Aug 08 2011, 12:05 AM
I learned recently of a club that experienced a member who took significant monies from the club. My first thought was to call the cops, or at least file some kind of suit against him. This was not done by the club.

Has any other clubs had experience with legal suits against members or police involvement in illegal activities within their club?


Aug 08 2011, 01:24 PM

We experienced something similar. A club member was temporarily running minis and the several hundred dollars they were in possession of was claimed to have been stolen. Another incident with another club nearby where the person running the mini used the ace pot money (excess of $500) to pay personal bills.

In both instances the individuals were confronted in a calm and understanding way. Both worked very hard to pay back every dime and did so. Had they refused to cooperate, it was intended to report the crime to the police, however we didn't tell the individuals this until after everything was settled. Neither of those folks are in a position to handle club merch or funds any longer, but both are productive members of their respective clubs.

Just remember, calling the cops will only cause additional hard feelings and for some it will make them want to "get even" with whoever made the call. Nobody wins. Just take a few club members that have the best relationship with the individual and discuss the matter PRIVATELY away from the course. Remember to have compassion and understanding to the persons present life circumstances and know that we don't ever know when our life circumstances can change either.

Just a few thoughts for the circumstance.