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Jun 28 2011, 08:31 PM
Saw in Discgolfer mag that the PDGA is putting out an app for smartphones. Anyone have any info on this? Hopefully it'll come out soon.

Jun 28 2011, 09:35 PM
For iPhone, Ipod touch so far. Gave it a beta test this past weekend and it worked well for scoring our group. Fast and easy to enter. I think Theo may have shown a proto around to some people at Beaver State. It still has a few tweaks and improvements being worked on before official release. Stay tuned.

Jun 29 2011, 03:52 PM
is there an Android version in the works? I choose not to do Apple.

Jun 29 2011, 05:14 PM
Only had iPhone listed. I suspect an Andoid version will follow.

Jun 29 2011, 05:38 PM
Android in the plans but maybe 3-6 months later once the PDGA sees how the initial iPhone app is going. The overall goal is to eventually support the mobile op systems with reasonable market penetration so that live scoring can be done from the field from each group among other cool things.

Jul 05 2011, 04:00 PM
What is the ETA on this app being ready for the Iphone/Ipad?

Jul 05 2011, 05:05 PM
Maybe this month. Just used the latest beta to score my group for two rounds this past Saturday at a B-tier. Fast and easy. Good cross-check for paper scorecard totals, especially since we played a 27-hole course.

Jul 05 2011, 11:47 PM
So will this app also allow TD's to upload scores directly to the site. I saw a TD do this at the KC Wide Open as each card came in and I would like to have this capability for my tourney later in the year.

Jul 06 2011, 12:04 AM
Not the initial version but it's headed that way. The problem for iPods specifically is they only have wireless capability and very few courses have wireless signals at all or public signals. However, any current smart phone with Internet access (Apple, Android, etc.) can already be used to upload scores directly to the PDGA site. That's how live scoring has been done for years. TDs get a password to do this.

Jul 06 2011, 12:16 AM
So will this app also allow TD's to upload scores directly to the site. I saw a TD do this at the KC Wide Open as each card came in and I would like to have this capability for my tourney later in the year.

What you probably saw was the Round entry option in the standard PDGA Tournament Administration. From the main Admin menu in the PDGA Live Tournament Administration, simply choose "Round Entry" and one can enter players' round scores by division.

Jul 10 2011, 07:22 PM
After almost a year of planning and development, the official PDGA iPhone app is about to be launched! The first ad was placed in the Summer 2011 magazine, and the Apple app store submission process is under way. We can't give you an exact date due to unknowns with the Apple process, but it's going to be here soon!

We are creating this discussion topic on as a way to have a dialog between the development team and the disc golf community regarding questions and features about the app. We will answer any questions we can, and will add any new feature suggestions to our list (it's pretty long already!).

The first version of the app is going to have the following key features:

Search for courses - This is the only app that uses the official online course directory

Scorecard - Keep scores for up to 6 players in a round. Scores are saved and can be emailed

Round Ratings - This is the first tool players (including non-members) can use to calculate round ratings for non-tournament rounds!

We will have a new web page with screenshots and additional details on in the next few days. In the meantime, feel free to ask questions. In addition to the development team, we had a large active group of testers (listed below) helping us make sure that this application is easy and fun to use. We think you're going to like it!

The development team:

Mike Dietrich, #39858
Neal Dambra, #200
Theo Pozzy, #14166
David Gentry, #17153

The testing team:

Dan (Stork) Roddick, #003
Doug Korns, #1510
Chuck Kennedy, #4949
Juliana Korver, #7438
Dave Nesbitt, #13707
Brian Pearson, #13723
Brian Donahue, #14686
Bob Decker, #17745
Cris Bellinger, #18301
Steve Ganz, #21439
Jay Harbour, #21464
John Borelli, #23492
Chad Francis, #30662
Marcy Borelli, #37881
Aaron Hagner, #42151

Jul 10 2011, 10:10 PM
Having recently gone through the apple cert process, it should take about two weeks from submission. They approve on Fridays, so hopefully next week?

Jul 10 2011, 10:50 PM
I just started a thread that the dev team is going to use for feedback, feature suggestions, etc. You can find it here:

-Theo Pozzy
PDGA iPhone App Dev Team

Jul 12 2011, 01:33 AM
If the PDGA iPhone app is accessing the same PDGA server which the rest of the PDGA website runs on, then the app is doomed to fail. Both this DISCussion Board and the website have become intolerable to use in recent weeks. To wit, I tried to access the DISCussion Board nearly this entire afternoon and most times, nothing would load.

No matter how great a job both the development team and the testing team may have done with this app, if the data refuses to load (just like the rest of the PDGA website) then the app will be a complete failure.

Jul 12 2011, 04:27 AM
If the PDGA iPhone app is accessing the same PDGA server which the rest of the PDGA website runs on, then the app is doomed to fail. Both this DISCussion Board and the website have become intolerable to use in recent weeks. To wit, I tried to access the DISCussion Board nearly this entire afternoon and most times, nothing would load.

No matter how great a job both the development team and the testing team may have done with this app, if the data refuses to load (just like the rest of the PDGA website) then the app will be a complete failure.

It's relatively speedy at 3:28 in the morning. :)

I've stopped coming on here until after Midnite to keep my sanity - it drives me nuts that it takes longer to wait for the page loading, than to read all the stuff I've waited to load. :(

Jul 12 2011, 08:45 AM
The good news is that accessing the PDGA Course info via the app has been instant throughout the testing phase since it's just grabbing data from the database and not having to display web pages.

Jul 13 2011, 01:09 PM
Well the final version had better be "instant" as well. Most people don't play disc golf at 3:28 in the morning. :D

And whatever is causing the PDGA website to be the slowest loading website on the internet needs to be fixed, stat. :mad:

Jul 13 2011, 01:18 PM
Yep. Just got and tested the release version being submitted to Apple. Course info pops up quickly.

Jul 13 2011, 05:25 PM
Well the final version had better be "instant" as well. Most people don't play disc golf at 3:28 in the morning. :D

And whatever is causing the PDGA website to be the slowest loading website on the internet needs to be fixed, stat. :mad:

Just food for thought, but even when the websites are incredibly latent on a PC, they load just fine though a mobile device, no matter what time of day. That includes this past week, and I'm on here alot.

Jul 13 2011, 05:42 PM
It's a good thing that's the case or live scoring wouldn't work very well when they do it.

Jul 13 2011, 07:22 PM
What's the cost going to be for the app? Is it free it your a member?

Jul 14 2011, 03:08 AM
Well the final version had better be "instant" as well. Most people don't play disc golf at 3:28 in the morning. :D

And whatever is causing the PDGA website to be the slowest loading website on the internet needs to be fixed, stat. :mad:


We're in the final stages of developing a new website that is intended to address the performance issues on the current site. We will be coordinating that effort closely with the launch of the app, which depends on the real-time data (course info) available from


Jul 14 2011, 03:19 AM
What's the cost going to be for the app? Is it free it your a member?

If it's less than the price of an average disc, would that be ok? That's kind of how I look at the value.

If you want to compare it to apps that are free or a buck or two, then I recommend you compare the usability, features, and whether you want to support the mobile application development effort. The PDGA Board has funded the initial development of the application, but is expecting ongoing development to be funded by revenue.

This is the only app that accesses real-time PDGA course directory data and calculates PDGA round ratings. It's pretty cool (my biased opinion). We hope you all buy a copy, to enjoy the features, and to help support all the cool things we have planned if it's successful!

-Theo and the dev team

Jul 14 2011, 12:21 PM

We're in the final stages of developing a new website that is intended to address the performance issues on the current site. We will be coordinating that effort closely with the launch of the app, which depends on the real-time data (course info) available from

I am rather disappointed.,, and aren't being used, so there's no way for me to sneak a look at it. :) I can't even do a google search for " lorem ipsum" this time. Lame. ;)

As for the app - Is there anything down the pipe for an Android App? I'd buy it.

Jul 14 2011, 01:16 PM
If it's less than the price of an average disc, would that be ok? That's kind of how I look at the value.

If you want to compare it to apps that are free or a buck or two, then I recommend you compare the usability, features, and whether you want to support the mobile application development effort. The PDGA Board has funded the initial development of the application, but is expecting ongoing development to be funded by revenue.

This is the only app that accesses real-time PDGA course directory data and calculates PDGA round ratings. It's pretty cool (my biased opinion). We hope you all buy a copy, to enjoy the features, and to help support all the cool things we have planned if it's successful!

-Theo and the dev team

So the price point hasn't been decided upon? While I understand the reason for explaining the reason for a non-free app, why not just disclose what you're looking to charge?

Jul 15 2011, 03:11 AM
So the price point hasn't been decided upon? While I understand the reason for explaining the reason for a non-free app, why not just disclose what you're looking to charge?

The price for the app is probably going to be $4.99. I'm sure we'll get some feedback that it should be less. However, Apple takes a good piece of the pie (30%). If we can't generate a decent revenue stream, we won't be able to make the investments in the features we want to add, which include:

* Uploading your scores to a personal page on
* Sharing scores via Facebook
* Using the app for live scoring at PDGA events
* Enhanced course directory features, including detailed layout information (hole lengths, pars), maps, etc.
* Round stats - fairways in regulation, putts, etc.

Once we add some of these additional features, there will be a free version of the app, which will be limited to the initial scorecard and course directory search features. The free version will include sponsored ads. The free version will most likely not include the ability to generate round ratings.

Anyone who buys the initial version of the app will be entitled to future upgrade for an indefinite period of time. While I'm sure there are people that are going to say that $4.99 is too much, I really feel that the value you are getting for that investment, especially with unlimited upgrades, is a pretty sweet deal.


Jul 15 2011, 09:54 AM
4.99 seems like a fair price, if the app has a good UI that's easy to understand. Round stats and enhanced course maps would make this well worth the price as well.

Will the free version one of these days include the live scoring option?

Jul 15 2011, 10:11 AM
The ability to enter live scores from the course has been accessible for quite a while with any smart phone having Internet access and the password provided to TDs for each event. I believe future app enhancements would simply provide easier and direct access for passing hole scores being entered in the app to the live online web display without needing to open a browser.

Jul 15 2011, 10:48 AM
First off, I love this. This is a fantastic idea. The GPS course locater is long overdue. People complaining the money...IT'S FIVE DOLLARS.

Now that I've said that....

I really support this app being free. I don't see many recreational disc golfers buying this app and I certianly don't see those who really don't know what disc golf is buying the app.

This is a unique opportunity to introduce new players to the sport and turn recreation players into more competitive players. 4.99 will turn away many people from the app. Those of us like me who know the sport and play it, it's an instant buy. But of course, I'm very knowledgeable of the sport.

Jul 15 2011, 02:19 PM
The ability to enter live scores from the course has been accessible for quite a while with any smart phone having Internet access and the password provided to TDs for each event. I believe future app enhancements would simply provide easier and direct access for passing hole scores being entered in the app to the live online web display without needing to open a browser.

I remember the last time I entered scores on the PDGA's site using my computer, it had a very unfriendly mobile interface (little text boxes). This has been changed to allow for ease of use on a mobile device?

Jul 15 2011, 02:20 PM
First off, I love this. This is a fantastic idea. The GPS course locater is long overdue. People complaining the money...IT'S FIVE DOLLARS.

Now that I've said that....

I really support this app being free. I don't see many recreational disc golfers buying this app and I certianly don't see those who really don't know what disc golf is buying the app.

This is a unique opportunity to introduce new players to the sport and turn recreation players into more competitive players. 4.99 will turn away many people from the app. Those of us like me who know the sport and play it, it's an instant buy. But of course, I'm very knowledgeable of the sport.

I think the free app will provide people with access to the course directory and basic scoring. Most new players don't need to know the numbers of OBs, putts, etc, or need detailed descriptions of holes.

Jul 15 2011, 04:00 PM
This has been changed to allow for ease of use on a mobile device?
You can make the text and scoring box size whatever you need to see by using your fingers to zoom in as needed on your smart device.

Jul 18 2011, 02:23 PM
Text boxes are not effective UI implements for mobile devices; they are much more effective with keyboard and mouse interaction. I can go dig up the studies that have been done, but a lot of the existing UI work that's done on the internet is frustrating to mobile users, often to the point of mobile users who quit using those sites on mobile devices. This is the reason you see so many mobile devolved sites ( just rolled out a new mobile site that's awesome, and is a great example of mobile specific design). It's also the reason you see so much money being pumped into the mobile market; development companies don't want to lose out on revenue because their app was meant for a computer, not a phone. Consumers are fickle; if something isn't easy to use, they won't use it. Making an easier, more intuitive mechanism for live scoring specific to mobile devices will probably drive an increase in live scoring.

Jul 18 2011, 02:25 PM
you need a free and "pro" version, or allow the app to have a free trial period of week. Otherwise why would I pay $5 for anything app-wise if I didn't know it was worth it?

Jul 18 2011, 02:30 PM
The only thing the group scorekeeper needs to do now is to enter the score for each player after each hole. No text other than a number is required. The names of the people in the event are already there and all the TD needs to do is check the box to indicate which players will be in a group for live scoring. Again, no text entry. The main thing a future app interface would assist is to pass the scores entered in the app to the live scoring web software rather than having to enter them twice.

Jul 18 2011, 02:37 PM
you need a free and "pro" version, or allow the app to have a free trial period of week. Otherwise why would I pay $5 for anything app-wise if I didn't know it was worth it?
In any product introduction, some are early adopters and some aren't. Nothing wrong waiting to see if the early adopters find it worthwhile.

Patrick P
Jul 18 2011, 04:01 PM
I don't have a smart phone, but I've seen friends that do that are using Easy Scorecard. Looks like a very cool app. How will the PDGA app be compared to this app already available? One feature of Easy Scorecard that I foresee as an issue is the GPS navigator, and players would not be able to use this app in sanctioned events. Does the PDGA have any similiar GPS Navigator? Will live scores be broadcasted to say TD central?

Jul 18 2011, 05:53 PM
Easy Scorecard is Android. They do not have an iPhone version yet. It's probably the best Android app and has some features the PDGA app does not have yet like tracking individual throw stats and calculating some stats for multiple rounds stored on the device. It's all B&W for some reason where the PDGA interface is full color. I think the PDGA scoring process is a little easier to see and faster. The full 3500+ listings in the PDGA Course directory is accessible with only 800 or so courses in Easy Scorecard. However, if you submit the GPS coordinates for the tees and pins on a course, it will allow you to calculate your distance to the pin when playing. That feature is planned for the PDGA app.

A proposal to allow smart phones and rangefinders to determine distance during rounds is under review by the Board for use starting in 2012. No action taken yet. Live scores can already be entered on the website if the TD sets it up and shows the scorekeeper in each group with a Smart Phone how to log in and do it.

Jul 19 2011, 01:19 AM
In any product introduction, some are early adopters and some aren't. Nothing wrong waiting to see if the early adopters find it worthwhile.

Eh, I like having a "lite" version available, opinions of others are great, but I like to test drive something before I committ.

I don't have a smart phone, but I've seen friends that do that are using Easy Scorecard. Looks like a very cool app. How will the PDGA app be compared to this app already available? One feature of Easy Scorecard that I foresee as an issue is the GPS navigator, and players would not be able to use this app in sanctioned events. Does the PDGA have any similiar GPS Navigator? Will live scores be broadcasted to say TD central?

Easy Scorecard Pro was worth every penny, the main differences between lite and pro were the throwing statistics (which you don't really NEED, but are just nice to have in case you are a stats junkie and you want to see specific areas in your game that you can improve). Even if a course isn't listed, it's very easy to manually add it, even seperate tees. I can add any course (considering its all a par 3) manually in about 30 seconds. Granted you won't have incredible details like yardage and such (which you can also enter manually), but its more than enough to let you create a history of rounds played per course. It even auto-handicaps you, per course, as you play.

The PDGA app sounds really interesting, the thing for me is I'd rather compare the two instead of buying an APP outright and having buyers remorse the next day. If the PDGA app comes to android, then I'll look at the features, until then Easy Scorecard Pro is THE way to go. You can cache multiple players, their handicaps, email instantly post-round, etc etc.

I find the yardage feature to a nice addition, if it gets added to the PDGA app. But until its approved through the board, and the current rules gets overturned, all this would be doing is promoting "cheating" at sanctioned events. Not to mention arguments at non-sanctioned events.

If the PDGA app comes with all the bells and whistles, I might bite, I'd just have to do alot of data entry to get my previous rounds entered in. I do like this direction that is being taken, and kudos for you all in taking this step with technology. It would be nice if you could fully integrate it with the PDGA membership, buying it when you join/renew for half price or something.

Jul 19 2011, 01:17 PM
And Chuck, I hope you know that I'm not bashing the product. As I stated, I'm happy to see this app come out, I think its a great product! If you ever come out with the Android platform, I've love to be a "tester" :)

Jul 19 2011, 01:36 PM
I understand. Several apps have the jump on the PDGA app. But it makes more sense releasing a more basic version right away with buyers knowing they're onboard for free upgrades along the way rather than wait until you have the deluxe version completed. It also helps fund the effort.

Patrick P
Jul 19 2011, 02:32 PM
Live scores can already be entered on the website if the TD sets it up and shows the scorekeeper in each group with a Smart Phone how to log in and do it. This sounds very interesting. Is there a resource for instructions on how to do this?

Jul 19 2011, 02:43 PM
Not at the moment. Several TDs and Marshals for big events have learned how to set up live scoring and do it during the rounds. That's what you've seen on the PDGA website when it's done at Worlds, NTs and a few other Majors. It's not hard to do but access to the score uploading area is restricted to TDs with their event password. Plus for now, Gentry has to place the Live Scoring link on the home page when someone wants to do it so people can access the live scores.

This process will have to be simplified and structured for safe access by mobile apps and players who have Smart Phones to enter live scores for their groups. I think the goal will be to have a better system by 2012 in tandem with the potential approval of the use of Smart Phones during events in 2012 mentioned in my previous post.

Jul 19 2011, 03:23 PM
Live scores can already be entered on the website if the TD sets it up and shows the scorekeeper in each group with a Smart Phone how to log in and do it.This sounds very interesting. Is there a resource for instructions on how to do this?

There's a PDGA Online Tournament Scoring System Help ( page, but unfortunately it's somewhat rudimentary and doesn't cover doing Hole-by-Hole Rounds. (in other words, live scoring) But any TD who uses the PDGA Online Tournament Scoring System is free to play around with it, and it's fairly intuitive to learn how to use.

Jul 19 2011, 04:29 PM
I keep searching the app store every day.....

Jul 19 2011, 04:50 PM
Theo was having some trouble getting the app uploaded for the final review from Apple and then there's some time for them to review it before release. We'll post here when it's available.

Jul 19 2011, 07:43 PM
I'm familiar.

Jul 20 2011, 02:25 AM
With regards to a free version. That is in the plans. It's a fair amount of work to create and maintain two versions, so the decision was to put the paid version out first. In addition to keeping it simple, we need to start generating revenue for future development. The board only approved the investment for the first version of the app, not for unlimited ongoing development. If we aren't successful in selling the app so it can generate enough revenue to continue development, we may not pursue implementing the long list of possible features.

Assuming sales are reasonable, we will continue development, and then release a free and a paid version. Anyone that buys the initial paid version will be able to upgrade to all the new features in the paid version without any additional cost (we can't guarantee this, but most likely for at least a year or two). The free version will have basic features, and ads, and will be encouraging people to upgrade.

As far as the Android version goes, development has been approved, and will start soon. I use a Motorola Droid X as my main phone. Dave Gentry and Dave Nesbitt, and other key individuals on the extended development team, have Android devices, so we are all very much looking forward to the Android version!

We are anxiously awaiting the Apple approval. It has been in the "Waiting for Review" status since last Friday, and the average time for review is around 7 or 8 business days (Mon-Fri). There's no guarantee that we'll pass the first review, though. This is our first attempt.


Jul 20 2011, 01:59 PM
Nice thing about Android red tape. Glad to hear you all got approved for that version, I'll be looking for it.

My advice would be to make a free version with ad-support, gauge interest, generate revenue, then upgrade from there to an ad-free cost-centered app "pro" based on responses. I think you'd be safely hedging your ROI risks that way.

Keep up the good work.

Jul 23 2011, 03:43 PM
Nice thing about Android red tape. Glad to hear you all got approved for that version, I'll be looking for it.

My advice would be to make a free version with ad-support, gauge interest, generate revenue, then upgrade from there to an ad-free cost-centered app "pro" based on responses. I think you'd be safely hedging your ROI risks that way.

Keep up the good work.
That would have been one way to approach it, but it would have delayed needed revenue too long. The board only allocated a limited fixed budget for the project. Any additional investment is going to have to come from revenue. We believe a core group of PDGA members and supporters will buy the paid version, and that will enable us to continue the development effort, including a free version.

Jul 23 2011, 03:47 PM
I keep searching the app store every day.....

So the good news is that Apple approved the review of the app. It is a testament to Mike Dietrich's rigorous coding standards and extensive beta testing by a great team that this app passed on the first attempt.

The bad news is that the contract is still "Processing". This is a manual process on Apple's part, and even though we think we have provided all of the required legal and financial information, it's not complete.

Our goal for many months was to launch the app on the first day of Am Worlds. It is very frustrating to be this close and know we'll probably miss the target date because of red tape. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Apple will respond shortly, so release of the app really is "any day now".

Jul 26 2011, 03:16 AM
We were notified today that the contract processing is complete! That means the app should be available sometime tomorrow (if it's not, I'll follow up and find out why not). Let's see who the first person is to get it and post a review!

Jul 26 2011, 10:21 AM
It's in the store. Use search term "sports disc golf" and it's one of the apps listed.

Jul 26 2011, 11:10 AM
Just purchased it and am working on getting it onto the phone and using it. Cant wait as I expect this thing to be extremely helpful.

Jul 26 2011, 02:07 PM
I'm trying to enter scores for a round of 18 holes on a 27 hole course. How do I end the round? Looks like the app expects me to finish 27 holes.

Patrick P
Jul 26 2011, 02:27 PM
I'm trying to enter scores for a round of 18 holes on a 27 hole course. How do I end the round? Looks like the app expects me to finish 27 holes. Press the DNF button!

Jul 26 2011, 02:40 PM
So tell me again why this isn't advertised on the front page of the slowest website on the planet? :)

Nice looking app, great job ladies and gentleman, you got my $5. Thank you.

Jul 26 2011, 02:50 PM
I'm trying to enter scores for a round of 18 holes on a 27 hole course. How do I end the round? Looks like the app expects me to finish 27 holes.
A "round" on a course in the PDGA Course Directory is expected to be the number of holes shown in the directory in order to produce round ratings. However, that doesn't prevent you from creating a new course with a similar name that only has 18 holes where you enter the details on the 18 holes you want to include. However, no round ratings will be produced, at least in this early version of the app.

Jul 26 2011, 02:51 PM
So tell me again why this isn't advertised on the front page of the slowest website on the planet?
It is but your screen hasn't refreshed yet...;)

Jul 26 2011, 02:54 PM
I got this to work by pressing next, and when the "forget someone" popped up I clicked the enter par, and it allowed me to move to the next hole without entering a score until I got to 27

Jul 26 2011, 03:17 PM
I entered the distance manually at the end of the round and now the keypad popup will not go away even after restarting the app

Jul 26 2011, 04:46 PM
The keyboard sticking is an intermittent issue being worked on. If it sticks where it did for you, use the Email Round option to clear the keyboard and you won't need to exit.

Jul 26 2011, 06:13 PM
I'm working on updating my iPod so I can DL this app. Will I be able to send the scorecard to my Facebook page???

Jul 26 2011, 06:26 PM
If that works via email then maybe. Does Facebook process and display CSV files? If you click on Email Round, it will ask for an email address and send your group's individual hole scores as a .CSV file.

Jul 26 2011, 06:33 PM
I'm not positive about the csv files. I guess I will just have to experiment a little. I have the app now and will just enter a round of pars for an example. Will send info as soon as I figure it out.

Jul 26 2011, 06:43 PM
No luck. I know Terry Miller uses an app for his phone and it actually sends a photo of the scorecard straight to his page. I was hoping for something like that.

Jul 26 2011, 06:55 PM
Looks like you would have to take a screen snapshot of the CSV file after opening it in Excel on your computer and then emailing that snapshot to Facebook.

Jul 26 2011, 09:42 PM
Any chance of a PDGA Android app? Just curious, not criticizing the decision to go with an IPhone app...I'm sure it's going to be a nice app for IPhone users, and congrats on what's apparently a job well done. It's just that Android users now outnumber IPhone users, at least in the U.S, so it seems like the marketability for an Android would be fairly high.

Jul 26 2011, 10:10 PM
Looks like Android might not be legal to use for hardware suppliers using it for their operating system without paying exhorbitant licensing fees by the time a PDGA app could get developed. It's next in line for development based on how this first release goes. No promises from Theo and the team but maybe it could be this Fall?

Jul 27 2011, 12:12 AM
OK....Time for the questions. I immediately added my name for the round and just put in "Phil". I never put my last name in and I would like to do that now. I just cant figure out how to edit the players that I have listed already. Any ideas???

Jul 27 2011, 12:26 AM
You can edit existing player names and enter/revise their PDGA numbers when you start another round. After you select the course for the new round, you then select players from your current list (or add more). You'll see a blue arrow on the right side of each player listing. Tap that and it gives you the option to Edit or Delete the player.

Jul 27 2011, 12:46 AM
That just saved me about $10 worth of Tylenol. Thanks for the help Chuck. Is there going to be a help/update page listed anywhere?

Jul 27 2011, 01:03 AM
There will be a contact link on the PDGA site but not sure what the plans are for help. I think the help will definitely be needed as more complex features get added.

Jul 27 2011, 02:14 AM
Looks like Android might not be legal to use for hardware suppliers using it for their operating system without paying exhorbitant licensing fees by the time a PDGA app could get developed. It's next in line for development based on how this first release goes. No promises from Theo and the team but maybe it could be this Fall?

Hey - no hints at dates yet!

Jul 27 2011, 02:40 AM
The keyboard sticking is an intermittent issue being worked on. If it sticks where it did for you, use the Email Round option to clear the keyboard and you won't need to exit.

Keyboard is stuck on mine now. The only thing I can see is "Start Round". No chance for me to to use the Email option. Now what?

Edit: Never mind. I had to restart the iPod several times but it's working again.

Jul 27 2011, 02:43 AM
Any chance of a PDGA Android app? Just curious, not criticizing the decision to go with an IPhone app...I'm sure it's going to be a nice app for IPhone users, and congrats on what's apparently a job well done. It's just that Android users now outnumber IPhone users, at least in the U.S, so it seems like the marketability for an Android would be fairly high.

Hey, Chappy! It's been many years since we were on the board together. I am a hard-core Android user (Droid X phone and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1!). I am anxiously waiting for an Android version of our app. Coincidentally, I'm also leading that development effort! Mike Dietrich, the talented developer who wrote all of the code for the iPhone/iPod version, is going to be tackling the Android version soon. We just want to make sure that the current release is solid, stable, and what our users want it to be.

We'll be looking for some additional Droid testers soon (although a lot of the current test team members have Droid phones), and we'd love to have a PDGA BOD alum on the team!


Jul 27 2011, 09:27 AM
Any chance this will be rolled out to platforms other than I-phone?

The price for the app is probably going to be $4.99. I'm sure we'll get some feedback that it should be less. However, Apple takes a good piece of the pie (30%). If we can't generate a decent revenue stream, we won't be able to make the investments in the features we want to add, which include:

* Uploading your scores to a personal page on
* Sharing scores via Facebook
* Using the app for live scoring at PDGA events
* Enhanced course directory features, including detailed layout information (hole lengths, pars), maps, etc.
* Round stats - fairways in regulation, putts, etc.

Once we add some of these additional features, there will be a free version of the app, which will be limited to the initial scorecard and course directory search features. The free version will include sponsored ads. The free version will most likely not include the ability to generate round ratings.

Anyone who buys the initial version of the app will be entitled to future upgrade for an indefinite period of time. While I'm sure there are people that are going to say that $4.99 is too much, I really feel that the value you are getting for that investment, especially with unlimited upgrades, is a pretty sweet deal.


Jul 27 2011, 10:00 AM
Hey - no hints at dates yet!
Just wishful thinking...

Jul 27 2011, 11:29 AM
Please add personal stat tracking features like number of putts, driving accuracy, & OBs.

Jul 27 2011, 11:41 AM
There's a long list of upgrade features and that's on the list. Penalties are already tracked if you wish to note them during the round but no historical records are kept in this version.

Jul 27 2011, 11:46 AM
Keyboard is stuck on mine now. The only thing I can see is "Start Round". No chance for me to to use the Email option. Now what?
That stick may be the annoying intermittent one when looking up courses that the tech team is trying to resolve with Apple's help. If it happens again when looking up a course, press the Start Round. When you see your course listings, press the blue arrow on the right side of a course and you'll get the Edit Course page which should clear the keyboard.

Jul 27 2011, 12:27 PM
Please add personal stat tracking features like number of putts, driving accuracy, & OBs.

Agreed! I like distance of last putt too. One should check iPhone App "GolfCard Pro" to get an idea of what ideal interface should be. In my opinion, GolfCard Pro is still best scorecard app plus full set of personal stat tracking features. Hopefully PDGA app is on track to be similar as GolfCard Pro.

Need to add notes for each round so I can put something like weather info, purpose of that round (i.e. practice round with multiple shots etc), etc...

Other thing I like to add is type of round for each round like "tournament round", "league round", "practice round" something like that so I can check stats based on specific type of rounds.

Jul 27 2011, 12:30 PM
Hey - it looks great and I'm going to enjoy using it. I've been playing around with it for a little bit and I'm wondering if I can put in scores for dates other than today. What I mean to say is, can I edit the dates for rounds?

Jul 27 2011, 12:55 PM
jhc811 - Need to add notes for each round so I can put something like weather info, purpose of that round (i.e. practice round with multiple shots etc), etc...
You can enter notes for each hole in a round. Use the note option in the first or last hole of your round for the info you want to remember.

ellswrth - What I mean to say is, can I edit the dates for rounds?
At this point, there are few historical tracking features like this. Need to track those old rounds in Excel and add new ones from emailing round scores from the current version.

Jul 27 2011, 01:46 PM
About course configuration, I selected Kendall Hammocks Park East course and after playing a round, then when I select to rate my round, it asked me two course configuration, the standard one and the alt one.

I think one should pick the course configuration first before playing a round. In case of Kendall East, it has three pins (A, B and C) and two tees, short and long (not all holes have two tees). So ideally the user can pick which tee and which pin, then play a round.

Jul 27 2011, 02:20 PM
and why dont the holes have the right pars if it is linked to the pdga????

Jul 27 2011, 03:20 PM
The PDGA Course Directory is not yet set up to collect pars and lengths for each different tee-to-pin combination. That will be a major Course Directory upgrade effort needed to support enhanced app capabilities and live scoring from multiple groups. Planning is underway for that.

In the mean time, the Directory provides room for two course lengths entered by the person who updates the Directory listing. These two course lengths might be useful if there's only one pin and two tees per hole. However, with multiple pins on many courses, the current pin mix in play is likely a course length in-between the two. Unfortunately for now, the app user will need to know something about the course and estimate its current length using the two lengths in the Directory for guidance.

There's no advantage in selecting your course length in advance of the round until individual hole data is available in the Directory and can be uploaded to the app. For now, entering your course length at the end of the round is as good as at the beginning in terms of doing the round ratings calculation.

Jul 27 2011, 04:36 PM
Here's an interesting discussion regarding the potential fate of the Android operating system. Not sure how it will impact the millions of devices already using it.

Jul 28 2011, 12:20 AM
im excited for it and ill pay $5 for it.... thanks for all yalls hard work

Jul 28 2011, 02:22 AM
I am sure the app is nice and will create all kinds of interesting distractions on the course during those backups, and will help people score their card correctly so that the mis-add rule will never need to be enforced again but releasing on the Iphone platform before the android platform is a mistake in my opinion!

Jul 28 2011, 03:46 AM
Hey, Chappy! It's been many years since we were on the board together. I am a hard-core Android user (Droid X phone and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1!). I am anxiously waiting for an Android version of our app. Coincidentally, I'm also leading that development effort! Mike Dietrich, the talented developer who wrote all of the code for the iPhone/iPod version, is going to be tackling the Android version soon. We just want to make sure that the current release is solid, stable, and what our users want it to be.

We'll be looking for some additional Droid testers soon (although a lot of the current test team members have Droid phones), and we'd love to have a PDGA BOD alum on the team!


Indeed sir! It's been 5 years since I was on the BoD....actually, I think we left at/about the same time?

Understood about the new app release and making sure it's stable. That's a good idea. :) No sense recreating the wheel if you don't have to.

I had an IPhone for a while and liked it in general, and the reasons I switched to an Android are probably the same many have made the switch, so I won't get into that so much as I don't want to hijack the thread. I have a Samsung Galaxy S phone myself, and will probably upgrade to a newer Android phone in a year or so, so if that fits into your plans, I'd be happy to be a beta-tester when the time comes.


Jul 28 2011, 11:02 AM
The PDGA Course Directory is not yet set up to collect pars and lengths for each different tee-to-pin combination. That will be a major Course Directory upgrade effort needed to support enhanced app capabilities and live scoring from multiple groups. Planning is underway for that.

Is round rating calculation based on simpler formula such as course length or based on SSA tournament results? The latter would be much more accurate.

As it stands now, looks like I need to save the course name/info for each layout (a given tee to pin combination) Let say if a course have two teepads and two pin configuration, then it will be 4 different layouts for a same course so I will need to save four "courses" (of a same course) in my course listing. Is that correct?

I think it would be good to add SSA field in course setup so that the round rating can use SSA rather than length.

Jul 28 2011, 11:58 AM
As it stands now, looks like I need to save the course name/info for each layout (a given tee to pin combination) Let say if a course have two teepads and two pin configuration, then it will be 4 different layouts for a same course so I will need to save four "courses" (of a same course) in my course listing. Is that correct?

Actually, the number of courses you would have to calculate and save would be exponentially greater if they are handled like we do for casual play. Often baskets are moved independently regardless of whether others are in the long or short position. We don't keep them all long or all short depending on wear, wants, trying out a new placement or other factors. The number of posible layouts for just a 4 option course (two tees, two pin placements) is more like 4 to the 18th power, but since you would have control in the consistent selection of the tee pad used, you could reduce the workload to 2 to the 18th power. That's only about 260,000 courses.

Jul 28 2011, 12:40 PM
I am sure the app is nice and will create all kinds of interesting distractions on the course during those backups, and will help people score their card correctly so that the mis-add rule will never need to be enforced again but releasing on the Iphone platform before the android platform is a mistake in my opinion!

The reasons why the app was released on the iPhone first and not the Android have already been addressed several times in this thread by Chuck & Theo.

Jul 29 2011, 04:13 PM
Any ideas on new course updates? There's a course in Oceanside (Goat Hill) that was used for a C Tier at the beginning of the month and it's not listed. I'd love to try out the calculate SSA feature, but that's not much of an option when the course doesn't exist in the PDGA directory. (I just wish they'd outsource DGcoursereviews course directory. Things would be much much better there)

Jul 29 2011, 04:33 PM
The PDGA Course Direrctory relies on members to update it just like any other directory. So you can get the info and enter it for Goat Hill or encourage the person who has the correct info to do so. (The PDGA tried to work out arrangements with DGCR a year or two ago but apparently nothing came of it.)

Jul 29 2011, 04:52 PM
Any ideas on new course updates? There's a course in Oceanside (Goat Hill) that was used for a C Tier at the beginning of the month and it's not listed. I'd love to try out the calculate SSA feature, but that's not much of an option when the course doesn't exist in the PDGA directory. (I just wish they'd outsource DGcoursereviews course directory. Things would be much much better there)

Jul 29 2011, 08:39 PM
The scoring feature seems good. The ratings need work.

I "played" 2 local courses in Arvada, CO and entered 3 for every hole.

The short Johnny Robert's course at the only listed distance 5400 feet which gave me a 960 rating. Probably 40 - 50 points high.

The longer Bird's Nest course in the long position (7900 feet) at par gave me a 750 rating. Probably 180 points low. (Probably because most tourney rounds are on a tourney layout of 18 holes vs the 24 holes for casual play and listed in the directory)

I know it will improve with time but don't count on the ratings being very accurate yet.

Overall so far so good with the rest of it.

Jul 31 2011, 03:06 PM
Any ideas on new course updates? There's a course in Oceanside (Goat Hill) that was used for a C Tier at the beginning of the month and it's not listed. I'd love to try out the calculate SSA feature, but that's not much of an option when the course doesn't exist in the PDGA directory. (I just wish they'd outsource DGcoursereviews course directory. Things would be much much better there)

The course directory data is about a week old. I'm working on refreshing it, and setting it up to refresh automatically at least once a day. When we are up on the new website, the app will me updated to run directly off the main database. We couldn't do that for the initial launch because of the development work going on on the new site.


Jul 31 2011, 03:07 PM
The scoring feature seems good. The ratings need work.

I "played" 2 local courses in Arvada, CO and entered 3 for every hole.

The short Johnny Robert's course at the only listed distance 5400 feet which gave me a 960 rating. Probably 40 - 50 points high.

The longer Bird's Nest course in the long position (7900 feet) at par gave me a 750 rating. Probably 180 points low. (Probably because most tourney rounds are on a tourney layout of 18 holes vs the 24 holes for casual play and listed in the directory)

I know it will improve with time but don't count on the ratings being very accurate yet.

Overall so far so good with the rest of it.

The accuracy of the ratings is directly proportional to the accuracy of the distance that is selected. The best way to get an accurate rating is to enter the individual hole lengths into the app for the layout you played.


Jul 31 2011, 09:01 PM
Used the "show courses near me". Epic fail. Sounded like an awesome idea to hit some courses while on the road. Turned out not such a good idea. Tried to hit two courses and the map directions were incorrect for both courses. They didn't even take near the courses. Kinda lame

Also played a course that has 18 normally, but for a tourney has 6 extra placements. Where is the button to add holes?

Not to impressed with this app.

Jul 31 2011, 09:19 PM
Had you used the PDGA Course Directory to find those courses, you also would have been misdirected. It's not the fault of the app. The PDGA relies on good information being input by its members. Did you let the course contacts know that their directions or course location might need to be updated?

At this point, you simply create your own custom course with 24 holes if the number on the course in the directory doesn't match what you want to play. A future upgrade (included free) will allow you to add or subtract holes from the number in the directory.

Jul 31 2011, 11:17 PM
The text directions were fine. The app has that button for directions that take you to google maps or whatever. Yeah that was wrong. The text directions is what saved the day.

Custom course. ****. Slept on that. Thanks, that make me feel a little better about purchasing this app.

Jul 31 2011, 11:26 PM
The text directions for each course are separate from the lat/lon values used by Google that are stored for those courses. Please consider dropping a note to those course contacts so that can be corrected.

Aug 01 2011, 06:56 AM
Used the "show courses near me". Epic fail. Sounded like an awesome idea to hit some courses while on the road. Turned out not such a good idea. Tried to hit two courses and the map directions were incorrect for both courses. They didn't even take near the courses. Kinda lame

Also played a course that has 18 normally, but for a tourney has 6 extra placements. Where is the button to add holes?

Not to impressed with this app.

I have used all of the DG Scorecard Apps I could find and think this one has the most potential for being the best, but I trust that it is a work in progress and showed that trust by dropping $5 on it.

My wish list includes...

1. More courses on the map than just a few in a fairly small radius. I would like to be able to move around the map and see ALL courses in the database, rather than just a few.

2. More customization. Like "DG Caddy", I need to be able to edit hole information (example, home course has 24 holes but 6 are letter holes, 3 of which come after #5 and the other 3 play after hole #15). Simply listing holes #1-24 makes the App unusable for the course I play most often. (I sent this before seeing Chucks note about creating a custom course. This option does not allow for changing the hole number to a letter or "6X, for example).

As others have said, it would be nice to be able to add, and save, distances for other pin placements and choose them as the hole is played. Some courses have up to 5 pin positions and multiple pads.

3. Tournament Mode. I have yet to see a program that lets you keep a running tally of scores for multiple players over consecutive rounds. Is this being considered as the program evolves?

Right now, the most unique aspect of the program is that it shows Tee order as a round progresses. I really like the speed of score entry and visibility.

Thanks for your time and dedication to this App...Charlie

Aug 01 2011, 10:05 AM
It's going to be an ongoing challenge to upgrade the PDGA Course Directory to match the type of features we would all like to see in the app such as some mentioned above. Until the PDGA Course Directory is upgraded to provide information like length and par for each tee and pin combination it doesn't make as much sense to provide similar flexibility in the app so course data can stay in sync. Those Directory upgrades are in the planning stages.

Aug 01 2011, 10:30 AM
why cant you edit hole information without having to play a round?

Aug 01 2011, 11:03 AM
You don't have to play a round but you do have to tap Start Round to get the option to add a custom course. That same Add Course option could potentially be added after tapping the main Course menu option. But I think the idea was to guide the user to use courses already in the PDGA Directory because the data would already be there for calculating ratings for example. As mentioned in my previous post, course related functionality will be one of the main areas for Directory and app upgrades.

Aug 01 2011, 12:26 PM
Had you used the PDGA Course Directory to find those courses, you also would have been misdirected. It's not the fault of the app. The PDGA relies on good information being input by its members. Did you let the course contacts know that their directions or course location might need to be updated?

Indeed, it is neither the fault of the PDGA iPhone app nor the app designers that data from the PDGA Course Directory may be faulty.

But while hindsight is 20/20, I think that members of the PDGA IT team, in conjuction with the release of this app, should have had the foresight to call on folks to update the data in the PDGA Course Directory. This has been done several times in the past decade by Cliffe Towne and company in preparation for the hard copy printings of the PDGA Course Directory. When I was PDGA state coordinator of Pennsylvania 3 years ago, I remember a similar drive and I sent out e-mails to every single course contact in my state to either update the directory, or send me the information and I would do it for them. Pleasantly, I heard back from several dozen people and was confident that the info for my state in the hard copy was mostly up-to-date. It should not have taken much labor or effort to initiate a similar drive; one e-mail to all 50 State Coordinators may have been all that was necessary.

But then again, even such a simple effort may have been all for naught if, due to the slowness of the PDGA website, it took people so long to load the PDGA Course Directory that they gave up on updating the information. As unfair as it may be, folks are going to continue to judge the PDGA iPhone app by the quality of the data contained within it. Sadly, I think that until the PDGA website is fixed and folks can access it in an expedient manner, and until a majority of the PDGA Course Directory is updated with current information, the PDGA iPhone app may continue to yield unpleasant experiences (like BogeyKing's) and garner negative reviews. :(

Aug 01 2011, 02:04 PM
I see that PDGA app do allow me to create course locally with each hole info (feet and par) which is great, but once that info is entered and created, I cannot go back and edit that course at later date. Need the option to allow user to edit the course that was created via "Create Locally".

PDGA needs to improve the course database big time and need to link the tournament rounds results with course info in the database. I just realized that the tournament results/rounds with course info (i.e. tee and pin placement) along with SSA rating are completely separate from the PDGA course database. I think it would be great if PDGA can work with to standardized the course database and have one official central location for course database. Nice to be able to click on a course and then see the latest tournament (and in future league) results for a given course. Then this app can use current SSA for a given course layout which is the most accurate for round ratings. That will give most benefit for the disc golf community, putting ego aside (if any?).

I just played with Easy Scorecard Pro and it is nice that I can create course via's database, but Easy Scorecard Pro interface is not good, the fonts are too tiny. The features is real nice but interface-wise, they should learn from GolfCard Pro.

Again, GolfCard Pro is by far the best, interface-wise. PDGA developers: Please do take a serious look at GolfCard Pro, especially their interface. The best by far.

I want to be able to see the scorecard along with par and hole feet at glance anytime. I want to track fairway hits and # of putts.

Need to add # of feet for a given hole in main score entering screen and also in View Scorecard.

I still want to have option of what kind of round like Tournament, League, Practice that will be helpful for stats reporting.

Also good idea to add notes for each hole in course data locally (not the round data).

Looking forward for a good progress in that area. I have to use GolfCard Pro due to stats features (it allows me to create course locally and able to edit anytime) and hopefully in near future when PDGA app has all the needed features (such as stats and some other items I have mentioned) then I will be happy to dump GolfCard Pro!

Aug 01 2011, 04:07 PM
The accuracy of the ratings is directly proportional to the accuracy of the distance that is selected. The best way to get an accurate rating is to enter the individual hole lengths into the app for the layout you played.


Thanks Theo, I'll try that

Aug 01 2011, 04:50 PM
I have used all of the DG Scorecard Apps I could find and think this one has the most potential for being the best, but I trust that it is a work in progress and showed that trust by dropping $5 on it.

My wish list includes...

Right now, the most unique aspect of the program is that it shows Tee order as a round progresses. I really like the speed of score entry and visibility.

Thanks for your time and dedication to this App...Charlie

And thank you for your feedback. It's exactly what we're looking for as we continue to improve the app. The ability to add holes to a course in the directory has been noted. I'm interested in your idea about letting the user change the numbering of the holes. For a number of reasons, we'll need to keep the internal numbering, but it may not be too hard to have a display number that can be edited when you edit the hole info.

We might add the ability to automatically add courses when you pan the map, but we're not sure if/how we can do that. We don't want to download the whole database every time, as it would both slow down the searches and put a lot more strain on the server (it's pretty expensive, resource-wise, to get the course data out of the server if you don't filter the searches.

Thanks again for your feedback!


Aug 01 2011, 04:54 PM
3. Tournament Mode. I have yet to see a program that lets you keep a running tally of scores for multiple players over consecutive rounds. Is this being considered as the program evolves?

Forgot to address this one! We have lots of great ideas on the feature list for tournament play. We want to make this the best app for tournament play. It will eventually be the main way to enter live real-time scores for PDGA events. We'll eventually let players see each other's cards if they choose to, so they can see if anyone is sneaking up behind them or see how a good buddy is doing.


Aug 01 2011, 05:06 PM
so they can see if anyone is sneaking up behind them or see how a good buddy is doing.
This could facilitate a way to play blind skins.

Aug 03 2011, 07:10 AM
Hi PDGA App Developers!

And thank you for this great application. Sending the scores as a CSV file is great and I have a small change request related to that feature. Could you please add the player's nickname in to the file?

Another question is, where can I find the full list of courses available in PDGA course directory? Just a simple list of course names and locations.


Aug 03 2011, 10:58 AM
also let us add players photos..

Aug 03 2011, 11:04 AM
If you want the course directory to be more accurate, a great feature for the app would be to update the course info with the GPS coordinates from the phone and upload the info to the PDGA database. This could then also be used to eventually get hole/pin lengths in as well..

Aug 03 2011, 11:08 AM
also let us add players photos..

I think we get quite enough of your photos on FB. :p

Aug 03 2011, 11:37 AM
If you want the course directory to be more accurate, a great feature for the app would be to update the course info with the GPS coordinates from the phone and upload the info to the PDGA database. This could then also be used to eventually get hole/pin lengths in as well..

That one has been on our main wish list for a while! A related feature is recording where each throw lands to capture throw distances.


Aug 03 2011, 03:25 PM
Is there a way to delete a round?

Aug 03 2011, 04:20 PM
Tap the blue arrow on the right side of a round on your list for that course and the Edit/Delete/Email options should be there.

Aug 03 2011, 04:52 PM
Thank you. I thought I was hitting the blue arrow, but probably just missed it with my fat fingers and kept going to the Score Summary.

Aug 03 2011, 07:28 PM
Any ideas on new course updates? There's a course in Oceanside (Goat Hill) that was used for a C Tier at the beginning of the month and it's not listed. I'd love to try out the calculate SSA feature, but that's not much of an option when the course doesn't exist in the PDGA directory. (I just wish they'd outsource DGcoursereviews course directory. Things would be much much better there)

The Goat Hill course is in the PDGA Course Directory, and has been since the baskets were installed back in February.

It's important to look for the correct name of the course: Center City Golf Course @ Goat Hill. But if you search for Oceanside, CA it comes up on the search. The strange thing is, when you search for Oceanside, the course in Oceanside is listed as being 32 miles away from Oceanside? Does the course directory have a faulty lat/lon location for zipcode 92049?

Aug 03 2011, 08:14 PM
If a course doesn't have a specific address, it defaults to the lat/lon at the center of the zip code. A warning that a course location is mid-zip will likely get added in the app so people don't go on wild goose chases to find a course as apparently some have. In the mean time, Cliff is working to get street addresses for the listings that default to zip code lat/lon. Players can help if they take a few minutes to check their nearby courses to make sure addresses are in there.

Aug 04 2011, 07:26 AM

just wondering how the course listings work. The course in Valbyparken, Denmark has for a long time been a 12 hole course. It has however just been updated to a 18 holes course and we have just updated the course in the Course Directory.

Are the course details stored in the app or does it take it directly from the web? Or put in another way, how long will it take before I can use the new 18 holes layout?

Aug 04 2011, 08:59 AM
The directory web copy being used for the app gets updated at least weekly. So you should see your 18-hole version available from the app link soon. The plan is to link the main PDGA Course Directory to the app so updates would be available almost daily. But that link won't be done until the current website update is completed.

Aug 05 2011, 07:11 AM
Sending the scores as a CSV file is great and I have a small change request related to that feature. Could you please add the player's nickname in to the file?

Seriously, could you take this change to the wish list? I'm maintaining and developing a Disc Golf Scores website in Finland and this change would allow users to put their user ID as nickname and use that information to import scores to this web site which is open and free for all disc golfers.

In addition this web site has an open API for these kind of mobile applications to communicate with it. So, even better would be that PDGA App would include an option to directly send scores to using the API. For more information please contact me, since currently all available documentation is in Finnish.

Aug 05 2011, 07:18 PM
Theo indicated V1.03 is now available for download from the app store. Main improvements are better handling of very long course names and more accurate ratings calculation for courses with other than 18 holes.

Aug 06 2011, 03:35 PM
You guys should make a way to keel track of doubles.

Aug 09 2011, 12:38 PM
when is the next update going to be submitted? I have entered a new course into the course directory but it is still not showing up in the Iphone app as a course ?? thank you

Aug 09 2011, 01:07 PM
I think Theo said he was planning to update weekly until the live link can be completed.

Aug 09 2011, 01:15 PM
also need a way to be able upload your round results to FB like the othre apps? like easy scorecard pro?

Aug 09 2011, 01:52 PM
You can take screen snapshots of the PDGA app scorecard to post on FB. However, it only shows 8 instead of 9 or 18 holes of the scorecard on the screen at a time.

Lamar Futch
Aug 09 2011, 06:03 PM
Played in a tournament this past weekend. The course had 24 holes but we only played the main 18. The app needs to allow for this. I could not enter 0 for a hole or bypass the holes not played.

Aug 09 2011, 07:02 PM

Aug 09 2011, 07:04 PM
At the moment you can create a custom course when you start a round that only has 18 holes and name it something similar to the 24 hole course but it won't calculate ratings.

Hyzer Soze 47952
Aug 10 2011, 02:22 PM
Is there a way to edit or delete someone? I played with a few people this weekend that I'll NEVER see again and would like to delete them but can't. There should be a way to edit someone info. i.e. add a last name or pdga number.

Scoring during the round is good but everything else is very, meh, in my opinion. DG Caddy gives me stats per course (best, worst and median). I really hope an update addresses some of these as the current app only gets 2 out of 5 from me BUT it has the potential to be 5 out of 5.

Thanks for the help!

Aug 10 2011, 03:11 PM
Just Start a Round, add any course and when you see the list of players, just press on the blue arrow on the right side of each player you want to Delete. The menu will pop up to Delete or Edit that person.

Hyzer Soze 47952
Aug 10 2011, 04:04 PM
Thanks cgk! Odd that you have to start a round, but whatever works. That alone added a star. 3/5... working towards the perfect app!

If I had to pick 1 thing to add to the app it would be group rounds. Keep up the good work.

Aug 11 2011, 02:03 AM
Thanks cgk! Odd that you have to start a round, but whatever works. That alone added a star. 3/5... working towards the perfect app!

If I had to pick 1 thing to add to the app it would be group rounds. Keep up the good work.

What do you mean by "group rounds"?


Hyzer Soze 47952
Aug 15 2011, 03:03 PM
What do you mean by "group rounds"?


Sorry, I meant doubles rounds, where you could pick both peeps from your list of players.

On another note though... the greatest potential this app has from the others would be the ability to update course info via GPS/App. Most of the courses in my area don't have good information... I know, I can update them thorough the website, but I would be a lot more likely to update them if I could do it live from the course with my iPhone. You could calculate distance by marking tee boxes and baskets as well as layout the course for those who have never played it. Many courses in Montana need a guide as they are object courses in the middle of the woods!

Anyhow, keep up the good work.

Aug 15 2011, 03:14 PM
Not to sidetrack the thread but I just knew there had to be a store called "Hand Basket" in your town... and there is. ;)

Hyzer Soze 47952
Aug 15 2011, 04:18 PM
Not to sidetrack the thread but I just knew there had to be a store called "Hand Basket" in your town... and there is. ;)

Yup...When I worked for the local baseball team I tried to get them to change the team name to the Helena Hand Baskets. Ownership was not amused. We also have shirts that say "Have a Helena Day". :)

Aug 16 2011, 03:01 AM
Sorry, I meant doubles rounds, where you could pick both peeps from your list of players.

On another note though... the greatest potential this app has from the others would be the ability to update course info via GPS/App. Most of the courses in my area don't have good information... I know, I can update them thorough the website, but I would be a lot more likely to update them if I could do it live from the course with my iPhone. You could calculate distance by marking tee boxes and baskets as well as layout the course for those who have never played it. Many courses in Montana need a guide as they are object courses in the middle of the woods!

Anyhow, keep up the good work.

Dealing with doubles and other formats and games (e.g., skins), is on the list (or should be, if I haven't added it a while ago!).

The ability to capture GPS coordinates is high on the list of priorities. The scenario you laid out is close to my dream. I want to be able to play a round, where I capture my location at every tee, in-between shot, and basket, and then use it to both update my round data and stats, and upload the tee and pin positions to the PDGA course directory.

We'll get there!


Aug 16 2011, 10:17 AM
i want to be ablt to upload the whole (not 9 hole as at time) round to social media pages. like the other driod app is capable of doing

Aug 17 2011, 02:47 AM
i want to be ablt to upload the whole (not 9 hole as at time) round to social media pages. like the other driod app is capable of doing

Uploading scores to Facebook is near the top of our list of upcoming features!


Aug 17 2011, 09:15 AM
Is there any way to change the rating of a course? We're playing Iron Hill and it comes up will a 64 or something as 1000 rated for the 10,000' layout. It should be 71 or 72 based on the PDGA events.

Aug 17 2011, 10:18 AM
ah ok theo thanks.. if you need more beta tester holler

Hyzer Soze 47952
Aug 17 2011, 11:49 AM
Uploading scores to Facebook is near the top of our list of upcoming features!


Twitter should be on that list as well as Facebook is soooooo 2010. :) Gplus maybe?

Aug 17 2011, 04:53 PM
Ok first off I love the app. I'm only here to report a bug. I entered different hole lengths for Dexter Disc Golf Course as I played the mixed pin settings. Then went to calculate the ratings and the course lengths screen popped up with the choice of the length closest to what we played. The main button length was fine but the button below with the local or alt length was garbled. It looks like two buttons superimposed over each other. I'm guessing it was suppose to be three buttons, main, alt (or whatever name it was suppose to display), and the local distance I just entered. I'm using an Iphone4 with the latest update of the app.1.0.3. Once again, I love the App. and look forward to the upgrades and improvements.

Aug 18 2011, 12:05 AM
Ok first off I love the app. I'm only here to report a bug. I entered different hole lengths for Dexter Disc Golf Course as I played the mixed pin settings. Then went to calculate the ratings and the course lengths screen popped up with the choice of the length closest to what we played. The main button length was fine but the button below with the local or alt length was garbled. It looks like two buttons superimposed over each other. I'm guessing it was suppose to be three buttons, main, alt (or whatever name it was suppose to display), and the local distance I just entered. I'm using an Iphone4 with the latest update of the app.1.0.3. Once again, I love the App. and look forward to the upgrades and improvements.

Hey, Roller Bob! Can't wait to play the Eugene Celebration again this year!

This is the first I've heard of this issue, but I'll review it with Mike (Dietrich, iPhone developer extraordinaire) and we'll see if we can reproduce it.


Aug 18 2011, 03:37 AM
Twitter should be on that list as well as Facebook is soooooo 2010. :) Gplus maybe?

Saying something is soooooo some other time period is so some other time period...

Aug 22 2011, 12:14 AM
We passed the 1,000 mark for paid copies of the PDGA iPhone app last week, and we're very appreciative of your support! The sales have exceeded our expectations, and are going to be key in convincing the decision makers that we should continue the investment in the app.

We are committed to providing updates and new features. Your input and feedback is being collected and is very helpful.

Thank you!

-The PDGA iPhone app dev team

Aug 28 2011, 11:41 AM
Having used the app for a few rounds now this what I have noticed. It is easy to use and understand, the ratings at the end are a cool way to see how you are doing, like being able to search previous rounds by location or person. But having used other scoring apps it would be helpful if it included the following also: include number of putts per hole, on courses that have already been played average score for the hole and lost score for the hole. On courses that have multiple tee pads the ability to have more then one hole number, i.e. a 9 hole course with two tee pads can be played as either a 9 or 18 hole round. The ability the have the rating be calculated in the player details screen for the rounds that have been played.

Sep 14 2011, 12:48 PM

i like this app and use it a lot

*it would be nice to have something international :) i am really missing ability to see hole lengths in meters and also enter length in meters to custom courses.
*also there might be option to enter pre-round score for players and see total of pre-round and current round score in scorecard view

also there are some points which were already posted and i see them as comfortable, but not necessary:

* have players management option in main menu
* have ability add new course from "My saved courses" view
* have ability to edit course without starting dummy round and then deleting it

keep up the good work :)

Sep 15 2011, 07:12 PM
What has become of the score keeping app I saw in the magazine recently?

Sep 15 2011, 10:21 PM
Here's the thread on the PDGA app. It's been available for downloading from the Apple store:

Sep 16 2011, 02:41 AM
Thank you for the feedback! We will add your items to our feature "wish list". The one about supporting international standards for distance is a new one, and is important, as our target market is definitely global!

-Theo Pozzy

Sep 16 2011, 01:29 PM
I added a new Glenview, Illinois course to the directory 2 days ago, but I cannot yet see this course from the app. From the descriptions of how it works, I would have expected it to be more or less immediately usable in the app. Anyone have info on this?

Sep 16 2011, 02:43 PM
once it goes to the course direcotry it wont appear on the phone app unitl they do an update with iphone people. when i did the same thing it took a couple weeks.

Sep 16 2011, 03:52 PM
once it goes to the course direcotry it wont appear on the phone app unitl they do an update with iphone people. when i did the same thing it took a couple weeks.

Wow, really? Bad design there, PDGA... Almost no other mobile apps worth their weight in DX plastic have this sort of necessary data "update". This can be corrected. The question is, is this in the works for a future version?

Sep 16 2011, 04:56 PM
The direct data link to course updates will be developed following the unveiling of the new web site. That had been posted before.

Sep 21 2011, 02:56 AM
Wow, really? Bad design there, PDGA... Almost no other mobile apps worth their weight in DX plastic have this sort of necessary data "update". This can be corrected. The question is, is this in the works for a future version?

It's not a design issue. The problem is that we're in the middle of a long project to update the main website. The new website will require an update to all of the mobile apps deployed. To avoid that having to be something that all app user had to do immediately after launch of the website, we decided to use an alternate site to host the mobile app data. It took a couple of weeks for us to streamline the update process, but now we're updating the course directory data weekly. Once we get to the new website, and everyone updates their app to the version that points to the new site, all course directory searches will be against the main website database, and there won't be any synchronization necessary.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we think it was the best interim solution.

-Theo Pozzy

Big E
Sep 22 2011, 01:15 PM

I read through the last couple of pages and did not see any updates on when the Android users may be able to use this app. I use Easy Score Crad now but would like to be able to use a APP that is linked to the site and gives a round rating.

Thank you

Eric Teddy

Sep 24 2011, 02:43 AM

I read through the last couple of pages and did not see any updates on when the Android users may be able to use this app. I use Easy Score Crad now but would like to be able to use a APP that is linked to the site and gives a round rating.

Thank you

Eric Teddy

Development on the Android version of the PDGA mobile app is under way. We're going to work hard on it over the next couple of months. We don't have a target date yet, but we're hoping it's close to the end of the year (maybe in time for Christmas!).

-Theo Pozzy

Sep 26 2011, 04:40 PM
Development on the Android version of the PDGA mobile app is under way. We're going to work hard on it over the next couple of months. We don't have a target date yet, but we're hoping it's close to the end of the year (maybe in time for Christmas!).

-Theo Pozzy

That's great news and at least one certain sale when it releases. :)

Patrick P
Sep 26 2011, 05:59 PM
That's great the app is in the works for the Android. A lot of my friends that are using an electronic scorecard are all using ESC and I haven't come across anyone yet that is using the PDGA app, I know they're out there. I'll admit I would like to see the app first hand before I purchase it though. I'm very happy with Easy Scorecard (ESC) Pro and without a free trial version I'm not sure if I'll jump on board right away. I tried out ESC and the next day I purchased the Pro version. Me thinks a 10 day free trial might be a good idea for the Android version since mostly everyone is using ESC on it right now.

Oct 02 2011, 07:54 AM
Gentlemen, as much as I want to love this app it's lack of customization takes the love away.

I previously commented on how useful it would be to change the "number" of of a hole (like you can in Disc Golf Caddy) since some of the courses I play (like my home course, Ed Austin), use letters instead of numbers for alternate holes. We have 6 lettered alternates, 3 each front and back.

As another example of waning usefulness; Ed Austin has 24 holes, but we had to drop the 6 letter holes and go to 18 holes for Wed afternoon doubles due to lack of daylight. I could not change the course from 24 to 18 holes without creating a new course, but I tried to use the 24 hole course in my iPhone anyway.

We started on hole 10 and played to 18 at which point I tried to enter a 0 for skipped holes 19-24 (really, A-F), but that was a fail. I then tried to back up from 18 to get to 1 but it would not let me past 10. Grrrrr. We were using a paper scorecard too, so I just had to bail on using this app.

Speaking of doubles, it would be nice to have a doubles option for designating a round so I can add 2 players to each team instead of having to make up a single name for both players on the "card".

I know having a tournament mode is in the works but don't remember if having a doubles round option is on the radar as well.

Is there a timeline for the next version? I would like to think that making tweaks now to improve usability would take precedence over waiting for the new website to launch in order to tie in with the course map database.

For Ed Austin, the most popular course in Jacksonville, I can't really recommend this app to the homies due to the inability to customize hole and course information.

Thanks for listening to user feedback...Charlie b

Oct 05 2011, 04:26 PM
I have not used the PDGA app yet as I have an android. I have used ESC. Frankly, I don't care about a score card. I'm old school and just remember my variance from 3 or I write it down if I am in a tournament. I really just want something to help me find courses when I am afield. I had the palm version of the course directory a few devices ago and still await the return of mobile course info. The ESC requires a download of their limited but growing list of courses. It is not the answer I seek. I hope the upcoming PDGA App for droid will do the simple thing my palm did in days of yore.

Hyzer Soze 47952
Oct 05 2011, 06:51 PM
^^^ If all you want is the course directory then download the app called DG Courses... DG Caddy is a decent scorecard app as well. You can look up by zip or GPS.

Oct 23 2011, 07:04 PM
Chuck, Theo...are you guys even monitoring this forum anymore? Not trying to be a jerk, but I see no comments from either of you since Sept 24. Your lack of participation in the forum is not exactly a confidence builder for those who are thinking about dropping $4.99 on this App.

Some additional constructive feedback to help make this App more useful would include...

1. Capability to skip holes without having to enter a score (Disc Golf Caddy does this).

2. Capability to wrap around to Hole #1 from the final hole, even if I started on Hole #1 (in case I skipped some holes earlier due to crowds, etc).

3. Capability to add or delete players from a round while it is being played.

Any thoughts as to when the next version will hatch?

Thank you...Charlie b

Oct 23 2011, 07:16 PM
I'm not on the development team, just a beta tester when a new version comes out. No new version that I've heard. They may be working on the Android version but I really don't know.

Regarding your comments, remember that the app's first goal is to help with proper scoring when a course is played by PDGA rules. Skipping holes is not part of that, not that adding that feature wouldn't be helpful down the road. To me, it's not that big of a deal to put in "par" scores for skipped holes and put in the correct scores when they are played later.

From a practical standpoint, the more important priority now is to finally get the new website launched so we can move to significantly upgrade the richness of information in the course directory. That way several of the requested app enhancement can be more useful.

Oct 23 2011, 08:09 PM
I'm not on the development team, just a beta tester when a new version comes out. No new version that I've heard. They may be working on the Android version but I really don't know.

Regarding your comments, remember that the app's first goal is to help with proper scoring when a course is played by PDGA rules. Skipping holes is not part of that, not that adding that feature wouldn't be helpful down the road. To me, it's not that big of a deal to put in "par" scores for skipped holes and put in the correct scores when they are played later.

From a practical standpoint, the more important priority now is to finally get the new website launched so we can move to significantly upgrade the richness of information in the course directory. That way several of the requested app enhancement can be more useful.

Thanks for the feedback. True, it's not a big deal to add par for a hole which was temporarily skipped during a practice round (not a tournament of course). Ed Austin is a 24 hole course and our Wed afternoon Doubles league dropped to 21 holes as the days got shorter before dropping to 18 holes. Being able to skip holes without entering par is another reason why DG Caddy is (currently) my main score-keeping iPhone App for all rounds at this course.

I get that upgrading the course directory will have some benefits during road trips, but really I don't see that this is a necessary ingredient in the recipe for realizing the App's "first goal" as a score-keeper.

Right now, there are other much less expensive applications that do a better job and I was hoping that this App would be able to incorporate the best parts of the other applications and become the only App I would ever need to use.

For me, because my home course has a mix of letter and number holes, this App just sits on the back burner while I await (hopefully) the types of functional score-keeping enhancements that will allow me to use the App more regularly.

Thanks again for your quick reply, Chuck.

Oct 27 2011, 04:31 PM
First, thanks for the app, can't wait for future developments, a LOT of good suggestions out there.

Don't know if anyone has reported it, I haven't seen anything in the thread, but since I updated to iOS 5 on the iPhone 4, the app keeps crashing whever I try to edit, delete, view full scorecOard (yes it's mispelled in the app), Calculate round rating, or email a round. Even if I touch 'cancel' it still crashes to my homescreen. I can touch the blue arrow to open up the menu but when I select something, it crashes to my homescreen.

Thanks for reading,


Oct 27 2011, 05:54 PM
I will echo this for iOS5
Start App
View Previous Rounds
View All rounds
Touch blue right arrow for a complete round
Cancel (or any other choice)

Oct 27 2011, 10:12 PM
First time on the forums and app sounds great. Maybe now you guys can develop an android app for the android marketplace?

Nov 02 2011, 03:27 AM
We are monitoring this thread - but it was a little less frequent since the initial traffic had died down.

We are going to look into the iOS 5 issues ASAP. My iPod touch 2nd gen wasn't compatible with the iOS 5, so I used it as an excuse to get a new one! :-)

We have added the ability to have a lot more flexibility on the scoring, including adding temp holes and skipping holes, to our feature list. It's an important issue, due to the wide variety of course layouts and variations used for both casual and competitive play.

We are also very close to our next update, which will include a few fixes (the keyboard stuck issue, in particular), and Facebook integration! We're hoping to get this version out to our beta test team in the next few days, and then out for distribution soon.

Thanks to all of you that have supported the development of the app. We have plans to continue development of new features and release of the Android version soon! We'll soon have a free version to entice others to use the app and join the PDGA, and the paid version will have some compelling new functionality next year.

-Theo and the dev team

Nov 02 2011, 10:10 AM
thanks for the update on ios5. another bug with ios5 has to do with pdga numbers. ever since upgrading pdga numbers for players added to my phone show up as negative numbers. for example my pdga # is 37700 but it now shows up as -27836. i've tried changing it and reinstalling, both to no avail.

thanks again for the app. i love using it.

Nov 02 2011, 03:46 PM
ever since upgrading pdga numbers for players added to my phone show up as negative numbers. for example my pdga # is 37700 but it now shows up as -27836. i've tried changing it and reinstalling, both to no avail.

Gotta love those signed 16 bit integers. :)

Nov 02 2011, 11:23 PM
Gotta love those signed 16 bit integers. :)

Oh no - flashback to my early programming days in the late '70s, programming on the front panel of my 16-bit Altair 8080 kit! 32767+1 = -32768 (or in hex 7fff + 1 = 8000)! How geeky is that!

Seriously - Mike (Dietrich - PDGA iPhone App development lead) found the iOs 5 problem today and fixed it. We're going to get a version out to the testing team by this weekend that fixes the iOS 5 problems, the intermittent keyboard pop-up problem (we're hoping!) and adds a cool new feature to post your scorecard to your Facebook profile! Stay tuned...

-Theo, Mike and the dev/test team

Nov 03 2011, 04:07 PM
Oh no - flashback to my early programming days in the late '70s, programming on the front panel of my 16-bit Altair 8080 kit! 32767+1 = -32768 (or in hex 7fff + 1 = 8000)! How geeky is that!

Seriously - Mike (Dietrich - PDGA iPhone App development lead) found the iOs 5 problem today and fixed it. We're going to get a version out to the testing team by this weekend that fixes the iOS 5 problems, the intermittent keyboard pop-up problem (we're hoping!) and adds a cool new feature to post your scorecard to your Facebook profile! Stay tuned...

-Theo, Mike and the dev/test team

awesome. thx for the update.

Nov 03 2011, 05:00 PM
Oh no - flashback to my early programming days in the late '70s, programming on the front panel of my 16-bit Altair 8080 kit! 32767+1 = -32768 (or in hex 7fff + 1 = 8000)! How geeky is that!

I don't know, could you ever whistle into an acoustic modem and get the teletype to write a word? I could only get random letters...

Nov 07 2011, 09:35 AM
Of course thinking about it more... If the app has a signed 16 bit problem with PDGA numbers, I pity the fool that gets PDGA #65536.

Nov 09 2011, 01:41 AM
Of course thinking about it more... If the app has a signed 16 bit problem with PDGA numbers, I pity the fool that gets PDGA #65536.

Not to be too much of a geek, but if it was a signed number problem, we would have found out about it with PDGA member 32768 ( If there's a problem with rolling over from 16 to 32 bit, then you're right!

So, what's the estimate on when (year/month, or at least year), PDGA number 65536 will join?


Nov 09 2011, 04:40 PM
Not to be too much of a geek, but if it was a signed number problem, we would have found out about it with PDGA member 32768

I made my guess based on the guy reporting it having a PDGA number greater than 32767 and seeign a negative number when he entered it. :)

Nov 12 2011, 09:07 AM
any update on when the fix will be released?

Nov 17 2011, 02:44 AM
any update on when the fix will be released?

We're finishing up testing. We're hoping to have it to Apple by Monday! It will probably take a few days for them to get it up on the app store.

-Theo and the dev team

Nov 17 2011, 08:03 PM
^^^ If all you want is the course directory then download the app called DG Courses... DG Caddy is a decent scorecard app as well. You can look up by zip or GPS.

Not bad. I like DG Courses. However, you can't look up by city. I can find things nearby using the GPS. Its sort of like an "around me" app for finding disc golf courses. Still, who actually remembers zip codes? I can't look up a city and find out what's near there. Still, a decent app. The link to dg course review is nice. I will still await Theo's release of PDGA for android...

Nov 21 2011, 02:11 PM
Theo. I entered players with PDGA # 32768 and 65536. The PDGA numbers for these players are not showing in the Players list when starting a round.

btw. I wouldn't be surprised to hit 65536 within the next two years.

Nov 22 2011, 09:44 AM
I've tried deleting previous rounds and the app just shuts off. I thought if I reopened it, the round deleted would be's not. Other than that, I've had no problems with the app.

Dec 05 2011, 10:16 PM
We're finishing up testing. We're hoping to have it to Apple by Monday! It will probably take a few days for them to get it up on the app store.

-Theo and the dev team

Been a while since that post and I'm constantly spamming my 'app store' button on my iPhone watching for an update.

Did the update not make it in by the 21st? Or does a "few days" in Apple time = few weeks?

Dec 05 2011, 10:24 PM
We found something to improve at the last minute so I don't think it got submitted then. Maybe Theo will post on timing.

Dec 06 2011, 12:37 PM
We found something to improve at the last minute so I don't think it got submitted then. Maybe Theo will post on timing.

this is starting to get a little frustrating... please fix the current bugs. i'm much more interested in getting an app that doesn't crash than the addition of new features.

Dec 06 2011, 12:59 PM
Note I didn't say "new feature" but "improve" (i.e. crash fix). Hopefully available for download before Christmas.

Dec 07 2011, 03:44 PM
- Why it is taking so long to fix iOS5 issues? We paid 4.99$ and we are not even sure if it will be fixed after month (not even talking about ability of developers to test on iOS5 before official release).
- When will be new functions available - there is lot of good suggestions here, but still no update for past 4 months?
- Does the android app being developed mean that no support/updates for iOS until finished?
thank you

Dec 19 2011, 08:19 AM
Never got an answer about deleting previous rounds...Is it possible? Also, is an option for adding extra holes to a round in the works?

Dec 19 2011, 03:09 PM
Hopefully it works before its an Android app...

Dec 26 2011, 09:31 PM
Never got an answer about deleting previous rounds...Is it possible?

This is one of the major issues with the app. It is possible but ever since the iOS5 update it keeps crashing when you try to edit/delete rounds.

Just wish they'd give a weekly update about the status of the app. To at least let us know they're actively working on it. Hate to think that the PDGA would just want to take some money and just leave a shotty product with the consumer. Its been 3 weeks since any word from the developers. Please give some kind of feed back. Checking this thread daily is the only interaction some of us have for updates about the app.

Dec 27 2011, 09:37 AM
it will be fixed a little after the new website and message board are done i believe that was sposed to happen in september so if the new website is up in feb.that would be 5 months late so the update for the iphone should be ready by the end of may.that is if you believe we will have a new website and message board by feb.i myself doubt it

Dec 27 2011, 10:00 AM
Beta testers got version 1.08 to test just before Christmas. It got thumbs up. It could have been submitted to Apple by now so expect an update soon depending on the Apple approvers schedule during the holidays.

Dec 27 2011, 10:43 AM
Beta testers got version 1.08 to test just before Christmas. It got thumbs up. It could have been submitted to Apple by now so expect an update soon depending on the Apple approvers schedule during the holidays.

you could have updated the website and message board in september so is this the same kind of could have?

Dec 27 2011, 10:47 AM
Different people involved in the two projects.

Dec 27 2011, 04:41 PM
Personally, I don't think that distinction even needs to be made - no matter who is working on what, obviously many people reached their boiling point with anything IT-related with the PDGA long ago and the two can safely be lumped in together. The website performance was a laughing stock this entire year, especially during Pro Worlds this summer, and how many website update deadlines have been missed now? Apparently the scorecard app continues to crash and communication on updates has been poor - I'm sure 16670, Oruatyrim, and cbooras are not the only ones who are frustrated with the lack of communication. Previously, what little information which was provided was (more often than not) given on the PDGA iPhone app thread at, but nothing has been posted lately there either.

Dec 30 2011, 03:25 PM
Thanks for the update. Yes it was long awaited, but you have no idea how many "incomplete" rounds I finally got to delete!!

Jan 03 2012, 02:41 PM
thank you to everyone involved in getting the new release out. i installed it over new years and everythings seems to be working.

Jan 04 2012, 06:29 AM
Will anyone be listing the new capabilities/improvements in Version 1.0.8 of the App? Would also like to know plans/priorities for future iterations.

The program still offers no way to edit the Hole number (change to letters for some) so it is still useless for my home course.

I look forward to trying the new version on courses that are number sequentially without alternates (i.e. Hole A, or 6x, etc).

Thanks for the new version.

Better communication from the design team would probably go a long way towards building your user base.

Charlie Booras, MD

Jan 05 2012, 02:17 AM
I apologize for the delay in getting this update out. We ran into multiple issues with the iOS upgrade. There were problems with saved courses and round ratings, and to fix it, we not only had to update the app (with extensive testing), but we had to make some modifications to the code on the server that the app connects to for course information. That took us a lot longer to code and multiple testing cycles.

In any case, the new version is out, and in addition to (hopfully!) resolving all the iOS 5 issues, we have added the ability to post to your Facebook page. This feature took quite a bit of work also, as Facebook doesn't give you a way to post using HTML formatting and graphics, so you actually have to construct an image. Facebook is probably doing this to prevent security issues, but it does make apps that use the Facebook integration have to jump through hoops!

-Theo, Mike and the testing team

Jan 05 2012, 03:24 PM
Any word on when this will be made available for Android platform?

Jan 05 2012, 08:34 PM
In any case, the new version is out, and in addition to (hopfully!) resolving all the iOS 5 issues, we have added the ability to post to your Facebook page. This feature took quite a bit of work also, as Facebook doesn't give you a way to post using HTML formatting and graphics, so you actually have to construct an image. Facebook is probably doing this to prevent security issues, but it does make apps that use the Facebook integration have to jump through hoops!

-Theo, Mike and the testing team

Thank you for the reply!

I did use the App yesterday on an 18 hole course and it worked well. It was nice to add a player who joined us later in the round

I would still like to know what other changes were made for this version.

Is posting one's round on Facebook really a priority over so many other changes that could have been done to enhance on-course functionality? (I love my friends, but please don't ever send me your scores on FB...really, never).

Is this program potentially ever going to allow user-editing capabilities like those found in Disc Golf Caddy (i.e., change a Hole's number)?

Respectfully...Charlie b

Jan 05 2012, 08:50 PM
I can't answer for the dev team directly. But I believe the issue now pertaining to larger enhancements for the app is to first get the PDGA Course Directory updated to allow individual hole information so the data can be connected with the App in the way overall course lengths are linked now for ratings.

Jan 06 2012, 02:02 AM
Any word on when this will be made available for Android platform?

That is our top priority right now! Development is going well, but it's a new platform and a complete rewrite, so we don't have a target date yet. We're also having to coordinate with the launch of the new website, as there are some significant changes to the way the server interacts with the apps (the iPhone app will have to be updated also).

At some point soon (probably in February), we'll be looking for Android app beta testers. If you are a PDGA member with an Android, and think you have good testing skills and time to do it, send me a private message.


Jan 06 2012, 02:20 AM
Thank you for the reply!

I would still like to know what other changes were made for this version.

Is this program potentially ever going to allow user-editing capabilities like those found in Disc Golf Caddy (i.e., change a Hole's number)?

Respectfully...Charlie b


There were no other major new features added to the current release. There were a few minor usability improvements, and if you really want to have a detailed list, I can ask Mike Dietrich to provide one.

Creating multiple layouts for courses is one of the highest priority features. That includes dealing with multiple tees and pins, hole lengths, temp holes, etc. That would allow you to insert holes and rename/renumber them. However, the current online course directory does not support layouts. We would like to coordinate implementation of layouts with the online directory, and the layouts used for ratings in tournaments. Because that involves the online database, the event results and ratings processing systems, and the app, it is a major project.

We are not planning on adding any major new features to the iPhone app until after we release the Android version. Otherwise, it will further delay the Android version, which is the biggest request we get right now.


Jan 12 2012, 10:20 AM
Yes Android Please.............

Jan 13 2012, 02:40 PM

There were no other major new features added to the current release. There were a few minor usability improvements, and if you really want to have a detailed list, I can ask Mike Dietrich to provide one.

Creating multiple layouts for courses is one of the highest priority features. That includes dealing with multiple tees and pins, hole lengths, temp holes, etc. That would allow you to insert holes and rename/renumber them. However, the current online course directory does not support layouts. We would like to coordinate implementation of layouts with the online directory, and the layouts used for ratings in tournaments. Because that involves the online database, the event results and ratings processing systems, and the app, it is a major project.

We are not planning on adding any major new features to the iPhone app until after we release the Android version. Otherwise, it will further delay the Android version, which is the biggest request we get right now.


Theo...thank you for the information. I don't need a detailed list, but appreciate the offer.

Charlie b

Jan 26 2012, 01:33 PM
Sooooooo....... any updates? Android? Thanks.

Jan 30 2012, 04:40 PM
Thanks for the update!!!!........ :confused:

Feb 01 2012, 07:27 PM
So far the only issue I have with the app is the actual scoring.

The Blockhouse CC in Spotsylvania, VA contains 2 full courses (Sunnyside & Darkside) and a pitch & putt Tiki course. But the app scorecard for the Blockhouse is for 54 holes. You can't select the individual courses which makes the app useless for scoring a round.

It's the same problem for Pratt in Fredericksburg. It's listed as 20 holes but since the redesign there are only 18.

The app does not recognize the difference if a course has AM, Intermediate or Pro tees.

Will there be any changes to address these issues?

Until then I'll keep using Discasaurus...

Feb 01 2012, 07:48 PM
The problem is with whoever updates the PDGA Course Directory for those courses. If Blockhouse were broken out into three separate courses, then you would automatically see those three courses separately in the app. Same with Pratt. Ask the course pro change the Directory listing to 18 holes.

Feb 02 2012, 02:03 AM
Version 1.0.9 of the PDGA iPhone app was just released. The only change is a fix for a problem adding local courses with hole information. That was causing an app crash with verison 1.0.7.


Feb 02 2012, 01:25 PM

Feb 02 2012, 06:05 PM
I know the testers haven't been given any timing for when they'll receive a beta version and that will have to happen before any announcement about a future release date.

Feb 03 2012, 02:06 AM

We're making progress on the Android version, but it depends on the launch of the new website. The new website requires an upgrade to the iPhone app code, and it didn't make sense to try to get the Android app working with the old site, and then have to update it shortly after release.


Feb 03 2012, 03:02 PM
Having issues with the new release. The app is not showing any courses near me and when I attempt to calculate round ratings, I get a message saying the course I have locally is different then the course in the database. These features worked fine prior to the upgrade.

I used this a s my primary scoring tool for Disc Golf because of the ease of use and the ability to calculate round ratings. Has this issue been reported prior to me and if so could you give me a timeline on the fix?


PITT Disc Golf
Feb 15 2012, 01:06 PM
That is our top priority right now! Development is going well, but it's a new platform and a complete rewrite, so we don't have a target date yet. We're also having to coordinate with the launch of the new website, as there are some significant changes to the way the server interacts with the apps (the iPhone app will have to be updated also).

At some point soon (probably in February), we'll be looking for Android app beta testers. If you are a PDGA member with an Android, and think you have good testing skills and time to do it, send me a private message.


I would be interested in being a beta tester for your andriod app if you need me. I use a Motorola Photon on Sprint network. I also founded and run the PITT Disc Golf Club in Pittsburg KS. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks


Feb 25 2012, 01:07 PM
I've noticed there is a bug in the tee order feature. I was playing a PDGA event a few weeks ago my group and I noticed that tee order was wrong.

Given this scorecard:

The tee order should be:
Sam (4-4-2)
Brian (4-4-3)

But the order of Brian and Sam are reversed.

Feb 25 2012, 03:32 PM
I don't have a smart phone, but want to know if I decide to buy a Kindle Fire will a PDGA app be available?

Mar 01 2012, 01:22 PM
Good question. Good luck getting an answer.

Mar 07 2012, 09:37 PM
Good question. Good luck getting an answer.

thanks, given that the Kindle Fire is so affordably priced, I think it would be good for us (the PDGA) to make an app available asap for it so we can connect to as many potential members as possible ;)

Lights Out Disc Golf
Mar 19 2012, 06:33 PM
I'm not sure were to post this COMPLAINT , When is the PDGA gonna have this available for the ANDRIOD Market I really don't want to purchase a $300 dollar phone just to get this App. ????????????????????????????????????????? Oh sorry guess if I read a little might have found answer before complaining anyway's who ever is in charge of it pease hurry I jealous and really like the idea of these app's everything I've seen is absolutely awesome

Mar 24 2012, 10:16 PM
when i played a 9 hole course, it wouldn't give a round rating because it says there must be at least 12 holes. but what if there is duel tees? any way to play a round from each set of tees and get an 18 hole rating?

Mar 27 2012, 01:06 PM
Any update on the Android version of this app?

Im using a Droid Bionic and would love to be a tester.

Mar 27 2012, 01:11 PM
They posted above that no Android until you see the new PDGA website. Little work on it until the new site is ready for data interface.

Big E
Mar 28 2012, 02:45 PM
Any idea when that will happen. It is really hurting the message board activity. Like 5 posts a day is just sad.

Mar 31 2012, 10:25 AM
I am wondering if new site will have big improvement with PDGA course database? PDGA course database really need to support multiple layouts for each course download. For example, in my local course, it has two tee pads and three basket pins which is 6 different layouts so I would love to be able to download that course which will include 6 diff layouts (which translate into 6 different "courses" in eye of PDGA app view in this current setup).

Right now I had to create 6 diff layouts with pars and feet via "Create Locally' feature which is pain in the butt.

I was wondering if anyone did create some tools that automatically import scorecard data via email into say excel or/and SQL database?

Once PDGA app can download a course data with multiple layouts and some tools that allows automatic importing of scorecard data into excel/database then it would be great for paper-less league (as well tournament) rounds where at the end of round, the players can simply email the scorecard data and the league director would be able to view all scorecard data in excel/database at glance and can easily sort them and hand out the prizes on spot and have those results ready for view on WWW/Facebook etc.

That would help encourage the growth of actual PDGA leagues which is win-win for everybody involved.

Apr 04 2012, 11:59 PM

Thanks for the report (and great screenshots!). I'll try to reproduce the problem and assuming I can, we'll take care of it in the next update.


Apr 05 2012, 12:05 AM
They posted above that no Android until you see the new PDGA website. Little work on it until the new site is ready for data interface.

We aren't going to wait for the launch of the new website for the Android version. We have been actively working on it, and are making great progress. Mike (the PDGA's mobile app developer) has almost all of the basic score keeping functionality completed. I just gave him sample code for connecting to the servers for course directory searches. I am working with Neal Dambra on the graphics, which need to be done quite differently than on the iPhone/iPod.

I hope to have an alpha version done by the end of the month, and a beta sometime in May. We'll be looking for a beta test team in the next few weeks.

Believe me, I want an Android version as much or more than anyone! My primary phone was a Droid X, and I got a Droid RAZR (which I love!) in January. I can't wait for our Android app. And after that, we're working on plans for new features, an ad-supported free version (with some features removed), and other fun stuff. Sales of the iPhone version are steady, and that's very encouraging.

Thank you all for your ongoing support and feedback. Sorry for not checking this thread more frequently!


Apr 05 2012, 12:22 AM
I am wondering if new site will have big improvement with PDGA course database? PDGA course database really need to support multiple layouts for each course download. For example, in my local course, it has two tee pads and three basket pins which is 6 different layouts so I would love to be able to download that course which will include 6 diff layouts (which translate into 6 different "courses" in eye of PDGA app view in this current setup).

Right now I had to create 6 diff layouts with pars and feet via "Create Locally' feature which is pain in the butt.

I was wondering if anyone did create some tools that automatically import scorecard data via email into say excel or/and SQL database?

Once PDGA app can download a course data with multiple layouts and some tools that allows automatic importing of scorecard data into excel/database then it would be great for paper-less league (as well tournament) rounds where at the end of round, the players can simply email the scorecard data and the league director would be able to view all scorecard data in excel/database at glance and can easily sort them and hand out the prizes on spot and have those results ready for view on WWW/Facebook etc.

That would help encourage the growth of actual PDGA leagues which is win-win for everybody involved.

We have the implementation of course layouts in our feature list, and it has been, for the website, for years (literally). It's a big project though, because in additional to significant changes to the database model (tables and fields), we need to have governance around data quality. Course layouts change regularly, and if we don't have a simple way to submit changes and report discrepancies, it will be easy to have the layout data be out of sync with the actual layouts.

Our ideal vision is to have the mobile app be able to collect the information via location services (i.e., GPS) and upload it directly. However, there needs to be some way to validate the data, so that it doesn't get corrupted through accidental OR malicious updates.


Big E
Jun 07 2012, 10:38 AM
We aren't going to wait for the launch of the new website for the Android version. We have been actively working on it, and are making great progress. Mike (the PDGA's mobile app developer) has almost all of the basic score keeping functionality completed. I just gave him sample code for connecting to the servers for course directory searches. I am working with Neal Dambra on the graphics, which need to be done quite differently than on the iPhone/iPod.

I hope to have an alpha version done by the end of the month, and a beta sometime in May. We'll be looking for a beta test team in the next few weeks.

Believe me, I want an Android version as much or more than anyone! My primary phone was a Droid X, and I got a Droid RAZR (which I love!) in January. I can't wait for our Android app. And after that, we're working on plans for new features, an ad-supported free version (with some features removed), and other fun stuff. Sales of the iPhone version are steady, and that's very encouraging.

Thank you all for your ongoing support and feedback. Sorry for not checking this thread more frequently!


Well hows it going Theo

Jun 12 2012, 10:07 AM
Anyone else noticed the same problem with the PDGA app?

After or on the turn, the tee order gets messed up if you start on any other hole besides #1.

Jun 12 2012, 11:02 AM
I noticed the tee order didn't adjust if you go back and correct a player's score on the previous hole that would change the order.

Jun 15 2012, 10:58 PM
By far the most useful feature of this app to me is the "find courses near me" course finder in google maps and the "one click" to get directions to the course.

However, there are quite a few courses that just come up in slightly the wrong location, and it takes me a few blocks from where the course actually is. I don't know why, but I presume the location is entered incorrectly in the PDGA database. The only info I see there is the coordinates for the first tee. I don't know how to update those to the correct coordinates, and I especially don't have the coordinates handy.

What I think would be a really useful feature would be the ability to update the course directory directly from the app. For example, once I find the correct location, I would like to be able to push a button and upload the correct coordinates based on my phone's GPS, so it's the right coordinates from there on out, and I don't have to look up any coordinates.

So that's my suggestion. Enable people to update the course directory directly from the app, with some automated features like GPS to make it idiot proof.

Jun 20 2012, 06:29 PM
By far the most useful feature of this app to me is the "find courses near me" course finder in google maps and the "one click" to get directions to the course.

However, there are quite a few courses that just come up in slightly the wrong location, and it takes me a few blocks from where the course actually is. I don't know why, but I presume the location is entered incorrectly in the PDGA database. The only info I see there is the coordinates for the first tee. I don't know how to update those to the correct coordinates, and I especially don't have the coordinates handy.
We realized that once we had an app that used the online course directory data that we were going to have to improve the coordinates on a lot of courses. Cliff Towne, the PDGA Course Directory Editor, spent a lot of time improving the coordinates on hundreds of locations. Many of them only went to the center of the zip code. Now most of them get close to the course, but not always to the parking lot or first tee. We will continue improving the data, and what really helps is if you can report errors to Cliff. You can contact him via the PDGA contact form:

What I think would be a really useful feature would be the ability to update the course directory directly from the app. For example, once I find the correct location, I would like to be able to push a button and upload the correct coordinates based on my phone's GPS, so it's the right coordinates from there on out, and I don't have to look up any coordinates.

So that's my suggestion. Enable people to update the course directory directly from the app, with some automated features like GPS to make it idiot proof.
This capability has been pretty high up on our with list for a while (since we launched the app). As soon as the Android version is launched, we'll be starting to work on feature updates to both versions, and course directory improvements are near the top of the list.

-Theo Pozzy

Jun 20 2012, 06:46 PM
Well hows it going Theo

We are well under way with the Android version, and have released to beta versions to testers. I used the app last Saturday with Mike Dietrich (who's doing most of the development work) to record scores at Pier Park in Portland. We still have a fair amount of functionality to complete, but the app appears to be pretty stable in early testing, which is a good thing.

-Theo Pozzy

Jun 20 2012, 09:14 PM
The park contains 12 baskets but the app will not calculate a rating. A message stating the park must have at least 12 holes. So...?

Park: Chautauqua Park in Kewanee, Illinois (

Jun 20 2012, 10:36 PM
The park contains 12 baskets but the app will not calculate a rating. A message stating the park must have at least 12 holes. So...?

Park: Chautauqua Park in Kewanee, Illinois (

I'm thinking the message is off. Rounds must have at least 13 holes to receive a rating.

Jul 13 2012, 04:18 PM
Is there going to be an Android ver. of the PDGA App? In the original Iphone thread it was stated that it would be 3-6 months after the apple ver. and now its been much longer then that.

Jul 25 2012, 02:50 AM
Is there going to be an Android ver. of the PDGA App? In the original Iphone thread it was stated that it would be 3-6 months after the apple ver. and now its been much longer then that.

We were hoping to get it out earlier, but the development effort got started slowly and has taken longer than originally planned. The good news is that we're well under way and in early testing phases. We are hoping to release the Android version this fall.

-Theo Pozzy

Big E
Sep 04 2012, 04:16 PM
We were hoping to get it out earlier, but the development effort got started slowly and has taken longer than originally planned. The good news is that we're well under way and in early testing phases. We are hoping to release the Android version this fall.

-Theo Pozzy

Are you guys closer to a deliverable date?

Sep 16 2012, 12:01 PM
I've been using the iPhone app for a few months now and I can say it's my go-to app for keeping score! I am a former Android user and had a sweet app called Easy Scorecard Pro. It had a few features that I would love to see implemented on yours.

Players - when creating a new player, have a field for their email address (or better yet, pull it from your contacts if available). If they're PDGA, it would be great if you could just enter their number and have their info pulled from your online PDGA player database.

Scores - after the round, if you choose to send the scorecard, you already have their email addressed entered (from suggestion above), so you don't have to do it again. Easy Scorecard Pro also sent a nice html version of your round that was easier to use than what your app currently sends. I've attached a sample scorecard.

Courses - i've seen a few suggestions for course updating, so I look forward to those, like renaming holes, multiple layouts, etc.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to using this app for years to come. If you need any iPhone beta testers down the road, I would be interested. Thank you.

Oct 08 2012, 07:37 AM
Recently, my PDGA app started using Safari to give directions, instead of the Google Maps app. So it doesn't give me a map to the course anymore. It provides a text list of directions. In order to get a map, I have to copy the destination address, close safari, open the maps app, select the destination text field, delete whatever is left over in that field from before, and paste the destination. Even after that, the maps app seems to operate differently and provide the directions in a less appealing way. Did something happen to the maps app? I recall having to update my iPhone operating system recently. Is that causing these issues?