Jul 24 2011, 03:06 PM
I want to start off by saying I've been and still am a huge supporter of the PDGA. I've been visiting this board for many years but I find myself like many others spending less and less time here. It's not that I don't want to but it's the poor performance of the website. If you look at the PDGA Demographics 2010 you'll find Illinois is in the top 6 of current PDGA members(T5), pdga events(T6), and courses(6).
This weekend I talked to quite a few players at the Illinois State Championships. If you visit clubs and other disc golf message boards the theme is "we are frustrated with the PDGA website." That is saying it nicely.
Every year I try to keep up with the course directory. Last August I had it entirely updated before I left on a trip to complete the rest of the IL courses I had not played. It's getting tougher each year. Players are starting to go to Disc Golf Course Reveiw and adding courses there and not the PDGA Directory. The first place players used to enter new courses was here. There are 162 courses listed on DGCR for Illinois & 143 on PDGA.
I see the PDGA website as the #1 tool. It's the face of the org. I think we are starting to fall behind in that area. I'm hoping to see some upgrades to the upgrade. I'm voting for BOD members solely on their responses to the website. Anyone else share this frustration?
This weekend I talked to quite a few players at the Illinois State Championships. If you visit clubs and other disc golf message boards the theme is "we are frustrated with the PDGA website." That is saying it nicely.
Every year I try to keep up with the course directory. Last August I had it entirely updated before I left on a trip to complete the rest of the IL courses I had not played. It's getting tougher each year. Players are starting to go to Disc Golf Course Reveiw and adding courses there and not the PDGA Directory. The first place players used to enter new courses was here. There are 162 courses listed on DGCR for Illinois & 143 on PDGA.
I see the PDGA website as the #1 tool. It's the face of the org. I think we are starting to fall behind in that area. I'm hoping to see some upgrades to the upgrade. I'm voting for BOD members solely on their responses to the website. Anyone else share this frustration?