Mar 08 2011, 01:59 PM
Be sure to get signed up for Dynamic Discs' Showdown at the Lodge.
Click here to get registered (
Mar 08 2011, 03:52 PM
I'm planning on competing but have never played at the lodge...anyone interested in playing a couple of practice rounds someday before? Is there anything special required ($$$, letting them know we're coming, etc.) before going?
Mar 08 2011, 05:25 PM
... good-thinking , Chuck ... you will absolutely dig that whole scene out there ... Both Courses ... can be stroke-eaters ; BUT way too much FUN and CHALLENGE to miss ... see ya there ...
Mar 08 2011, 06:24 PM
... AND ... a 1-day B-Tier will get you Players-Points in a hurry ... you'll accrue points and show pdga-stats and Ratings with your current-number ...
... much like the 1-day C-Tier on the following Sunday at Chandler ...
... much like ANOTHER 1-day B-Tier in Bartlesville on a saturday May 21 ...
Mar 08 2011, 09:52 PM
I am looking forward to this one. Maybe we can get Andrew out of retirement.
I will tell him it's called Bass & Baskets, that should work!!
Big Easy
Mar 09 2011, 11:19 AM
... AND ... a 1-day B-Tier will get you Players-Points in a hurry ... you'll accrue points and show pdga-stats and Ratings with your current-number ...
... much like the 1-day C-Tier on the following Sunday at Chandler ...
... much like ANOTHER 1-day B-Tier in Bartlesville on a saturday May 21 ...
Yes Bartlesville is a B-Tier this year. Don't miss it. !!! !!! !!! :D
Thanks Wayne :D
Big Easy
Mar 09 2011, 11:20 AM
Be sure to get signed up for Dynamic Discs' Showdown at the Lodge.
Click here to get registered (
I think the lodge is my home winter course.
I have played more there than i have in Bville over the winter :D
Looking forward to this one.
DD Productions never disappoint :D
Mar 09 2011, 11:41 AM
In case you have not heard I have a $100 Ace Bounty for the Dynamic Discs Dirty Dozen Tour. I have been filming disc golf for 2 years now and I need to get an ace on film.
So, as I walk around the courses if you spot me filming your drive make sure you aim for those chains and you could walk away with the tournament's ace pot and $100 cash!
Just remember:
1. It must be filmed and CoolDaddySlickBreeze must be the one filming.
2. It has to be a tournament ace.
3. No, I will not be stationed at one hole.
Mar 09 2011, 06:33 PM
I heard a rumor we're only playing The Island course for The Showdown. Any truth to that? I've never played The Lodge before, hoping to get in both courses during this tourney...
Also, is the doubles on Friday a flex start? Which course?
Mar 09 2011, 06:37 PM
I heard a rumor we're only playing The Island course for The Showdown. Any truth to that? I've never played The Lodge before, hoping to get in both courses during this tourney...
Also, is the doubles on Friday a flex start? Which course?
... Flyer shows your Saturday tourney on both Courses ... but , you should e-mail Jeremy Rusco ...
[email protected] ... or call him : (785) 505-9805 ...
Mar 14 2011, 05:40 PM
... looks like Ulibarri is coming to town for this one ... and McCabe ... could be quite "The Showdown" with all the other registrations by Saturday , ay ? ...
... p.s. : Patterson would be the early-line favorite in MPM ... ;>)
Mar 14 2011, 05:59 PM
Those interested in warm-up rounds, I believe Dale Patterson is running his normal B-ville mini at the Lodge on Thursday. Will be from the white tees on Island Course. Friday is dubs and don't forget this is a stop on the Dirty Dozen Tour.
For those of you who don't know there is another sanctioned tournament at the Lodge this year in October. It is the finale of the DD Tour and to enter you have to qualify by points earned. How do you earn them? By playing in DD tournaments. Below is a link to the breakdown of the point system and you need 4 points to be eligible to enter into the Tour Finale at the Lodge October 15-16.
Mar 14 2011, 06:15 PM
In case you have not heard I have a $100 Ace Bounty for the Dynamic Discs Dirty Dozen Tour. I have been filming disc golf for 2 years now and I need to get an ace on film.
So, as I walk around the courses if you spot me filming your drive make sure you aim for those chains and you could walk away with the tournament's ace pot and $100 cash!
Just remember:
1. It must be filmed and CoolDaddySlickBreeze must be the one filming.
2. It has to be a tournament ace.
3. No, I will not be stationed at one hole.
Grab your camera and my golf bag! If you want to see that ace, caddy for Duff this weekend!:cool:
Mar 14 2011, 06:36 PM
For those of you who don't know there is another sanctioned tournament at the Lodge this year in October. It is the finale of the DD Tour and to enter you have to qualify by points earned.
:eek:h and it will be off the hizzle fo shizzle my nizzle! Ya, I went old school snoop dogg in this bizzle!
Mar 14 2011, 06:59 PM
Menu for this weekend at the Lodge:
Friday evening--"Chuckwagon Dinner" Cowboy Beans, Fried Potatoes and Cornbread
Saturday breakfast--Sausage, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Burrito or Biscuits 'n Gravy
Saturday lunch--Grilled Chicken Salad Wrap and Potato Chips
Saturday dinner--Grilled Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chili, and Potato Salad
Drinks available all weekend, Gatorade, Tea, Coffee, Beer and Water
Mar 14 2011, 07:01 PM
... p.s. : Patterson would be the early-line favorite in MPM ...
... for real ... unless McCulley from Iowa can give him a run ... you gotta give the experience Nod to 4121 , though ... especially on those Courses ...
Big Easy
Mar 15 2011, 12:10 AM
Those interested in warm-up rounds, I believe Dale Patterson is running his normal B-ville mini at the Lodge on Thursday. Will be from the white tees on Island Course.
Weather looks great for the Mini this thursday.Warm and windy. Gotta love it
Rolling Starts 5:30-6:00pm.
Yeah it looks like it will be a safe bet to plays the whites because of early sunset :P
Come on out should be great way to start warming this event up :D
Big Easy
Mar 15 2011, 12:13 AM
... p.s. : Patterson would be the early-line favorite in MPM ... ;>)
Thanks for your vote Wayne.
With it being a B-Tier should be good competition showing up.
I believe Tony Shirley and Ron Silliman are rolling in from Texas at least.
Whatever the results it will be a good time because we will be at the Lodge :D
Mar 15 2011, 01:18 PM
Come on weekend, hurry up and get here!
Mar 15 2011, 03:29 PM
[QUOTE=jemtay17;1451007]Those interested in warm-up rounds, I believe Dale Patterson is running his normal B-ville mini at the Lodge on Thursday. Will be from the white tees on Island Course. Friday is dubs and don't forget this is a stop on the Dirty Dozen Tour.
What time a dubs and are the draw?
Mar 15 2011, 11:01 PM
I see that it is bring your own partner dubs on Friday, what course and what time?
Mar 16 2011, 04:30 AM
Hey Jeremy, is it acceptable to roll in Thursday and set up camp?
Mar 16 2011, 09:36 AM
I'm sure that would be just fine. Just check in with my parents when you get there and let them know.
Big Easy
Mar 17 2011, 11:07 AM
Wow it looks like theres more players from Texas signed up that from OK.
Come on guys don't wait get signed up Today !!!
Mar 17 2011, 12:50 PM
... ab so lutely ...
Mar 17 2011, 03:44 PM
... The LODGE will be percolating with finely-driven-Discs on this Saturday ...
Big Easy
Mar 18 2011, 01:08 AM
Thanks to all who made it out. We played Island Course Whites.
Amazingly enough, the closer it got to sunset the calmer the wind got :D)
Dale Patterson 50
Gordon Hall 52
Jeremey Taylor 57
Brandon ? 50 ( Cali Kid )
Bobby Clarke 57
Mitch B 57 ( had just rolled in from dallas to camp out )
Duff 59
Churck Willams 53
Zach Ketcher 57
Corey Olivarez 58
Christian Walsh 58
Zach Townsley 59
Kyle Streets 63
Thanks to Jim and Debbie Taylor for such a great place to come and play disc golf.
They were given Many kind words and . . . . . a fist full of $$$.
You are always most gracious host :D
The sunset reflecting off the water on #16 was spectacular.
You don't want to miss Saturdays event at The Lodge. Come on out.
Dael Patterson
Mar 18 2011, 02:16 PM
Has anyone heard the format? Playing all blues or a mix??
Mar 18 2011, 02:24 PM
Has anyone heard the format? Playing all blues or a mix??
I emailed and asked but didn't hear anything.
Mar 18 2011, 02:29 PM
... playin' wherever they say ...
... BUT ...
... MG1 (and similarly dodder divisions) could be Mighty-Cool with playing the White-Tees ... cool-is-as-cool-does ...
Mar 18 2011, 04:49 PM
... playin' wherever they say ...
... BUT ...
... MG1 (and similarly dodder divisions) could be Mighty-Cool with playing the White-Tees ... cool-is-as-cool-does ...
Dodder, synonymous with wobble, stagger, sway, lurch, shake, weave..
What are you trying to say Forest???
Mar 18 2011, 04:52 PM
... synonymous ? ... yes ... all-of-the-above ...
Big Easy
Mar 19 2011, 11:59 PM
Thanks to the DD Crew and Jim, Debbie, and Jeremy Taylor for hosting.
We dodged the Rain, Hail and Lightning but the 2nd round was much better.
Really not hardly any wind for The Lodge.
Got my 1st Pro Masters Sanctioned Singles Win :D
Mar 20 2011, 12:50 PM
Congratulations Dale, great job.
The weather was a little crazy but it all worked out..
Big Easy
Mar 20 2011, 08:30 PM
Interesting how quiet it is after 2 rounds on tough courses.
Just like it is after Copperhead Canyon :P
Well If you want to make the DD finale @ the Lodge...
you need to make these 2 courses your friends :D
the camera guy
Mar 20 2011, 10:16 PM
added a few images from the showdown at the lodge...
Mar 21 2011, 12:44 PM
� Great Tourney on Great Courses � surrounded by Great Company � hadda Blast �
Mar 21 2011, 12:48 PM
� the eventual Champion improvises when necessary � nice work , Dale ...
Mar 21 2011, 12:49 PM
... 2 more of the Great Young Talents ... ripped-up GREAT Scores ...
Mar 21 2011, 01:05 PM
two excellent courses out there! always enjoy myself, even during a hailstorm. hope everyone made it back safely.
Mar 21 2011, 01:28 PM
Fantastic event. I only have one complaint and it has nothing to do with the event itself, it has to do with NO MPG's that play. While we have a fairly strong Adv GM field at most events, there are no MPG's. I was forced to play up a division both Saturday and Sunday and I'm getting tired of donating to the MPM division.
I will not do this any more. If a division here does not make, then I will not play. I know the competition is tough but I would like to at least stand a chance at something more than last place cash. Playing against 40 year olds that can throw 550 is not for me. It would appear that for my division, if you want people to play against, you have to go to Texas. So, it looks like I'll start putting Texas tournaments as a preference over Okahoma tournaments.
While we are on that subject, there are numerous Adv Master that NEED to move up and quit playing for plastic. There are SEVERAL ams that continue to play Nov or Intermdiate that also NEED to move up.
Remember this................NOVICE is for beginners, not just because you think you suck! Intermediate is for those that have some game and are improving and plan on moving to Advanced. Quit hanging out in a division because its easy.
Move up or move on!
Mar 21 2011, 01:51 PM
... good points about the "needa-move-uppers" , Wise ... there are a few 'regulars' along-those-lines , for sure ...
Mar 21 2011, 01:51 PM
� got to play with a cool group of up-n-coming Am-players for the Island-Round � nice young guys with good manners � then for the Moccasin-StrokeEater-Round , it was a Pleasure to accompany good buddies : Doug Duff ; Michael Treat ; Barry Joe Rogers � a really Cool buncha guys � (side-note : I had no idea that Barry Joe was aged-enuff for �masters� � look-out warning to that Division in future tourneys) �
Mar 21 2011, 04:32 PM
no fear here
Mar 21 2011, 05:35 PM
no fear here
... and here's another "hot-young-player-warning" for you MM1 Advanced-Master guys : Heath Whitley ... what a Bomber drive he was showing !!! ... but still , at his ratings : he'll probably be throwin' in with the MPM Pro-Masters in future ...
Mar 21 2011, 06:49 PM
Fantastic event. I only have one complaint and it has nothing to do with the event itself, it has to do with NO MPG's that play. While we have a fairly strong Adv GM field at most events, there are no MPG's. I was forced to play up a division both Saturday and Sunday and I'm getting tired of donating to the MPM division.
I will not do this any more. If a division here does not make, then I will not play. I know the competition is tough but I would like to at least stand a chance at something more than last place cash. Playing against 40 year olds that can throw 550 is not for me. It would appear that for my division, if you want people to play against, you have to go to Texas. So, it looks like I'll start putting Texas tournaments as a preference over Okahoma tournaments.
While we are on that subject, there are numerous Adv Master that NEED to move up and quit playing for plastic. There are SEVERAL ams that continue to play Nov or Intermdiate that also NEED to move up.
Remember this................NOVICE is for beginners, not just because you think you suck! Intermediate is for those that have some game and are improving and plan on moving to Advanced. Quit hanging out in a division because its easy.
Move up or move on!
I am trying to move up to MPG, certainly not because of my skill level but actually so I can try and get better. The few events I did play MPG I learned something everytime. Watching/playing against Daryl Johnson, Scottie, Wise and Tony Walker is really good for me. I understand that winning is a big deal. But competing and trying to get better should be our first goal. If you do that, the victories will come later.
The reason I played Adv Masters was because it was a bigger field, and that is actually a move up for me because I am also playing against 40 year olds.
In the future I am going to sign up for MPG, and if no one else does then I will do what the TD ask me to.
I understand what your saying Dave. I really wasn't thrilled to be competing against Heath Whitley either!
I also enjoyed Rusco's comment about Oklahoma players waiting until Saturday morning to sign up. This is really tough on the TD and it takes time away from doing other things to make the event more enjoyable.
If I was going to enter lets say a Bike Race. The flyer says the event starts at 9:00 Saturday morning and you must sign up by 7:30 Friday night. I wouldn't think a thing about that and honestly most of you wouldn't either. We are the only sport I know of where you can show up 10 minutes before the start and sign up. We have a lot of players that want to wake up Saturday morning, check the weather, call their buddy, see how hung over they are then decide to race over and sign up. That is not going to enhance our sport in any way. If you don't know for sure you can play by Friday night then you should pick another date that will work for you. For the other 99% of players that commit to playing, sign up early and get ready, why should they suffer because of the other 1%?
I am going to cut off my sign ups off on Friday evening at ALL events I am running in the future. Every place else does that except us. Why is that??
Big Easy
Mar 21 2011, 11:03 PM
Fantastic event. I only have one complaint. Playing against 40 year olds that can throw 550 is not for me.
OK when did Tony Walker start throwing 550 feet ? ? ?
Don't know who was throwin 550 but I missed it.
I understand your sentiment Dave.
I know you played 980 golf and was 1 stroke out of cash.
I would probably do the same If I was 50 +
Hope to see you at the US Masters in Huntsville
and at the GBO in Emporia :D
Mar 22 2011, 09:39 AM
Fantastic event. I only have one complaint and it has nothing to do with the event itself, it has to do with NO MPG's that play. While we have a fairly strong Adv GM field at most events, there are no MPG's. I was forced to play up a division both Saturday and Sunday and I'm getting tired of donating to the MPM division.
I will not do this any more. If a division here does not make, then I will not play. I know the competition is tough but I would like to at least stand a chance at something more than last place cash. Playing against 40 year olds that can throw 550 is not for me. It would appear that for my division, if you want people to play against, you have to go to Texas. So, it looks like I'll start putting Texas tournaments as a preference over Okahoma tournaments.
While we are on that subject, there are numerous Adv Master that NEED to move up and quit playing for plastic. There are SEVERAL ams that continue to play Nov or Intermdiate that also NEED to move up.
Remember this................NOVICE is for beginners, not just because you think you suck! Intermediate is for those that have some game and are improving and plan on moving to Advanced. Quit hanging out in a division because its easy.
Move up or move on!
You should post a list of players on this message board who need to move up. That could be fun. Like they don't already know.
Just trying to stir the pot.
BTW......Wonder if Bubba will go for a 4 peat in advanced at Duncan this year?
Big Easy
Mar 22 2011, 10:39 AM
You should post a list of players on this message board who need to move up. That could be fun. Like they don't already know.
Just trying to stir the pot.
BTW......Wonder if Bubba will go for a 4 peat in advanced at Duncan this year?
Yeah last time pressed on it Bubba said he didn't put as well as everyone else....
On the 2nd card at am worlds last year :P
Big Easy
Mar 22 2011, 10:47 AM
OK when did Tony Walker start throwing 550 feet ? ? ?
Don't know who was throwin 550 but I missed it.
The only place you can figure distances like that is Hole #5 from Island Blues.
The distance on the tee says 540. I think that's wrong.
If that's true 3 of us in our group threw 500 plus the 2nd round. I don't think so...
I plan to take a wheel back over there and check it out.
But Yes Tony Shirley can definitely throw far :P
Mar 22 2011, 02:36 PM
Yes, it was Tonly Shirley I was talking about and yes he can bomb 550.
I agree with about everything Mike had to say, I know I'm guilty of it. I did it on Sunday morning at Chandler. Woke up to a phone call and decided to give it a try. Now if I had shown up and they told me sign ups closed the night before then I would have had no problem with that.
As for going to a division to get better, that is not me. I'm 50 and my best was a few years ago. While I may putt better to get a little better rating, the old drives are just getting shorter and shorter. If it were not for some new "old man" plastic out on the market, I would reserve myself to the short course at Chandler. But one thing is for sue, I chose not to hang in Adv Master my whole life.
It just gets aggrivating watching players bag down event after event and this is across all divisions, not just the masters. It is also aggrivating to know that before the event starts you are playing for last place cash at best, at least that is my situation.
Joseph Stettinger (Bubba)
James Patton ( playing Int at every chance)
Heath Whitley (playing Adv Masters)
Mike Conners (playing Intermediate)
Gary Beasley (for Willey wood, should have played open :) )
Jerry Stacy (needs to be a pro master, has the game for sure)
Joel Woody (Another one that needs to move on to Pro masters)
Conner Michaels (needs to play pro grand masters only )
And there are plenty in the Int divisions that need to go to Adv.
Just can't think of all their names.
I'm sure you can add some names to that list Jason.
Mar 22 2011, 05:17 PM
your frustrations are also felt by many divisions in disc golf. Imagine pro women, any juniors age or sex, and any divisions with old guys, the older you get the more you are going to feel the frustrations of less competition.
I say play your big cash side games for the thrill of cash, then play these events in the biggest size field you can legally play in.
I'm not saying your frustrations are understood and felt by others, but it isn't JUST you with these frustrations, look at the Open field at chandler on sunday, 3 players! When ANY MASTER, GRANDMASTER, ADVANCE, PRO WOMEN, or even some INTERMEDIATE can shoot OPEN level scores at chandler parks.
It is a valid complaint, but it's an old complaint, this is no new argument dave, if you really think you can get a bigger better field in texas, just go there, thats what the rest of us that want to compete at higher levels have to do! (I have to use all my vacation this year just to play 5 NTs, or so that is the plan)
As far as bagging goes... thats not the main issue, every one of those "Baggers" are playing in a division that is legal for them to play, so what is to criticize? Some of them would rather compete versus more players, espcially knowing they can win it, why not? I hate the fact that Bubba is good enough to play open and doesn't, but it's totally his choice and has probably been a valuable move for him in the past few years.
Bag down and smash some people Dave!!!
Mar 22 2011, 06:11 PM
I didn't realize you had joined Team Innova..
Congratulations, that is most awesome!!!
Mar 22 2011, 06:44 PM
I wouldn't say bubba is a bagger. In my book bagging would be shooting bad on purpose to not crush the competition, or to keep your rating from elevating you to your next division.
Mar 22 2011, 06:47 PM
your frustrations are also felt by many divisions in disc golf. Imagine pro women, any juniors age or sex, and any divisions with old guys, the older you get the more you are going to feel the frustrations of less competition.
I say play your big cash side games for the thrill of cash, then play these events in the biggest size field you can legally play in.
I'm not saying your frustrations are understood and felt by others, but it isn't JUST you with these frustrations, look at the Open field at chandler on sunday, 3 players! When ANY MASTER, GRANDMASTER, ADVANCE, PRO WOMEN, or even some INTERMEDIATE can shoot OPEN level scores at chandler parks.
It is a valid complaint, but it's an old complaint, this is no new argument dave, if you really think you can get a bigger better field in texas, just go there, thats what the rest of us that want to compete at higher levels have to do! (I have to use all my vacation this year just to play 5 NTs, or so that is the plan)
As far as bagging goes... thats not the main issue, every one of those "Baggers" are playing in a division that is legal for them to play, so what is to criticize? Some of them would rather compete versus more players, espcially knowing they can win it, why not? I hate the fact that Bubba is good enough to play open and doesn't, but it's totally his choice and has probably been a valuable move for him in the past few years.
Bag down and smash some people Dave!!!
well put, paul. i am probably a name that gets mentioned in "bagger" talks because of all the years i have played MA2. I show flashes of brilliance from time to time, but i also have plenty of stupid, bone-headed mistakes that keep me needing more practice. If you look at my rating, i played almost 40 rated rounds in 2010 and had rounds rated anywhere from 850 to 980. when i am playing "well" i probably look like a 950-960 rated player, but when i am having a bad round, i really know how to stink it up. Sunday at chandler i shot -8 on bear and -3 on moose. decent scores, but not great scores. then look at my +13 on moccasin creek on saturday and my 54 from the whites on the island course. nothing to write home to mama about. I like to play where i can be competitive, and until i feel that i have the consistency to put up 935-1000 rated rounds every single time i step on the course, i probably won't make the jump on a permanent basis.
Mar 23 2011, 05:35 PM
I wouldn't say bubba is a bagger. In my book bagging would be shooting bad on purpose to not crush the competition, or to keep your rating from elevating you to your next division.
Then how about Bubba playing Intermediate at GCD?
Mar 24 2011, 09:22 PM
Played with a rec player. And it was unsanctioned.
Mar 24 2011, 11:31 PM
Thats your answer? It was unsanctioned and a rec player? Are you for real?
That was no rec player and you need to take off your rose colored Bubba glasses.
Just what I would expect from a Bubba zombie,............its unsanctioned?????????????
I supposed with that theory, its not stealing if a cop isn't around.
Mar 25 2011, 12:54 AM
Bubba's a F*ckin Bagger and EVEYONE in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and soon Texas knows it. And I'd say it to his face as well.....
His partner drove further on hole 10 @ McClure than I can. I have been playing 5 years and we won Advanced, so I can throw a lil. His intermediate score was even better than ours. How is that not bagging. He needs to go pro and play with Dorries, Hunt & Crowl and let them work him over in a SANCTIONED round!!! BTW......... I'M BACK!!!!