May 20 2011, 01:27 PM
I hope to see many of you come down the turnpike for this. There at least 2 top five Tulsa bag tags in OKC. I have confirmed that both the people that own them will be at this tournament. Space is limited. You can pre-register on

First round Saturday will be at Mitch park in Edmond. The second round Saturday will be at Dolese in OKC. The final round will be Sunday at Adams park in El Reno.

Jun 07 2011, 05:27 PM
The Route 66 challenge is an OKCDGA event. Joe rotan has been nice enough to let us his website for pre-registering on line at This tournament is capped at 90, so sign up now!

Jun 08 2011, 12:13 PM
There will be a a drawing from those that preregister. If the person drawn is a member, they will receive their entry fee in merchandise. If the person drawn is not a member they will be given a membership with the membership pack. You can sign up at on-line, or at one of the OKCDGA minis this week.