Aug 24 2011, 05:37 PM
After doing some reading, I discovered that the new enhanced website that everyone has been demanding for a while now should be up and running in about 2-3 months or so they say but it was supposed to be up before Worlds too. It will be much faster, more modern, quicker searches....yadda yadda yadda.

BUT! did you know there will no longer be a discussion board?

There will be a place your for your blogs but thats it folks. See, they just continue to make things better and better. Just one more feature that adds value to your membership.

For you die hards that haven't yet crossed over to Face Book, you might want to re-consider that choice.

Aug 24 2011, 06:19 PM
does this mean that Wayne is getting on FB :eek:

better yet, as this develops make sure the PDGA know how you feel about it, maybe they just might listen to the membership, after all WE are the PDGA - there's an incredible amount of historical data and useful info in this D Board that would be a shame to lose :(

Aug 24 2011, 06:20 PM
Well Treat!!!.....Why aren't you in the PDGA's ear over this???:rolleyes:

I guess when this new site happens I won't be renewing my membership any more and you all will just have to wait until I get off work to hear my rants on FB and my night time rants won't be the prolific and well written as my sober ones.:o

FB is ok but not everybody can get into there all the time either except for I guess these self-employed insurance sales bums.:( :)

I've got a whole books worth of "Wise trashing" on the PDGA board and now it's all going to be deleted due to the downsizing of benefits to the membership.:(

Aug 24 2011, 06:38 PM
... NOT a very "bryyte" move for an organization that is supposedly run-by-it's-Members ... neither would be 'changing the Masters ages' again ... the "wrong" direction ... I notice that their "e-mail survey" tried dancing all around that one ...

Aug 24 2011, 06:52 PM
source of this info:

From the Minutes from May 2011 Teleconference (

<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border:1px inset"> Social Media & Discussion Board Update </td></tr></tbody></table>

The new social media functionality, which is primarily blogging, will be ready for the new website launch. We are also planning on having “featured bloggers” that will have more exposure than our normal users. These featured bloggers should ideally be disc golf insiders who are willing to share their thoughts and experiences. I haven’t started the search process yet but if you have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to ask me.

Users will also have the ability to comment on a user’s posts if we enable that functionality. I can see it being a useful tool but I can also see it easily abused. I really need to research comments and moderation capabilities in depth and will come back with a recommendation for the June teleconference. In regards to the discussion board we do have one stumbling block. After some research we determined that it will be difficult to share users between the two systems due to conflicting password encryption methods. Initial conversion won’t be difficult but afterwards the choices are to either allow users to be created independently in both the new website and the discussion board or to shut down the ability to create new users in the discussion board. My assumption is that since we will be phasing out the discussion board that shutting down the ability to create new users is the best decision.

- End of IT Report

if you don't like this decision, here's a link to send emails (please be civil): [email protected]

Aug 24 2011, 06:54 PM
. ... neither would be 'changing the Masters ages' again ... the "wrong" direction ... I notice that their "e-mail survey" tried dancing all around that one ...

come on Wayne, they should lower Masters to 35 and raise GM to 55 ;)

(for the record I believe it's fine as is)

Aug 24 2011, 08:33 PM
come on Wayne, they should lower Masters to 35 and raise GM to 55 ;)

(for the record I believe it's fine as is)
... it USED-TO be 35(masters option) , 45(grandmasters option) , 55(senior grandmasters option) ,etc. ... the 'powers-that-be' SLIPPED THAT CHANGE past the constiuents a few-years-ago also ... paid-Members had NO voice ; NO vote when that "tweak" happened ... ( at-that-time : that-sort-of-legislating ran contrary to the bylaws-and-constitution of this "association" ) ... ( kinda like when some "Am" divisions were re-named to "Adv." divisions because then-current-structure meant $2 per entrant in a sanctioned tourney ) ...

Aug 25 2011, 01:19 AM
for you die hards that haven't yet crossed over to dgcr, you might want to re-consider that choice.

ftfy :D

Big Easy
Aug 25 2011, 09:03 AM
I am taking that as a suggestion for Disc Golf Course Review.
At this point a fair source for courses that is Non PDGA driven...
Not familiar with it at all as far as forums and discussion ....

Aug 25 2011, 01:05 PM
... "quote" from Board minutes :
"My assumption is that since we will be phasing out the discussion board that shutting down the ability to create new users is the best decision."
. . . that is ONE BAD assumption . . . repercussions galore ...

Aug 25 2011, 03:53 PM
... another "quote" in their announcements :
"We appreciate everyone�s patience with our existing website problems and are looking forward to a new robust website in the near future."
... I don't forsee how 'robust' it would be without the structure of a Members' "discussion board" ... imo ...

Aug 25 2011, 04:23 PM
Wayne what your failing to see is with the new "featured bloggers" they can control the members that maybe dont like the way things are going and are trending. I like the fact that a "paying member has the right to come here with an opinion that doesnt have to toe the pdga line" especially since theres no hiding here on the board every person is tied to a membership # and cant hide there identity.I will come here and post on a message board but i would never create a blog and update it and i think they know most people wont.

Aug 25 2011, 04:52 PM

Aug 25 2011, 04:59 PM
The PDGA will always do what THEY want to do. This is not a member driven club they have proved that time and time again. Since the message board is going away i guess I can go ahead give the pdga a big F U K U and not have to worry about being banned.

Aug 26 2011, 12:48 AM
The PDGA will always do what THEY want to do. This is not a member driven club they have proved that time and time again. Since the message board is going away i guess I can go ahead give the pdga a big F U K U and not have to worry about being banned.

Failure to meet the needs and expectations of membership can only result in undesired actions either the level of memberships will drop and render the PDGA impotent and lacking the numbers needed to attract major sponsor support or the angry membership may rise up and smite the currently elected board members.
either way is not good for the sport:mad:

Aug 26 2011, 01:06 AM
Something new is on the horizon...and it's not the PDGA

Aug 26 2011, 12:04 PM
Here is a grass roots idea.....all players and tournaments take a 2-3 month strike from the PDGA. That's right a strike. No sanctioned events, don't play them, don't sanction them. If you have an event make it non-sanctioned. Give them a real reminder of where all the money comes from.

Jesse Sellers ( hears a thought, why do we santion events...take that money and seed the open payout so you don't have to shaft the ams. do we need to qualify for a non existant USDGC. All it takes is one state to unify and show the rest what we can do..s...o lets stop flapping our mouths and start doing something or shut the f*ck up...don't complain if you don't want to change, it's you directors that are not doing anything because you don't want to or are secure in your the challlang is before you lets see how many walk the talk.

The whole State should go non-sanctioned for at least three months. We could start a grass roots effort on FB and get other states on board.

Better yet, non-sanction the entire year of 2012 as a test to see if we even need the PDGA in OKlahoma. I think the players and the TDS will come out on the better end and we will be able to do more for our players and courses. Its not like you need PDGA points for worlds, everyone has always gotten in. I would bet that Oklahoma is in the top 5 of states for sanction fees and member counts.

Here is the thing......We as a State would lose nothing. Yes, there would be a hand full of pros that want sanction for their points, sorry for that.

Better yet, non-sanction the entire year of 2012 as a test to see if we even need the PDGA in OKlahoma. I think the players and the TDS will come out on the better end and we will be able to do more for our players and courses. Its not like you need PDGA points for worlds, everyone has always gotten in. I would bet that Oklahoma is in the top 5 of states for sanction fees and member counts.

Here is the thing......We as a State would lose nothing. Yes, there would be a hand full of pros that want sanction for their points, sorry for that. But as a whole we gain. All those sanctioing fees stay here, All those $10 temp fees stay in the player's pockets. If you don't think non-sanctoning will work, then ask Duff. His events are all filled to capacity, everyone has fun and payouts, plus it opens it up to more players. Isn't this what its about, more players? Or more money to the PDGA? This would send a huge message and other States are likely to follow, since there are many upset with the PDGA and their handleing of things. Since we feel we have no power within the org and that they are not listening to the players any longer, lets show them what kind of power we really have, with our all mighty DOLLAR! With Oklahom being one of the bigger contributing states, it will show how we feel. If other States jump on board then it just magnifies the memberships distaste with their performance. Now this will not work by players striking against sacntioned events, we need ALL the TDs on board with it.

Jim, I'm not talking an alternative org, just something to get the REAL ATTENTION of the current leadership. They keep preaching to us how it will be. Well how will it be if you aren't getting our Dollars anynore?

Aug 26 2011, 12:32 PM
jack the current membership for more $ and reduced services to "build the sport"- it's the pdga way...

think of all those poor kids in (fill in name of country with no courses) who won't get to play frisbee golf because you okies want your money's worth out of a membership...

Aug 26 2011, 12:53 PM
I've spoken with the PDGA office concerning this issue - there is no definite timeline for this decision yet, when the new website launches it will contain both a "blogging section" & the D-Board - with their plan being to phase out this board - mainly to do with technical difficulty of registering for blogging and registering for the D-Board not working together

there are people on the Board and in the Office that don't necessarily like this decision also

I have been asked to pass along this info:

Please send E-Mails, (I say: send them to everyone, draft a good one and copy/paste it to all the contacts on the contact page) these can be taken to the BOD to be considered - if enough of us do this, something can hopefully be worked out

please...Don't cuss them out and be mean about it, state your case, why you like and use this board and ask them to not phase it out, it has been considered a benefit of being a member and we don't need benefits taken away, heck we need more

A lot of us know incoming BOD Kevin McCoy, Peter Shive has also ran on a platform for standing up for the membership - this incoming BOD might be the best we've had in a long time that might actually do something about it!

we all have way to much time and money in this org to just abandon it over this without trying to get something done about it first

if you don't like this decision, here's a link to send emails (please be civil): [email protected] (

Aug 26 2011, 01:37 PM
Here is a grass roots idea.....all players and tournaments take a 2-3 month strike from the PDGA. That's right a strike. No sanctioned events, don't play them, don't sanction them. If you have an event make it non-sanctioned. Give them a real reminder of where all the money comes from.

Jesse Sellers ( hears a thought, why do we santion events...take that money and seed the open payout so you don't have to shaft the ams. do we need to qualify for a non existant USDGC. All it takes is one state to unify and show the rest what we can do..s...o lets stop flapping our mouths and start doing something or shut the f*ck up...don't complain if you don't want to change, it's you directors that are not doing anything because you don't want to or are secure in your the challlang is before you lets see how many walk the talk.

The whole State should go non-sanctioned for at least three months. We could start a grass roots effort on FB and get other states on board.

Better yet, non-sanction the entire year of 2012 as a test to see if we even need the PDGA in OKlahoma. I think the players and the TDS will come out on the better end and we will be able to do more for our players and courses. Its not like you need PDGA points for worlds, everyone has always gotten in. I would bet that Oklahoma is in the top 5 of states for sanction fees and member counts.

Here is the thing......We as a State would lose nothing. Yes, there would be a hand full of pros that want sanction for their points, sorry for that.

Better yet, non-sanction the entire year of 2012 as a test to see if we even need the PDGA in OKlahoma. I think the players and the TDS will come out on the better end and we will be able to do more for our players and courses. Its not like you need PDGA points for worlds, everyone has always gotten in. I would bet that Oklahoma is in the top 5 of states for sanction fees and member counts.

Here is the thing......We as a State would lose nothing. Yes, there would be a hand full of pros that want sanction for their points, sorry for that. But as a whole we gain. All those sanctioing fees stay here, All those $10 temp fees stay in the player's pockets. If you don't think non-sanctoning will work, then ask Duff. His events are all filled to capacity, everyone has fun and payouts, plus it opens it up to more players. Isn't this what its about, more players? Or more money to the PDGA? This would send a huge message and other States are likely to follow, since there are many upset with the PDGA and their handleing of things. Since we feel we have no power within the org and that they are not listening to the players any longer, lets show them what kind of power we really have, with our all mighty DOLLAR! With Oklahom being one of the bigger contributing states, it will show how we feel. If other States jump on board then it just magnifies the memberships distaste with their performance. Now this will not work by players striking against sacntioned events, we need ALL the TDs on board with it.

Jim, I'm not talking an alternative org, just something to get the REAL ATTENTION of the current leadership. They keep preaching to us how it will be. Well how will it be if you aren't getting our Dollars anynore?

Dave, See my note above....something new IS on the horizon, it has been in the works for quite some time now...IT IS NOT the PDGA and based on your rant here, YOU will like it!! Why do you think I stopped running sanctioned events 2 years ago??? Preparations have been made and in 2012 they will be rolled out full force. If you are at Okie Dubs, I'll talk to you about it Saturday evening after the rounds.

Aug 26 2011, 01:42 PM
Here's an idea:

Instead of being chicken little and freaking out that the sky is falling, why not wait and see what the new interface is like? What if the new social media based environment is actually BETTER than a traditional message board interface in the vein of the message boards produced by vBulletin, phpBB, bbPress, Simple Machines forums, etc. which are the ones most commonly utilized on the internet these days?

What if having a simple blog with text, pictures, video, as well as links to Facebook and Twitter, and then comments coming afterwards from anyone who wants to follow up, actually ends up being a far better interactive experience than what we have now, which is a slow and buggy message board?

Seems to me like a lot of people are jumping the gun simply because they fear change. I know next to nothing about the new "social media based environment" but I'm willing to give it a chance and the benefit of the doubt. Until I see the new interface, I'm not going to crucify the PDGA and make either extremely offensive comments like Mike Conners or make ridiculous suggestions of boycotting the PDGA like David Wise. And all over the thought of the message board going away. Seriously?!?

If we give the new interface a chance, and after a reasonable amount of time it's fairly obvious that it stinks, then there's reason to gripe. And at that point, it's absolutely justified to contact our publicly elected Board of Directors, the PDGA Office, etc. to lodge complaints. If that's the case, I'll be at the head of the pitchfork mob leading the charge, I promise you that.

In the meantime, all these sky-is-falling-chicken-littles should take a chill pill!

Aug 26 2011, 02:37 PM
Jeff I understand your wait and see option. We have alot of changes to software here at work (some good and some bad). But I think its the way the BOD has been going about stuff lately is putting people at odds. They have the ability to let people know in advance what they are planning yet we find out from evan? We love the discussion board and I have little desire to "blog", but I could be wrong. I think alot of people are afraid if they want the discussion board back, the board will not bring it back and just continue to do what "they" feel is best for disc golf. Its not that everything they do is bad, but some members are begining to feel like they have no say to what we want or the direction we want to go in. It is all being decided by a few and not the voice of many. One of the main reason I get on this site is because of the board. I dont really care if someone blogs about the putt nikko makes on hole nine if that is the direction they are going.

After the non-smoking ban at am worlds as a test, when will we find out the results of that test? did our image look better? When will we hear something about this or do I have to wait till someone blogs it?

Aug 26 2011, 11:14 PM
i am a paying member of the pdga.
i do not maintain a facebook or twwitter account and will not do so.
this discussion board is a fantastic source for disc golfers.
it is slow anbd could be fixed.
removing this benifit should not be an option.
i'm not convinced the other social networks are safer than this board.
the servers runing this discussion board dont have to be the same assembly for the facebook and twitter options.
there is no good arguement for removing this benifit for adding the other options.
the board seems to be operating without fear of reprisal.
the board is suposed to represent the paying members.
wait and see is the quickest way to loose your memberbenifits.
tere should bbe trial times for new benifits.
trial times allow for member to try and experience new benifits and put there voices out ther for support or dislike of said benifit.
there is no reason the other benifit cant be linked for those who wish to use them.
the exsisting dicussion board need fixing not replacing.

Aug 27 2011, 06:29 PM
Now is the time to make your voice heard. I do not believe the decision has been made but I sense it will be at the next meeting.

That is why I am asking everyone who wants this board to xcontinue, send an email to:

[email protected]

He will present those and lets see what happens. Again, I may be wrong, but what I heard was they are thinking about taking down the board and a big reason is the negativity.

Insert my free speech rant here..

Lets send a bunch of constructive emails and see what happens.

This could be the big test, are they listening??

Aug 28 2011, 11:56 PM
Mike i dont type fast .
i just spent 15 minutes sending mr gentry a post and by the time ipushed send i was unable to send.

Aug 29 2011, 11:05 AM

Aug 29 2011, 11:10 AM
Jeff, take your Opinions out of here. I am sick of having to see your responses on every thread that has any negativity to the PDGA. Are you their OFFCIAL troll now or is it TOOL?
If anyone has anything to say, it doesn't take you anytime at all to pull your nose out of where ever you have it stuck and start speaking for them. We are doing quite fine without your opinons.

The discussion board decision was just the straw that broke the back, so to speak. I am just tired of all the major decisions that are forced on us without notification and I'm tired of seeing the Players monies wasted on different projects and ideas with no results. Time after time.

This is our discussion on OUR affiliate thread (for the moment). If you don't like it, look away. I'm sure you can troll a different direction and find pleanty of others with complaints that you need to address immediately on behalf of the PDGA.

As for the boycotting the PDGA, it is my right as a consumer. If I don't like the services I'm paying for, I have a right to complain or just not shop their any longer.

Ridiculous suggestions you say? Boycotting an organization or retail company has REAL effects. Quickest way to get someone's attention is cut into their cash flow. It has, over time been one of the most effective tools that a consumer has. Sorry Jeff, we have been paitient, I've been here for a while. I've seen Sports Loop and other FAILED efforts. All I see now is a top down mentality with no REAL regards for how the membership feels.

So if Oklahoma pulls out and then Kansas, then Texas and and other surrounding States, you're telling me that will not get their attention? If so, then you're being ridiculous, along with ignorant.

Just the fact you found it a need to address this thread wants me to move forward with the boycotting idea more than ever. Good job Jeff, now I'm motivated.

Wake up Jeff! Smell that? It ain't coffee.

Better yet Jeff, just go ahead and hit that notify moderator button, if you haven't already and tell them what a bad person I am and need banned like all the others you have turned in.

Here's an idea:

Instead of being chicken little and freaking out that the sky is falling, why not wait and see what the new interface is like? What if the new social media based environment is actually BETTER than a traditional message board interface in the vein of the message boards produced by vBulletin, phpBB, bbPress, Simple Machines forums, etc. which are the ones most commonly utilized on the internet these days?

What if having a simple blog with text, pictures, video, as well as links to Facebook and Twitter, and then comments coming afterwards from anyone who wants to follow up, actually ends up being a far better interactive experience than what we have now, which is a slow and buggy message board?

Seems to me like a lot of people are jumping the gun simply because they fear change. I know next to nothing about the new "social media based environment" but I'm willing to give it a chance and the benefit of the doubt. Until I see the new interface, I'm not going to crucify the PDGA and make either extremely offensive comments like Mike Conners or make ridiculous suggestions of boycotting the PDGA like David Wise. And all over the thought of the message board going away. Seriously?!?

If we give the new interface a chance, and after a reasonable amount of time it's fairly obvious that it stinks, then there's reason to gripe. And at that point, it's absolutely justified to contact our publicly elected Board of Directors, the PDGA Office, etc. to lodge complaints. If that's the case, I'll be at the head of the pitchfork mob leading the charge, I promise you that.

In the meantime, all these sky-is-falling-chicken-littles should take a chill pill!

Aug 29 2011, 11:29 AM
I'm all for a boycott if it means the TDSA can save the high fees and part of the $1,500-$2,000 it has to throw into the OO every year.

It would have to be a total boycott by everyone to be effective IMO but unfortunately there are a few I know of that would totally freak out if the TDSA decided not to do the OO and put that cash into some non-sanctioned event.

As long as those guys have a say in what the club does then I don't think a total boycott will every happen though judging from some of the low attendance numbers of some sanctioned events around here lately perhaps the boycott has already begun, just not over this particular issue.

Aug 29 2011, 11:35 AM
What you're missing here FurDog, is that it would be much easier to add that cash if we didn't have to pay the PDGA.

I never siad do away with events, just the PDGA. The club could hold the OO up to the same standards of an A tier, with the same added cash, just no sanctioning and no money to the PDGA.

Aug 29 2011, 12:06 PM
Well I'm all for that then. I saw the PDGA fees involved after the last OO and all I could say was "crap".:(

That's alot of money to spend just for pride and tradition.

Aug 29 2011, 12:22 PM
Yep, the same PDGA that wants clubs to host worlds, then gives them a $4K stipen against a $100+K budget AND THEN WANTS 50% of THE NET PROFITS!

Then they show up and act like they are in charge and did everything for the players.
Take a few pics and hit the road.

Did you also know that of all the people in charge or salaried, maybe one of them plays disc regulary?

Aug 29 2011, 05:43 PM
worlds doesnt have to be so profitable.
the host city could pay folks to spot, run concessions,direct the tourney ,collect the scores, create player cards etc......

Aug 30 2011, 10:22 AM
worlds doesnt have to be so profitable.
the host city could pay folks to spot, run concessions,direct the tourney ,collect the scores, create player cards etc......

Brad, have you become dilusional since moving out to the woods? ;)

There is no way a city is going to pay for those things to be done. Back when the US Open was here and Tiger was playing, to be a volunteer it cost you around $160. Even at the Worlds in Santa Cruz this year, volunteers paid for the honor of volunteering.

This isn't about profits, it is about the top down metalility that the current leadership embraces. Their attitude, we know whats best for you, now be quiet. Did you also know that of all the PDGA paid positions that no one is a golfer, or golfer that plays on a regular basis? Did you know one of the reasons for them wanting to remove the board is the negativity towards the PDGA? Better to silence it than deal with it I guess?

I would also be curious to see just how much money Oklahoma sends the PDGA every year.

Aug 30 2011, 08:39 PM
i relize what your saying Dave.
i was saying the host club could pay all their volunteers so that at the end of the event there would be no profits to share.
i wonder how fast that would get the top down mentality to think about the way things are being handled.
i typed a respectful statment for gentry but was not able to send.
then i couldnt recover what i tryed to send.
the board of directors does seem to out of touch with the majority of disc golfers that i know.
i wish i could be at some of their meetings so that a peon could be heard.
for now i'm not playing sanction events.
my not playing is the only way i feel i can get my voice heard , if a lot of members quit playing then that would be a force to recon with.

Aug 31 2011, 12:56 AM
...take your Opinions out of here...We are doing quite fine without your opinons...This is our discussion on OUR affiliate thread...

David Wise,

Last time I checked, there was no PDGA DISCussion Board rule against someone posting in an Affiliate Club area to which they may not belong. Last time I checked, any and all opinions were allowed on this message board so long as they don't break PDGA DISCussion Board rules. Until you can find an instance of me breaking PDGA DISCussion Board rules here, then you should feel free to take a dose of your own medicine:

If you don't like it, look away.

Aug 31 2011, 01:15 AM
David Wise,

Last time I checked, there was no PDGA DISCussion Board rule against someone posting in an Affiliate Club area to which they may not belong. Last time I checked, any and all opinions were allowed on this message board so long as they don't break PDGA DISCussion Board rules. Until you can find an instance of me breaking PDGA DISCussion Board rules here, then you should feel free to take a dose of your own medicine:

Get a life TROLL! I'm glad guys like you aren't here in Tulsa!

Aug 31 2011, 12:00 PM
Jeff, you seem to be the type of guy that always butts in on a foursome that didn't ask you to play. You're right, there are no rules against you posting here but there are no rules against farting in church either. Why you feel you have to invade any and every thread that has a negative tone towards the pDGA is beyond me.

Did I go post my thoughts up on the main threads to be seen by all?
No, I kept it in our little world right here. To find us you have to go looking or trolling.

We have a couple of guys like you around here and just like you, they don't get it either.

Aug 31 2011, 01:18 PM
David Wise,

Last time I checked, there was no PDGA DISCussion Board rule against someone posting in an Affiliate Club area to which they may not belong. Last time I checked, any and all opinions were allowed on this message board so long as they don't break PDGA DISCussion Board rules. Until you can find an instance of me breaking PDGA DISCussion Board rules here, then you should feel free to take a dose of your own medicine:

Fine so now you have registered your pro PDGA policy statement with regard to the elimination of the open forum system and the change to a regulated "favored" bloger type system that allows for greater content control and less critical content to be placed into the public domain. While your pie in the sky points may be valid but as old as I am I seem to recall several nations saying the same thing when Germany elected a certain Chancellor in the 1930's who changed the face of Europe for a few years.

Now kindly set back and let the rest of us vent and discuss the issue until such time as the PDGA directors shut down this board and we are forced into Face Book, Disc golfersrus and other means of communication.

Aug 31 2011, 02:01 PM
Now kindly set back and let the rest of us vent and discuss the Issie until such time as the PDGA directors shut down this board and we are forced into going non-sanctioned, local and regional tours/series, and other means of promoting OUR events.

Fixed that for you Martin :)

Aug 31 2011, 04:37 PM
Evan, so is Arkansas ready to join forces with Oklahoma on this one?
I'd think that once we put all our numbers together it may look attractive enough to start trying to pull Texas in. For all of thos reading this, this is not a TDSA endorsed plan. This was just one of my strange ideas to keep our money home with our players.

Soon, I will have what we have sent them over the last two years, along with temp fees and memberships. Then we will compare those events against non-sanctioned events. This should give the members a much clearer picture of how much we send them every year. Then the players can make their own determination if they feel the pDGA earned that money.

Aug 31 2011, 05:18 PM
Evan, so is Arkansas ready to join forces with Oklahoma on this one?

Honestly Dave, I'd hate to see it come to that, I'm really hoping the leadership listens to us - we'll see :(

Ultimately this decision is up to the Players that frequent our large events, what they want is what's important. I do have a confirmed was going to sanction but now not because of the lack of performance of the site and poor communication of the PDGA leadership from an Arkie TD - the D-Board issue was what pushed him over the line to not sanction

Aug 31 2011, 05:46 PM
Man???...Dave don't expect these SC's like Evan or Treat to go non-sanctioned as long as they are currently on the PDGA payroll and getting the company car and other perks.:D

And as far as the TDSA goes, as a club they SHOULD back a boycott as well since the TDSA has the most posts and replys of all affiliated clubs. Trouble is that a couple of those admins are double-agents and will probably never cancel out the PDGA.

Whats going to end up happening is you're going to see secret outlaw events posted on FB against things like the OO, the Glide, and other normally sanctioned events. :eek:

Aug 31 2011, 05:53 PM
Scott, take your doom and gloom some where else..

Are you going to run an outlaw event???

How about I run outlaw against Chandler Stock???

When was the last time you ran or attended a sanctioned event?

So, does this even pertain to you??

Funny how you only mentioned events I am tied to..

You are not going to win the OO battle so give it up.

That is our premiere A Tier event and all the "players" love it.

Since you don't play anymore I guess that excludes you..

Aug 31 2011, 06:19 PM
Hey lets get this straight you get great value for your PDGA membership. Why they maintain your player ratings, oh wait that is for sanctioned events only. Well they give you a great magazine 4 times a year, oh wait that is usually a big ad for what the pro players are doing or did 6 months ago with event listings, but it does have disc golf equipment ads. You get a really keen bag tag, hey those are only $1.99 wholes sale or less. But you get the right to take the officials test, oh that's right now there is no free test for affiliate club members it's $10.00 now. But hay you get a $2. to $3 dollar discount to play sanctioned events! oh guess you have to be a member to play an "A" tier anyway. But we get a Discussion board to vent on, oh that is going away too.
Come to think of it what is it we are getting for our membership money? I mean the PDGA gets to pay salary's with our member dues and fees and use us as a bargaining chip in sponsor negotiations but other than rules and specifications standardizing disc golf discs and targets what are we getting?
Seems we are the ones getting used for head counts and milked for dues and fees, so why are we even here.
I started playing object golf in 1975 and did not even hear about the PDGA until 2002 so I know that the advertising budget is and was about zero for a lot of years.
Maybe I am blind but I am having a hard time seeing value for the dollar maybe they need to infuse some Euros into the budget and see if that buys more value. :(

Aug 31 2011, 06:25 PM
Scott, take your doom and gloom some where else..
Not "doom and gloom". The market is wide open now.

Are you going to run an outlaw event???
No, I'm going to be there in Matt's face demanding my happy meal.:)

How about I run outlaw against Chandler Stock???
Go ahead. ChandlerStock will still cost less.:rolleyes:

When was the last time you ran or attended a sanctioned event?
Never and why should I?

So, does this even pertain to you??
Yes, if the board goes away then I will melt.

Funny how you only mentioned events I am tied to..
Sorry, yours were the first to come to mind....But others as of late can be included as well:)

You are not going to win the OO battle so give it up.

That is our premiere A Tier event and all the "players" love it.
Well how about braggin up the amount of money the club puts into it along with all the PDGA fees involved so ALL THE PLAYERS WHO LOVE IT WILL KNOW WHAT IT COSTS!!!"

Since you don't play anymore I guess that excludes you..
Well according to Wise there are paid PDGA employees as well that don't play so why aren't you knocking their door down.:confused:

You should take a blue pill and stay off the reds. All that time up north in Boston has drained your sense of humor.:(

Aug 31 2011, 06:48 PM
Man???...Dave don't expect these SC's like Evan or Treat to go non-sanctioned as long as they are currently on the PDGA payroll and getting the company car and other perks.:D

FurPup, I guess you're joking hence the smilie :)

I can assure you there are NO perks as SC, the only reason I do it... is as a loyalty to the TD's, clubs, promoters, players and friends that share a passion for this sport, all a SC does is try to make a state wide dg schedule that conflicts with other events as little as possible - ideally this goes for sanctioned and non-sanctioned

I totally get where a lot of the naysayers are coming from, we need to let the leadership know that we are here and want communication - take a moment and form a reasonable email to [email protected], and voice your concerns in a professional manner - he has told us that he will take this to the new BOD.....if players really care and really do that.... and we are ignored - then the players can decide how to proceed from there - the TD's and local clubs will listen to what is wanted

personally I just want to play frisbee with the great people and friends I've met thru this sport and if we can pool some money together to promote and make the sport bigger....that's all good man :)

Sep 01 2011, 01:06 AM
I'm glad guys like you aren't here in Tulsa!

And I'm glad that most other folks around the nation aren't like you. They don't fear change and are willing to give the benefit of the doubt and not be quick to judge something before they've ever even seen it. They realize that an upgrade means to make something better, and that sticking with this ridiculously slow and bloated message board & website is not in anyone's best interest.

We have a couple of guys like you around here and just like you, they whine about everything. They claim corruption and conspiracy theories and make inappropriate metaphors about facism and nazi Germany. At home they probably sit around with tin foil hats on their heads.

As someone once quipped:

they don't get it either.

Sep 01 2011, 04:26 AM
And I'm glad that most other folks around the nation aren't like you. They don't fear change and are willing to give the benefit of the doubt and not be quick to judge something before they've ever even seen it.

I never said I feared anything guy.. I've completed to two tours of war. How many have you fought in??? Also, theres no whining over here.. I called you a TROLL and and apparently you are!

Sep 01 2011, 10:16 AM
Man???.....What does one really have to do to become a "Senior PDGA Member"??? Is that like being an altar boy in the Catholic Church???

I guess we should all say 10 Hail Marys and sin no more.

Sep 01 2011, 12:28 PM
...What does one really have to do to become a "Senior PDGA Member" ??? ...

... ? ... pdga #12616 ... hmmm ...

Sep 01 2011, 12:41 PM
... ? ... pdga #12616 ... hmmm ...

Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Vibram Open Director of Scoring
Posts: 2,995

my age is older and join date is before his?
Guess it has something to do with the "Director of Scoring" position
maybe we should pray 7 times a day in the direction of Georga :p

Sep 01 2011, 03:32 PM
"Senior Member"?

this thread is full of Local Club Leaders, Tournament Directors, Present and Former PDGA State Coordinators, some of these TD Positions have been for a PDGA World Championship, several NT Events and SuperTour A Tiers as well,
I'm a PDGA Birdie Club Member and have been a PDGA Ace Club Member, a Life Time PDGA Member is also in this thread

these are the people asking questions and commenting on the issues at hand

No one's fearing a Blogging/Social Media Section, we just don't want to lose the PDGA DISCussion Board also - we want both

as a "Senior Member" - you might want to go look at PDGA FB page - it has people asking questions on it also that no one will answer

we just want communication about "Why" and we want our opinions "Considered by the BOD and Leadership"

if someone with true leadership capabilities would communicate it might let us know what's really going on

I have directly communicated with the PDGA HQ about this, different people give different answers and our ED is not very forthcoming about this issue - some of our leadership are tying negativity into the D-Board but will do nothing to actually listen to or comment and allow misinformation or legitimate issues to seem be ignored - a Social Media/Blogging will do nothing to stop this, only open communication can solve these problems

Sep 01 2011, 04:16 PM
Man???....The Wayne'ster Forest is an "old guy" so why doesn't he get the "Senior Member" status???

And what about "The Real World Champion Doctor DOOM!!!!".....

That guy is older than dirt and deserves "SM" glory!!!:)

Sep 01 2011, 05:37 PM
FYI: Year to date fees paid to the pDGA from Oklahoma. 1-1-2011 to 7-16-11

Sanctioning $675
Insurance $550
Temp fees $1900
Player Fees 2143

total $5268

Pro Memberships $3600
Am Memberships $7650

All together $16,518.00 And still have the Double O to go, this also does not include the $10 officials test that players paid for. It also does not include the added casd required for B Tier and above.

For 2010
Player fees $3,176.00
Temp Fees $2,360.00
Sanctioning $900
Insurance $700

Total - $7,136 And this doesn't include an average of another $11,000 in memberships.

Now, do YOU feel you are getting your monies worth?

Sep 01 2011, 06:15 PM
Now, do YOU feel you are getting your monies worth?

Hell no. The rebellion has begun!!!:)

Sep 02 2011, 04:14 PM
... Man???....The Wayne'ster Forest is an "old guy"

... HEY now ! . . . I resemble that statement ...