Jul 06 2011, 01:09 PM
Voting for the upcoming PDGA Board should soon be underway. I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself in hopes that those of you who read this might consider me for one of the positions.

Professionally I am an Information Technology Consultant. I have been in this career for over 17 years. The experience in this field, dealing with a variety of clients in a variety of situations has helped me develop listening, negotiation and problem solving skills. I feel these skills will be very important to successfully fill a position on the PDGA Board.

Having served on the Board of Directors for the River City Disc Golf Association for the past 5 years, I understand the dynamics of how a board is run. Although RCDGA is a small club, we still follow Roberts Rules of Order and run our organization in a very professional manner. The experience I have will allow for a smooth transition into a board position with the PDGA.

I will not make any promises that I can not keep... but the one thing I can and will say is that I will listen to those of you who are willing to share with me your comments and concerns and do my best to continue the growth of our sport in a positive manner.

I'm not sure about the rest of you out there, but Disc Golf has been a great addition to my life. I've never been part of a sport that not only fosters competition, but camaraderie at the same time.

Thank you for your time and hopefully your vote.


Jack Hicks
A.K.A. Rhyno

Jul 06 2011, 09:13 PM

Thank you for your willingness to serve.

It is good to hear from so many qualified candidates. What do you see as some of the biggest challenges facing the PDGA in the next few years?

Best of luck and thanks again for your willingness to serve.

Jul 07 2011, 07:39 PM
The willingness to serve is the easy part for me. Having served on the board of directors for RCDGA as Director of Events for 2 years, Director of Membership for 2 years and Director of Marketing for 1 year, I enjoy seeing our organization continue to grow.

Ok..to answer your question regarding what I see as the biggest challenges facing the PDGA in the next few years....

Unfortunately, the PDGA has several challenges moving forward. Of these, public image and membership retention are probably two of the most important. There is no way to grow our sport with a negative public image and loss of current members. I've noticed over the past 5 years, we have grown over 20,000 members. Notice my number 28773 and we are over 48,000, yet we only have over 12,000 active members???

Now I don't pretend to have a solution to these problems, but I do have some ideas that may help. However, not knowing the full dynamics of how the PDGA board operates or what their specific agenda is, I will hold off on revealing this at this time.

Please note, some of my ideas my be very progressive, but maybe this is what we need to move forward with our sport!

Hope this helps answer your question.

Jul 14 2011, 12:11 PM
Membership retention is a difficult issue - how would you work to solve that? We've definitely had consistent membership retention (with rising total numbers of players, the number of players current has also risen, but the percentage of total members that are current seems to stay about the same).

Also - I definitely support Jack Hicks, as someone that has met the guy - he is one of the few people in this sport that I've met that absolutely has some common sense, is more than capable both in terms of long term decision making and in the moment. For those that don't know Jack: fantastic candidate.

Jul 14 2011, 12:13 PM
Also Jack: What do you think of the idea that in order to grow, ideas need to be "uncomfortably exciting."? I've been using that phrase a lot here in NW Ohio lately, it is a phrase grabbed from the CEO of Google (Larry Page) and I believe it is something we don't do enough of in many regions - people stay too safe with their ideas, and progress turns into a slog.

Jul 14 2011, 12:57 PM
Actually Chris, if we only had 20% member retention since I joined in 2006, we would have at least 4000 more active members today. I know there are a lot of issues I have heard why the PDGA has a difficult time keeping members. As for a solution, I do not have one yet. I need more information on how things work with the PDGA before I can make an informed decision. I do know that whatever solution is achieved, not everyone will be happy.

Part of the issue as I see it is the resistance to change. That and the Professional Disc Golf Associtiaton needs to be just that...Professional. I will reveal more on that statement in the near future!!!!

Which brings me to your comment "uncomfortably exciting". That phrase says it all... We need to stand out and do things on the up and up so to speak. Mainly doing what it takes to change the image of disc golf and disc golfers. That in itself is uncomfortably exciting to me!!!!

Jul 14 2011, 01:43 PM
Could it be because non-members can play most PDGA events for a small fee? The cost of membership probably does not outweigh the non-member fee for most who are only playing 4 or 5 events a year and they are ok with not having a rating.

Jul 14 2011, 02:03 PM
You consider $10 a small fee?

Jul 14 2011, 03:03 PM
Yes, unless you play 10 tournaments or so, its cheaper to pay the fee than to join each year.

Jul 14 2011, 03:08 PM
Anyways, I guess it would depend on how many non-members have been playing sanctioned events, it may not be that many.

Competitive disc golf is shrinking, while the rec version of the sport continues to grow.

Jul 14 2011, 04:56 PM
Anyways, I guess it would depend on how many non-members have been playing sanctioned events, it may not be that many.

Competitive disc golf is shrinking, while the rec version of the sport continues to grow.

This is true. We have created measures in Jacksonville to assist with the issue of having AM's take over a tournament due to PRO's signing up late. However with that being said, that only patches the problem. The solution lies in changing the dynamics of the association. I can't go into anymore details at the moment, but know that I will be working toward this goal in the future whether I'm elected or not.

I really do look forward to working toward the future of the PDGA and Disc Golf! The sky is the limit!!!!

Jul 15 2011, 09:46 AM
Competitive disc golf is shrinking, while the rec version of the sport continues to grow.

Huh? Around here, it's been rapidly growing. The number of tournaments and tournament players increases every year; we're in need of a calendar with more weekends.

Or is this a different definition of "competitive disc golf"?

I suspect PDGA retention is strongly related to how long people stay in the tournament scene. Some try it for a while and decide it's not for them; some are avid for several years but then burn out or life changes divert them. There's not a great appeal to be a PDGA member if you're not playing tournaments.

Jul 15 2011, 10:59 AM
Huh? Around here, it's been rapidly growing. The number of tournaments and tournament players increases every year; we're in need of a calendar with more weekends.

Or is this a different definition of "competitive disc golf"?

I suspect PDGA retention is strongly related to how long people stay in the tournament scene. Some try it for a while and decide it's not for them; some are avid for several years but then burn out or life changes divert them. There's not a great appeal to be a PDGA member if you're not playing tournaments.

Very valid point on the tournament scene... I don't play as many as I did in the beginning, but I understand the need to support our governing body. With that being said, we are on the cusp of something very big! Within the next few years, there will be a way for sport to continue it's growth while maintaining membership!!!

Jul 15 2011, 12:14 PM
I guess where I'm going is asking whether your goal to increase retention involve changing PDGA membership requirements (lower fees, or a lower-fee, non-tournament supporting membership)....or somehow changing the tournament structure to be more enticing for people to extend their tournament careers?

I offer no suggestions, just curious.

I join with others in thanking you for offering your service on the board.

Jul 15 2011, 12:42 PM
I guess where I'm going is asking whether your goal to increase retention involve changing PDGA membership requirements (lower fees, or a lower-fee, non-tournament supporting membership)....or somehow changing the tournament structure to be more enticing for people to extend their tournament careers?

I offer no suggestions, just curious.

I join with others in thanking you for offering your service on the board.


I don't have any concrete answers right now. I do know that I need to understand the dynamics of the PDGA first before I can make any suggestions or attempt to implement any changes. With that being said, please note that my ideas are innovative and hopefully will make a difference for everyone.

Jul 15 2011, 03:46 PM

I don't have any concrete answers right now. I do know that I need to understand the dynamics of the PDGA first before I can make any suggestions or attempt to implement any changes. With that being said, please note that my ideas are innovative and hopefully will make a difference for everyone.

hi jack,
thanks for being willing to take on the thankless job of board member.

pardon my bluntness but i would be more likely to vote for you were i to know some specifics of what your innovative ideas are.


Jul 15 2011, 05:37 PM

I've been waiting for someone to mention that. The reason I'm not mentioning any ideas at this moment is due to that even if not elected, I am going to pursue this on my own. I've already referenced some of these ideas to Brian Graham, but I'm going under the assumption the ideas would be better served under the direction of the Board of Directors.

Again I also need to learn and understand the dynamics of how the PDGA Board of Directors does business and the best way to approach these ideas with the Board so that the interest of the members is kept the highest priority.

Jul 18 2011, 03:46 AM
your sig line says grip it and rip it.
what are we gripping with you.
we are not privy to your discussion with brian.
what are some of your ideas that you bring to the table.

Jul 18 2011, 08:46 AM
your sig line says grip it and rip it.
what are we gripping with you.
we are not privy to your discussion with brian.
what are some of your ideas that you bring to the table.

Bravo, not sure what you mean by your second sentence.

I will tell you the main idea has to do with keeping the PDGA professional. I won't go into anymore detail on that until I put things into motion either being part of the PDGA board or not. Some other ideas will address the costs and benefits associated with being a member. Possibly selling less expensive lifetime memberships and investing that money. Try to get where the PDGA is supporting itself from sponsorships and investments. More lifetime members, sponsorships and investments will help lower the yearly membership costs. In my mind, the organization is only as strong as it's members. We need to do a better job taking care of our members.

All I know is there is a problem when we are loading almost as many members as we are getting new each year. I would lik to be part of the reason we retain more than we are losing and possibly bring back ones we have lost.

Hope this helps.

Jul 19 2011, 09:29 PM
you shield and dodge to much. cant you just answer a question without beating around the bush.
you say you want to take care of the members but dont feel we can know what your thinking until after you are on the board and have put what you want into motion. sounds like american politics to me. its obvious with the growing frustration that members are no longer happy with "ill tell you after the fact...if i feel like it" mentality that the PDGA has portrayed over the past few years.
many say that its the website being slow and member-restrictive that has caused the demise. as someone who was around when the board was active i can tell you that what drove me away was the mods and the lack of interaction of the PDGA higher ups. you have your roots in american culture, americans dont like to be censored. thats why we are some dang loud. I come here once a year for elections and occasionally to ask DaveD a question or get rule clarification (which sadly i have to get secondhand from Chuck,thank you btw, and not anyone from the rule committee).
i wont be voting for you unless you believe in accountability and greater communication from the PDGA BoD and Staff, then i may consider it.

Jul 19 2011, 10:37 PM

I totally understand where you are coming from... I will be up front and honest about any question you have. What I'm referring to has to do with a Major shake up of how things are currently done. So whether I'm elected or not I will move forward with my plans. To give you a heads up, I have hinted at this major shake up a couple of times but no one has picked up on it. My hint was keeping the PDGA Professional. I'm sure you get the jist of what I'm saying.

With all that being said, I can't agree with you more regarding accountability and greater communication from the PDGA BOD and staff. I'm not sure how those dynamics work, but rest assured, as a Director on a local BOD, we run into the same issues on a daily basis. I am always open to speak with and will provide any and all information I have to whoever is interested in hearing it.

Like I said before, there are many reasons the PDGA has had difficulty retaining members. Your concerns are at up there at the top and need to be addressed. I actually believe having someone on the BOD that is concerned about addressing this concerns would be a step in the right direction.

I don't pretend to have all the answers nor am I hiding behind any political agenda... what I do have is an idea that may or may not be shot down... if it is.. I will guarantee one thing..and that I will utilize all my resources to make this successful! It's all about bringing the sport back to it's members!!!

I hope this helps but I understand your comments and concerns. If you would like, give me a call and I will disclose a little more of what I would like to accomplish. 904.707.8898

Jul 20 2011, 12:11 AM

I totally understand where you are coming from... I will be up front and honest about any question you have. What I'm referring to has to do with a Major shake up of how things are currently done. So whether I'm elected or not I will move forward with my plans. To give you a heads up, I have hinted at this major shake up a couple of times but no one has picked up on it. My hint was keeping the PDGA Professional. I'm sure you get the jist of what I'm saying.

With all that being said, I can't agree with you more regarding accountability and greater communication from the PDGA BOD and staff. I'm not sure how those dynamics work, but rest assured, as a Director on a local BOD, we run into the same issues on a daily basis. I am always open to speak with and will provide any and all information I have to whoever is interested in hearing it.

Like I said before, there are many reasons the PDGA has had difficulty retaining members. Your concerns are at up there at the top and need to be addressed. I actually believe having someone on the BOD that is concerned about addressing this concerns would be a step in the right direction.

I don't pretend to have all the answers nor am I hiding behind any political agenda... what I do have is an idea that may or may not be shot down... if it is.. I will guarantee one thing..and that I will utilize all my resources to make this successful! It's all about bringing the sport back to it's members!!!

I hope this helps but I understand your comments and concerns. If you would like, give me a call and I will disclose a little more of what I would like to accomplish. 904.707.8898

I hope this comes to fruition.