10:27 PM
Looking for eight baskets to complete the temp course! LMK if you are bringing a basket to the party :)

Mar 24 2011, 11:28 PM
can if you need,I have one chainstar

Mar 25 2011, 01:48 AM
make one of the holes a mini hole and ill send a mini basket.

Mar 25 2011, 12:37 PM

Pre Reg is closed.

Duff has added a Duff Special entry to the give aways..

Slim is donating entry to the State Champioship Field Events.

Could be more!!

See you there, drive careful..

Mar 25 2011, 12:52 PM
whoa whoa whoa!!!

i told joero i was donating entry into the disc golf part only! (its the bigger entry anyway!)

Mar 25 2011, 04:26 PM
... The OKCDGA currently holds the HIGHEST PAID MEMBER count for the State of Oklahoma and are worth checking out.

... all disc-golf enthusiasts in the STATE of OKLAHOMA should be proud ! ... even if your'e a TDSA Member, you should ALSO join the OKCDGA ... they are already up to 107 Member numbers > all Current-paid ... your TDSA just went over 500 Member numbers > 140 Current-paid ... Great Growth , guys ! ...

Mar 25 2011, 04:31 PM
... and Kudos to Twisted-flyer for once-again running the Duncan disc-golf AND camping extravaganza ... some of us only "wish" we could be there this year ... Enjoy the whole enchilada , fellers 'n' gals ... it is a SUPER experience to Enjoy ! ...

Mar 27 2011, 11:40 PM
Wow, that was a great weekend.

Thanks to Joe and Company, awesome job.

Johnny and crew had that place looking park like..

Mar 28 2011, 09:49 AM
Best the course has ever looked. Thanks to all the volunteers that put many hours in out there. Unfortuantely it still plays just as tough as ever. Its like having a bully kick your arse evertime you walk around the same corner but you just keep going back. ?????????????

And I'll be back next year also.:D

Mar 28 2011, 12:39 PM
Whew!!! What a weekend! Now that we have made it back to civilization the scores have been posted! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED pull this shindig off! Barb, Tamara, Shana, Gina, T-Walk, Don, Matt, Jason, Doug, Johnny, Tim, Douglas Jr., Mark, Mickey, Nate and anyone else who threw in some hands to "Get'r DUNCAN!!!"

As in all years past the campgrounds were most festive and alive with sounds of the game and friendship. Thanks to all who pre reg'd and came out to sponsor, play or support the 2011 DLHO!!!

Half of the TEMP course.... isn't so TEMP anymore!