Jul 23 2011, 02:41 PM
At our event we draw accurate circles around the baskets at 10 Meters. This question came up,
Imagine your disc lands on the circle such that the leading edge is inside the circle and the trailing edge is outside the circle.
If you use a marker disc your lie would seem to be in the circle, but if you use your disc as a marker, your lie would seem to be out of the circle.
You are given up to 30 cm to land a supporting point behind your mark, be it disc or mini-disc.

Is the Lie the point you choose to land your supporting point?
Is the Lie the trailing edge of your mark?

This has significance in regard to falling putt or follow through.

If this has been discussed at length before, my apologies and please indicate where to find the conclusion.

My read was, the trailing edge of the marker was the Lie. As it represented the closest potential Lie.


Jul 23 2011, 02:51 PM
Per 803.04C Any throw from within 10 meters or less, as measured from the rear of the marker disc to the base of the hole, is considered a putt. So, even if the release is outside 10m but within 30cm behind the marker, that throw would actually be measured from the rear of the marker as you suggest.

Jul 26 2011, 04:52 PM
Who are you and why are you using Chuck's account? Everyone knows Chuck does not cite and quote the rules when expounding on rules minutia.

And good answer, too. You're making Chuck look smart.

Jul 28 2011, 01:48 AM
The Chuck impersonater is totally correct. The lie can be either the previously thrown disc or the properly placed mini. If the previous throw is used, and that back edge is beyond 10m, jump all you want.

My read was, the trailing edge of the marker was the Lie. As it represented the closest potential Lie.
"Closest potential lie" is totally inconsequential. The option is with the player, unless the previous throw has to be moved, as in OB or other situations.
Question, though, if you want to be really picky---which edge of the painted circle is the true 10meters?