May 11 2011, 10:44 AM
The Kenneth Brent Edwards Memorial will soon be here. Jyly 2nd and 3rd, 2011.

The 2011
Kenneth Brent Edwards Memorial
(Formally known as The McClellan Classic)

Saturday Sign-Ups: from 7:45am until 8:45am
Players meeting @ 9:15am

Norman, Oklahoma
McClellan Course
4 Rounds of Golf

PDGA Sanctioned C Tier

July 2nd and 3rd

All Pro$60

All Advanced$50

All Intermediate $40

All Recreational $30

Junior $20

Additional $10 fee for non PDGA members

Always added cash and prizes at this event!!!
Field capped at 90 players.

Directions: I-35 to Robinson Ave exit in Norman. Go East to 48th St. It is on the NW corner of 48th and Robinson Ave.

Tournament Director
W. Kyle Power 405-990-6237
[email protected]

Printable Flyer:

Printable Registratin Form:

Jun 28 2011, 05:36 PM
We will be taking registrations and playing draw doubles Friday evening. I'll be at the course around 5. We will start doubles around 6.

I've updated the preregistration list.

For those of you that want to stay First Class, the Embassy Suites of Norman has offered a prefered rate for this event.

Embassy Suites Norman- Hotel & Conference Center

2501 Conference Drive

Norman, OK 73069


Preferred Pricing and One-Click Reservation Procedure

The Embassy Suites is pleased to offer preferred pricing and a simple booking method for the PDGA Event

Client Name
Kenneth Brent Edwards Memorial

Corporate Code


One Click URL: 0002702090

Additional Information:

Preferred rates are open to incoming PDGA guests. ID Code must be submitted for preferred rates.
Preferred rates are based upon availability.

Jun 29 2011, 11:17 PM
I was mistaken, Friday doubles will be bring your partner. I'll be there as early as I can to take tournament registrations. I should be there by 3.

Jul 02 2011, 10:01 PM
Scores are up.

Jul 03 2011, 11:06 AM
Thanks for putting the scores up. Great turn out! Great playing with you last weekend in dubs. Did you guys win am I hope?

Jul 03 2011, 11:55 PM
No just 2nd.

Final scores are up.