Feb 25 2011, 11:13 AM
So it is 2011 and there are no player stats for 2011 on the website.
When I go to look at 2010 stats, they are all messed up. Nothing is in the correct order, etc, etc.
Come on now PDGA it's almost March and I can't see any of my 2011 stats. Lets get this fixed ASAP before I think about asking for my PDGA fees back.
This is UNACCEPTABLE. Get your butts in gear and get the web page updated.
Feb 25 2011, 11:49 AM
What, you want one of the only tangible benefits to ponying up your $75?!?! Dude, you're asking for w-a-y too much. Just be glad the bunk page loads in <30 seconds.
You keep up this unreasonable demanding & you'll have LaGrassa in here in no time urging you not to renew…
Mar 25 2011, 10:51 AM
what you get for your membership fee:
- a crappy sticker that peels off and/or fades in a month
- you dont have to pay non-member fee at tournaments(if you play more than 5 events for am, or 8 events for Pro this is worth it)
- permission to post on the board
- ratings
- annoying emails that are often behind in the current dg news
- vote for board members and state coordinators
- a paper copy of the rule book
What you dont get:
- a staff that actually cares about the majority of the members (a few are excluded from this)
- a 'real' voice in how your money is spent (gee reminds of a certain institution...what could that be...???)
- heck i renewed over a month ago and still dont have my members packet yet. i just want the rulebook dang it. so i guess im saying good fast quality service
- a association that is actively trying to progress this sport. from what ive seen, the local clubs scattered across the world are the ones doing 99% of the work on this, yet their fees are generally $15 or less (you get a bag tag, and in some clubs automatic free invites to tournaments). you dont even get a PDGA bag tag, that would be cool if you ask me.
i struggle every year to sign up sometimes. if i felt that the PDGA wanted to be more beneficial in progressing the sport (not just talk about it) id pay the $2k lifetime fee plus i would donate money every year. but the likelyhood of that is minimal.
Mar 25 2011, 11:52 AM
I'm sure, after so many years of carping, that at least one of the disaffected has formed a better organization out there somewhere that you could join. You know, the one with $10 annual fees and a big-payout championship and instant player ratings and fed-exed membership packages and all else. I don't know that I've seen the name, but it MUST be out there! Right?
Mar 25 2011, 09:45 PM
I'm sure, after so many years of carping, that at least one of the disaffected has formed a better organization out there somewhere that you could join. You know, the one with $10 annual fees and a big-payout championship and instant player ratings and fed-exed membership packages and all else. I don't know that I've seen the name, but it MUST be out there! Right?
and that attitude is why this country is heading in the direction it is. you should expect to be properly taken care of by an institution you pay money to.
i also want to know who said anything about $10 fees? who? anyone? no. and if i was paying a $10 fee i dont think id expect much other than a # and ratings.
if paying a lil more helps to make it so that the sport can support a healthy amount of touring pros then im all for it. once we have that everything will slowly come into play. that would be best for the sport at this time. its starting to slowly get it there but its stalling out. i am not an experienced promoter so i dont truly know how to generate the next level of cash.
also as it is, its very hard for anyone to make a profit running tournaments. there are a few who seem to have found a way to do it and live off it. we need to find a way so that TDs are consistently making money, players are getting good payouts (even being an AM i dont think they should get a huge payout, pros should be near 100%-support touring professionals). TDs and local clubs with money generally reinvest into improving their tournaments and local courses. they could also use this extra money to throw high tier tournaments-once again supporting touring pros. i think in just recent years the PDGA has realized this is the right direction. theyve finally learned that all though we are an entirely different community of people, they can run this sport all most the same as the PGA does theirs. what is the biggest attraction to the PGA and competitive golf? wanting to be a touring pro...maybe. making some good $$$...possibly.
there are just some things that bug alot of paying members that havent been addressed. but i think this is because a minority of them actually say something. that minority is always pointed out as a trouble maker or an ***hole. if everyone who had a beef said something changes would happen.
and yes David i go expect to get my PDGA packet faster than 2-3 weeks after the order is processed. i run a warehouse. i know the costs and the programs. the packets are more than likely pre-made were one employee (could handle entire membership processing without much work) would have to insert a piece of paper with *blanks* name on it and seal the package. throw in bin. take to shipper 2-3 times a week. wow hard...
P.S. i apologize im in rant mode today.
Mar 28 2011, 08:51 AM
Apologies for any offense. My reply was more generic to the types of complaints I've read over the years. I'm frequently reminded of the quote that I'll misquote here, to the effect of "Everyone knows how the fix the world's problems, and it never involves them doing anything different."
Don't get me wrong. I could rattle off in a flash 50 things I dislike or disagree with about the PDGA. But I'm not willing to serve on the board or committees or otherwise invest my time to help---and I don't view complaining as terribly helpful---so I'm willing to grant them some slack. I also recognize that the PDGA represents many different members with many different ideas of what it should do, some opinions being very different from mine.
The point of my post is that no one who thinks the PDGA is wrong has created a rival organization to do it better.
Mar 28 2011, 09:09 AM
How would there be 2011 stats when there hasn't been a 2011 inclusive ratings update yet?
Mar 28 2011, 11:46 AM
How would there be 2011 stats when there hasn't been a 2011 inclusive ratings update yet?
Bill, come on now, you should know the drill by now - this is the PDGA DISCussion Board, where logic and common sense should never apply.
To wit, when the Original Poster started this thread on 2/25/11, there had not been a single A tier, National Tour or Major event for Pros NOR a ratings update. Yet the PDGA still 'should have gotten their act together' and done a players stats update based on the limited number of B and C tier events held up until that point, right? :rolleyes:
The real shame of this is that I know the OP quite well and have played many rounds together with him - he is a smart guy and a good person and someone who has been very active and supportive of disc golf in western Pennsylvania and Ohio since 1995. It's truly disappointing that if he was indeed honestly interested in the 2011 player stats that he wouldn't have contacted the PDGA Tour Manager directly by private e-mail or telephone to inquire about such, and instead took the path of least resistance and created yet another whine thread on the PDGA DISCussion Board.
But that's par for the course now these days, right? :(
Mar 28 2011, 05:09 PM
guess the OP shouldve read this page on the Feb 22nd update page
to Jeff - any paying member should have the right to come on here and complaining publicly. what you view as whining others may view is constructive criticism (although not always presented in such a manor, i.e. read between the lines). sounds to me like youre in the boat of people who get offended immediately, instead of continuing to listen to what someone is ACTUALLY saying, not the way their saying it.
Mar 29 2011, 09:44 AM
what you view as whining others may view is constructive criticism (although not always presented in such a manor, i.e. read between the lines). sounds to me like youre in the boat of people who get offended immediately, instead of continuing to listen to what someone is ACTUALLY saying, not the way their saying it.
For myself, I find criticism more constructive when its less vitriolic. Even more constructive when it includes ideas as to how to remedy the issue (other than "get your act together").
I confess to a knee-jerk reaction to criticism of volunteers. As a frequent volunteer in many endeavors, I've never enjoyed it, and suspect others don't either. I'm not that fond of non-constructive criticism of paid workers either---but especially not volunteers.
Mar 29 2011, 11:46 AM
guess the OP shouldve read this page on the Feb 22nd update page
to Jeff - any paying member should have the right to come on here and complaining publicly. what you view as whining others may view is constructive criticism (although not always presented in such a manor, i.e. read between the lines). sounds to me like youre in the boat of people who get offended immediately, instead of continuing to listen to what someone is ACTUALLY saying, not the way their saying it.
Adam, I agree that any paying member should have the right to come on here and present constructive criticism - as defined as the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions that are intended to improve something. It should be given in a polite and helpful manner, rather than an oppositional one. I think it can hardly be argued that coming on here and stating a case that is
a) 100% invalid (because it was already publicly declared by the PDGA a while ago that the first ratings update that will contain 2011 events will take place on March 29, 2011)
b) done in an impolite manner - thread title of "PDGA get your act together" etc.
c) posted in the first place when the question could have been easily answered by a direct email or phone call to the PDGA Tour Manager
could be considered constructive criticism, or productive even in the slightest. Are the PDGA office employees expected to scan this message board on a daily basis and respond to questions? How in the world could anyone think it would be more productive (and get a quicker response) by making a message board thread, instead of contacting the person directly responsible for tour stats?!?
The last point, letter c, may be the most annoying and egregious. One of the major reasons I declined to run for a second term as a PDGA State Coordinator is due to a number of people, who when they had questions or complaints about a tournament payout or the timely posting of unofficial results to generate round ratings, would choose not to contact the TD directly by e-mail, phone call, or face-to-face conversation to get their question answered. Instead, their default action would be to create a message board thread or post whining about their grievance. Furthermore, a few folks would even post that the state coordinator needed to "do his job and get the results posted." For a tournament which I didn't even attend and occurred hundreds of miles away from me, I was basically expected to scan multiple message boards, and then badger TDs in turn because they didn't upload their results to the PDGA Online Tournament Scoring System and generate round ratings within two or three days after the completion of the tournament. Puh-lease.
Though the internet may be the greatest invention by mankind in our lifetime, it CANNOT be allowed to replace simple human interaction. I'm a nobody on this planet, and lord knows I'm far from perfect - my wife reminds me on a seemingly daily basis how I could improve myself and my interactions with others. I know I'm highly opinionated, a blowhard, and I'm sure many people ignore me outright. But as long as people continue to choose a) to avoid contacting tournament directors, PDGA office employees, and PDGA volunteers directly with their questions b) make threads and posts with spurious claims which are invalid to begin with and are far from constructive criticism, then I'm going to call them out on it. I will do this as long as I am involved in this sport, and I plan to be around this sport for a very, very long time.
Mar 29 2011, 11:50 AM
For myself, I find criticism more constructive when its less vitriolic. Even more constructive when it includes ideas as to how to remedy the issue (other than "get your act together").
Apr 08 2011, 06:39 PM
I think he was meaning more of posting the scores for the tourneys that had been played and reported to the PDGA. He was not asking for a rating update.
There was no tourney results added at the time of the OP. Why cant you guys pull your heads out, and not immediately go to the quit whining statements. Nothing changes if there are not squeaky wheels. And for why people dont email? Did you ask him if he sent one? NO you didnt, you assumed he had not tried any method other than posting here.
Apr 29 2011, 04:03 PM
guess the OP shouldve read this page on the Feb 22nd update page
to Jeff - any paying member should have the right to come on here and complaining publicly. what you view as whining others may view is constructive criticism (although not always presented in such a manor, i.e. read between the lines). sounds to me like youre in the boat of people who get offended immediately, instead of continuing to listen to what someone is ACTUALLY saying, not the way their saying it.
Jeff isn't alone in that boat Smyith...
While I agree every member DOES have a right to come on the MB and post a complaint, that doesn't mean that it is the civil or most effective way of getting what you want. So how did you attempt to address your issues directly with the PDGA before starting up a PDGA-bashing thread?
There is a far different way to offer constructive criticism than to start a thread like this...although your issues might have validity, the way that you have presented them doesn't fall under constructive criticism...instead it comes off as destructive criticism. And I disagree with you about the way something is presented isn't IS important if your goal is see something change which you can't change yourself. Presentation of your ideas/suggestions is VERY important because you probably need to "sell" someone on your idea(s) if your goal is to get something changed.
(Of course, if your goal was just to vent some of your frustrations at the PDGA, then I'd say your style of communication was probably right-on. But often the rest of us respond in either of two ways - we ignore what you post from then on, or we get into the same boat that Jeff is in and we get offended by yet another uncivilized PDGA-basher.)
Apr 30 2011, 02:56 PM
Any Word on when the PDGA Officials card will be shipped ?
May 03 2011, 11:50 AM
Whats going on down there??????????
There are SO many tournaments that are NOT listed on the PDGA board.
There are people I know who have signed up for worlds and are NOT listed and according to NY they are WAITING on the PDGA becuase they have to show where people HAVE passed this mandatory test.
People have not received thier membership stuff
people have not received their TD stuff
May 03 2011, 12:32 PM
And why does it cost $4.50 to electronically sign up for pdga tournies? Isn't that a little steep?
I'm actually afraid to do the math to see how much moolah this is generating for "somebody". Not sure where the money is actually going.
May 03 2011, 12:36 PM
May 03 2011, 04:16 PM
Everyday I work towards growing the sport of Disc Golf by sharing the benefits that this sport offers. When I share my Disc Golf story I like to talk about the benefits of the PDGA because of the fine people who volunteer their time helping grow our sport. Please, next time you want to make a post in haste think about if it is good for the future of Disc Golf.
Also, you should contact our PDGA through email and do not embarrass the whole PDGA community with your ignorant rants.
May 03 2011, 05:11 PM
Whats going on down there??????????
There are SO many tournaments that are NOT listed on the PDGA board.
Are you sure these tournaments have been submitted for sanctioning? Sanctioning fee paid? They've instituted a new policy where they aren't listing events until the sanctioning fee is received for the tournament. Perhaps a direct email to either the TD or the PDGA office will give you the answer to these questions.
There are people I know who have signed up for worlds and are NOT listed and according to NY they are WAITING on the PDGA becuase they have to show where people HAVE passed this mandatory test.
So, have these people who have signed up actually taken the test yet? If so, when did they take it. If not, then there's the explanation. Sounds like they're not officially listing registrants until they pass the test.
People have not received thier membership stuff
people have not received their TD stuff
Have they contacted the office? I received my membership package within a week and a half of renewing. I received a TD package in early April for the event I ran last weekend. I received a TD package last Thursday for the event I'm running on June 4-5. At least I assume that's what the second one is for, and not just a second one for last weekend's tournament.
Seriously, though, posting here is not the best means of getting answers to your questions or results from your requests. It's not like the people working in the PDGA office sit in front of the computer monitoring this discussion forum 24/7 waiting to answer questions. An email or a phone call would be far quicker and more effective.
May 03 2011, 09:29 PM
Seriously do you think things like this would be posted if people had not already tried other means of getting it fixed? Phones call were made, emails were sent..........
AND yes everytihng was done as supposed to be and plenty of TIME has been given to get things done.
May 03 2011, 09:37 PM
Seriously do you think things like this would be posted if people had not already tried other means of getting it fixed?
Yes, yes they do. ALL the time. Are you new to this discussion forum?
Phones call were made, emails were sent..........
AND yes everytihng was done as supposed to be and plenty of TIME has been given to get things done.
That's great. I'd say keep calling and keep emailing until you're satisfied. As I said, the PDGA office folks don't monitor this forum. Posting here isn't going to expedite anything.
May 04 2011, 11:32 AM
Well its funny, this got posted and now people have gotten there names added to the worlds list, AND tournaments that should have been listed are as of late yesterday. So maybe this forum is the best way to get things done.
Am I new to the forum NO, I just dont post unless there is something to say.
May 04 2011, 02:26 PM
[QUOTE=inspirations09;1454352]Well its funny, this got posted and now people have gotten there names added to the worlds list, AND tournaments that should have been listed are as of late yesterday. So maybe this forum is the best way to get things done.
Methinks this statement is a good example of a Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc fallacy.