Aug 17 2011, 07:59 PM
I'm sure some of you have seen my new site... So, for those of you that have been living in a hole for the last few months:

There are currently two flavors of the site:
dgmapper.com for BROWSERS (http://dgmapper.com)
m.dgmapper.com for MOBILE DEVICES! (http://m.dgmapper.com)

I currently have all events from the following sources on the dgmapper map:
Southern Nationals
Discraft Ace Races
DiscGolfScene.com Unsanctioned Events
(NEFA events coming soon!)

Tourneys from these sources are automagically pulled in to dgmapper. I have yet to open up the site for direct user-submission of new events; this feature is coming soon. For now, if you want to add an unsanctioned event to the map, simply add it to discgolfscene.com, and dgmapper will reflect the new event within 12 hours.

For events happening within about 6 days or so, the tourney popups on the map will show live updating weather forecasts for tourney days (and during typical tourney hours only) including sustained wind speed range and gust forecasts.

Aug 19 2011, 04:23 PM
The NEFA series is now up on the map at http://dgmapper.com...enjoy!

Aug 19 2011, 09:29 PM
Thanks again for creating this handy site juanbond!

Aug 23 2011, 08:22 PM
Thanks, it's truly my pleasure... I do it for my love of disc golf, geography, data-driven websites, and all you disc golfers out there!

A free tool to help find tournaments that probably aren't free...but hey, you can't win 'em all!

John Hernlund
Sep 26 2011, 08:29 PM
Hey, why doesn't the PDGA hire this guy to re-make its website!?!

Sep 28 2011, 04:18 PM
Hey, why doesn't the PDGA hire this guy to re-make its website!?!

Ha! They can't afford me...

Oct 17 2011, 01:39 PM
dgmapper.com now shows elevation in feet for all tourneys worldwide. Sometime soon I will be adding a few more things:

- tournament extremes: showing the highest and lowest elevation tournaments, hottest, coldest, windiest, etc...
- links page: the links page will be about as cool as a links page can be. I am using a piece of software I wrote many years ago to generate an artistic links page. Coming soon!

Oct 25 2011, 03:57 PM
Recently added to dgmapper...the world's finest disc golf links page:


Let me know if you think your site should be added!

Oct 26 2011, 07:54 PM
So, I sifted through my disc golf retailer database last night a bit... I have info on over 2,500 retailers! Man, I don't remember it being that many... I can't wait to enable dgmapper.com's retailer map. I'm hoping it will be ready for launch within about two weeks.

Oct 28 2011, 03:59 PM
The "Trick or Treat at the Beach" disc golf tournament in Lewes, DE this weekend just keeps getting worse and worse forecasts... dgmapper.com now shows the tournament hours forecast to be sustained winds of 24-31mph with gusts to 43mph, and 100% chance of rain. Not exactly warm, either, with temps ranging from 43-53. Yikes! Good luck, all you Delaware tournament players!

Aug 07 2012, 09:13 AM
DGmapper isn't displaying several upcoming tournaments. What's up?