Aug 25 2011, 01:11 AM
As a player, member, TD, and customer of the PDGA I find it extremely frustrating that I have to pay 2 handling fees to sign myself and my wife up for the same tournament. Has anyone looked into whether or not this service can be modified to allow multiple entries to be batched together and only be charged one fee? Seems to me that someone is just linning their pockets on this one.

Aug 25 2011, 08:06 AM
Most of the time pre-registration fees cover real Paypal/CreditCard transaction fees. Since these have a large percentage component to them, the fees need to be proportionate to the total bill.

Aug 25 2011, 12:13 PM
Most of the time pre-registration fees cover real Paypal/CreditCard transaction fees. Since these have a large percentage component to them, the fees need to be proportionate to the total bill.

Reply fail. They are charging a flat fee at each event regardless of which division you sign up for. For the tournament I am about to prereg for rec players are paying an extra 15% while open players are paying an extra 6.25%. I don't doubt there is a transaction charge but even at 6.25% we are all getting ripped off. The sales tax were I live isn't even that high.

Aug 25 2011, 12:26 PM
I don't doubt there is a transaction charge but even at 6.25% we are all getting ripped off.

$2 or $3 is ripped off?

(6% of $30-$50)

I guess I'm reckless with money, but after paying entry fees, gas to get their, gatorades, snacks, and probably buying a disc or two, I'd be hard pressed to even notice the pre-reg fee.

Aug 25 2011, 01:18 PM
$2 or $3 is ripped off?

(6% of $30-$50)

I guess I'm reckless with money, but after paying entry fees, gas to get their, gatorades, snacks, and probably buying a disc or two, I'd be hard pressed to even notice the pre-reg fee.

First off the lowest fee I have seen is $3.50, when I pre reg it is always for at least two people, my wife and myself. I play at least 10 tournies a year so I am paying $70-$100 a year (probably more) to make sure I have a spot and make the td's job a little easier.

And yes you are wasting your money, I buy gatorade, snacks and lunch in bulk, and as a tourney player if you have to keep buying discs and not winning them at some event you are playing in the wrong division. PDGA allows bagging and you should take advantage of that until you have too much plastic to store in the attic.

Were are the fnancials on pre registrations, I am guessing that the PDGA doesn't even track this.

Aug 25 2011, 02:21 PM
For what it's worth, I see more TDs charging the same fee for registering with them directly as the online pre-reg fee since it takes them more effort to deal with manual entries versus online pre-reg plus they don't have to deal with checks potentially bouncing. My expectation is that it will cost the same to pre-register online within 5 years at most events as it does to pay the TD and even more if there's a late fee imposed. For example, how easy is it to dodge Ticketmaster fees any more to go to shows or concerts?

Aug 25 2011, 03:34 PM
First off the lowest fee I have seen is $3.50, when I pre reg it is always for at least two people, my wife and myself. I play at least 10 tournies a year so I am paying $70-$100 a year (probably more) to make sure I have a spot and make the td's job a little easier.

And yes you are wasting your money, I buy gatorade, snacks and lunch in bulk, and as a tourney player if you have to keep buying discs and not winning them at some event you are playing in the wrong division. PDGA allows bagging and you should take advantage of that until you have too much plastic to store in the attic.

Were are the fnancials on pre registrations, I am guessing that the PDGA doesn't even track this.
FWIW - Not everybody can bag and take advantage of lower divisions until they have too much plastic to store in the attic. :P

Aug 25 2011, 05:48 PM
I think the fees are charged by a private vendor, not the PDGA; that there are a number of private vendors from which a TD can choose; and that all charge a similar fee, covering the credit card/penpal fees, their expenses, and a little profit. If incorrect, please let me know.

As mentioned above, I find the fee insignificant. It's a little easier on the TD and a little easier on me, too, to register online.

Aug 25 2011, 07:34 PM
Send a check if the fees bother you...I think most T.D.'s still take a check or money order.

John Hernlund
Sep 26 2011, 08:28 PM
The $5 didn't bother me so much as the ultra-slow website, the multiple pages and forms to fill in, and the fact that it took me 15 minutes to do something that should be doable in 1 minute.

Sep 26 2011, 11:33 PM
The pre-registration site is not on the PDGA server and is not slow by any means.