May 18 2011, 04:26 PM
The email informing me that I passed the Exam said I would receive a card in the mail, but no card ever arrived. Have cards been phased out?
May 18 2011, 06:43 PM
You should contact the PDGA office directly. Go to the PDGA HQ tab and Contact.
You won't get a good answer until you do that.
May 19 2011, 08:24 PM
The answer from an email I received today:
Due to the officials card not being necessary as proof of being certified or
really useful. The board approved to discontinue issuing of the Certified
Official�s Card as they will no longer be necessary with the forthcoming
upgrades to our website. With the upcoming website improvements the
certification will be noted on a player�s profile with the player�s stats,
rating and tournament history.
The elimination of the cards will free up much needed resources that can be
used for other initiatives; including course development, community outreach
and educational programs. It's also a more environmentally friendly option.
We will be posting an official announcement soon.
I apologize for any inconvenience, we are making corrections to our website
and automated email response system so members are no longer informed that
they will be receiving a card. Please let me know if I can help you with
anything else.
I have no problem with that. A card would just get shoved into a pocket in my wallet never to be pulled out except for to show myself that I am a Certified PDGA Official (which means nothing to 99% of the population.)
May 19 2011, 09:17 PM
The answer from an email I received today:
Yes, I think that's a good decision. Plus, it keeps me from putting the card in a clear plastic sleeve, hanging it around my neck, donning a stripy shirt, and springing out of the bushes while blowing a police whistle and calling foot faults on random players. Good job, PDGA!
May 19 2011, 09:38 PM
begin quote" Due to the officials card not being necessary as proof of being certified or
really useful. The board approved to discontinue issuing of the Certified
Official’s Card as they will no longer be necessary with the forthcoming
upgrades to our website. With the upcoming website improvements the
certification will be noted on a player’s profile with the player’s stats,
rating and tournament history.
The elimination of the cards will free up much needed resources that can be
used for other initiatives; including course development, community outreach
and educational programs. It's also a more environmentally friendly option.
We will be posting an official announcement soon." end quote
assbackwards yet again...shouldn't the "forthcoming upgrades" (which have been painfully slow to appear to those of us in the peanut gallery) precede the elimination of the cards? imo the officials cards were actually useful if needed in the course of play... forgoing membership cards would make more sense...
if officials cards were interfering with things like "course development, community outreach and educational programs" then this organization is even more of a pathetic mess than mikey or vegan ray or peter shive could possibly construe.
that entire response to abyrd's email sounds like it was written for an infomercial...
May 19 2011, 10:15 PM
if officials cards were interfering with things like "course development, community outreach and educational programs" then this organization is even more of a pathetic mess than mikey or vegan ray or peter shive could possibly construe.
I don't disagree with you there, John.
imo the officials cards were actually useful if needed in the course of play...
I have to disagree there....the card doesn't prove anything....the ability to find the correct rule in the rulebook, interpret that rule taking into consideration all circumstances, and convince others of the correct call is the really useful thing. But, a card would be cool to have now that I've thought about it.
May 20 2011, 08:43 AM
Heck, I've been an official for a while and didn't even know cards existed. I don't know if I ever had one, and I've never seen anyone else produce one.
May 20 2011, 09:20 AM
I have two of the older officials cards. IMO, they should just add something to your normal PDGA membership card which states that you are a certified official.
May 20 2011, 10:13 AM
i thought the $10 fee was to pay for the cost involved in giving the test and everything basicly what your saying now is the $10 fee is to free up much needed resources that can be
used for other initiatives; including course development, community outreach
and educational programs
we already knew that the thousands of dollars the pdga will receive in $10 chunks wasnt really used to code a officials test and pay for cards {that now dont exist},"since id imagine for a few hundred you could get your test coded and cards made..
In my opinion the best lies are the one you stick to the same story...please go back to this technique since we can see through it anyways
May 21 2011, 02:18 PM
I was promissed by the PDGA to get my Officials Card in March. This is why I took the test for $ 10.00 hoping to get something for my money. I have been approached many times on the Disc Golf Course to PROVE my Officials Status as telling people doesn't work and they don't believe you when you say your a PDGA Official. THEY SAY SHOW PROOF !!!!!!
Now , a decision was made without notifying me first.
This is a Breach of Contract. Promisses made and not kept.
I can contact my attourney and see what can be done about this. I have wrtten documentation.
Otherwise , Provide me with a NEW PDGA ID Card with Certified Official on it !
PDGA , please keep your WORD !!!
My $200.00 + dollars will stop coming in each year for support.
Patrick P
May 21 2011, 07:30 PM
I have two of the older officials cards. IMO, they should just add something to your normal PDGA membership card which states that you are a certified official. I agree. Just add something to the PDGA member's card stating your an official. Having an extra card just takes up extra space in my wallet. I know someone will say, well what if you already have your member's card, and then take the official exam after you get your member's card? Well, simple solution, make everyone who becomes a full member take the darn exam as part of your renewal/signup to begin with. And seriously, people who threaten to boycott the PDGA for this decision, go ahead, stop playing PDGA events if you're going to get so worked up about not having a card as if it's some merit to your ability to pull out the rule book and actually help people intepret a rule call as you should do in any rule decision (not just whip out a card and say you know more than someone else cause you got a card, whoopity doo).
May 21 2011, 11:42 PM
Whip out your iphone. droid or whatever, naviogate to, and click on certified officials. Scroll down to you, and show it to them. Yell something dramatic and unprintable. Problem solved.
This is a Breach of Contract. Promisses made and not kept.
As an attorney, but not YOUR attorney, I LOLd.
I can contact my attourney and see what can be done about this. I have wrtten documentation.
Please video tape your attorney's reaction. I think it will be awesome!
Otherwise , Provide me with a NEW PDGA ID Card with Certified Official on it !
You realize, even if you are owed a card, they can just print "cirt if I'd oh fish all" on a piece of used toilet paper and maile it to you to satisfy that legal obligation, right? But they never promised a card ahead of time, did they? It was just in the email afterwards. That's called "lack of consideration." AKA no contract, and no promissory estoppel. Just a promise to make a gift, which is not enforcable. BTW, this is not legal advice. I am not your lawyer. LOL!
PDGA , please keep your WORD !!!
Which time? The time they said they would mail you a card for passing a test that an 8 year old can pass (and is required to pass to play juniors at worlds). Or the time they said they will not send you a card? You can't have it both ways.
My $200.00 + dollars will stop coming in each year for support.
Really? You voluntarily donate $200 per annum with nothing required in return? I take back everything I said. Except you still don't deserve a certified officials card. Let's make it a metal mini instead. Gold plated!
Ok, that was sort of fun /troll
May 22 2011, 05:29 PM
You must be new ?
May 23 2011, 12:39 AM
You must be new ?
One friendly troll deserves another? :D
May 23 2011, 04:07 PM
I still have my card from a few years ago. No Worries.
It's just tough here dealing with the Pot smokers and Beer drinkers who insist on Illegal activities while playing PDGA sanctioned events. Parks and TD's say " No smoking or Drinking during the Tournament " . It still happens. Players will still Burn during tournaments and Drink from Flasks. Doesn't matter if you say something or not.
I do Agree that if you play any type of PDGA Tournament , ALL players should know the Rules !
Jul 05 2011, 10:20 PM
It took them almost 6 months last year to get mine.