Sep 21 2011, 06:15 AM
21 sept 2011

here's three course maps, sure can use some 'mental floss' for the who, what, where, when, why, how, how many , how much, etc.

sept updates,
some NL player(s) are going to the french Open this weekend, Florence and friends will make it a fun event! I recall it was bus #23 from Disneyland Paris, @ 20 minutes, end of the line and a 8 minute walk to the campground and another 6 to the place where the registration will be.

there's a 1 and/or two day event in Germany:Hello together,
I�m mailing from M�nster in Germany. We plays a DG-tournament on saturday, 24.September (Beginners and Doubles), and sunday, 25. September (single), the 1. Steinfurt Open, at the Haddorfer See ... It is a tournament for You! You will play with us? Send a mail to [email protected] ...
greetings from m�nster
Werner Szybalski
P.S.: There is a campingplace, where You can book a place for the night.

28 sept, last Prinses AmaliaPark, Parkwijk, Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht 'disctivity' for the summer season. ( getting darker, too soon) Looks like Saturday afternoon's thru the winter, I'll put a schedule to put on the refrigerator:)

1 october 2011 in Haarlem, agenda, 2nd stop in the 25 year 'DG winter tour', "Groet" ( SMALL VILLAGE) opened and next year will be again, I hope !

there's a forum on but I'm not having an easy time keeping track of the number of passwords involved ( the same as the PDGA DISCussion, so its perhaps, I'm getting old... either way perhaps someone can put this info on it. When someone does, I seem to get the mail, a bit indirect, but its for our sport!

Sep 23 2011, 05:16 AM
anyone else going tomorrow? Sunday? I'm buying my train ticket for Saturday today! ICE planning has an ECO app. using the train is ecological in place of a car:) [Sunday at the Nedereindse 'Berg' !!!}

I'll lobby the notion to also play a game of 'World-War Free (two words)'
after the doubles:) [ see simply rules in Dutch ]

Be great if the two fellows who have the disc golf club with only two members will play, too:) ( see front page article in Brabant News)

DG-tournament on saturday, 24.September (Beginners and Doubles), and sunday, 25. September (single), the 1. Steinfurt Open, at the Haddorfer See ... It is a tournament for You! You will play with us? Send a mail to [email protected] ...
greetings from m�nster
Werner Szybalski
P.S.: There is a campingplace, where You can book a place for the night.

Nov 29 2011, 10:04 AM
I find this info re the 1st Amsterdam Disc Golf Course event:

Calendar: NFB Disc golf activiteiten
Title: Speeldag 4 NFB Disc Golf Tour Amsterdam
When: 03.12.2011
Location: Sloterpark, Amsterdam

for players/kaddies*who travel with the public transportation
there are number of possibilities

I usually take trams #7 or #14 ( i go from Utrecht with the train to the Bijmer/ArenA station and take the #50 metro to Jan Galenstraat tram-stop and meet the tram to the end of the line. )

the 'drijfijs' is on the other side of the road on the way to the golf parcours
sometimes open ( the gardener is not there on Thursday's for the last 34 years:)

* how about a rules update, ball golfer's employee caddies, and we ... ( though we use triplicate contracts!

I believe the sign-in on Saturday will end at 9:00 due to the short daylight hours in Dec and January, too. Perhaps the TD and.or course pro will give a contact tel # to make sure 'one can play' after all that traveling and save the environment ( anyone up on the PDGA policy re that?)

kaddy tip, bring along some 'light reading' to pass the time, if you forgot your 'roelsboek' :)

Dec 02 2011, 03:49 PM
in Dutch

29 nov 2011... from NFB disc golf forum:

onderwerp: even voorstellen

Hallo allemaal,

Rens had eerder dit seizoen al had gemeld dat ik voorzitter WDG ben
geworden. Jammergenoeg kon ik dat door mijn werk niet zelf doen.

Op bijna hetzelfde moment is ook Bert Brader onderdeel geworden van de
WDG, maar dat was kennelijk nog niet gemeld. Bij deze.

Van harte welkom, Bert!

In januari, in het Euromastpark, zal ik er zelf weer bij zijn, en neem
dan graag de felicitaties maar ook opmerkingen/commentaren graag in

Typisch genoeg ben ik zo'n beetje begonnen met disc golf spelen op het
ogenblik dat mijn voorganger, Erik, had aangekondigd te stoppen als

In Nederland (in het buitenland des te meer - hier slechts 4
wedstrijden, maar al 7 in het buitenland) heb ik mezelf nog niet veel
kunnen laten zien als discgolfer, laat staan als voorzitter van de WDG.
Maar ik hoop dat waar ik vorig jaar vol passie kon meespelen, en daarmee
"bij anderen de passie ook weer aanwakker", op dezelfde voet verder te gaan.

Mijn "grote doel" binnen mijn rol als voorzitter is het mogelijk maken
dat er (lokale) discgolf verenigingen komen, zodat er dan voor nieuwe
lokale (en hopelijk jongere) spelers een makkelijkere manier is om met
de sport in contact te komen, en er mee door te gaan. En dat we zo de
huidige groep spelers van onderaf en de zijkant te laten groeien en
uitbreiden. En tegelijkertijd - waar gewenst - voor de huidige spelers
een extra stimulans te geven.

Vorig jaar was ik al druk bezig met monthlies en two-weeklies opzetten
in Amsterdam en Rotterdam om daarmee ook nieuwe lokale spelers te kunnen aantrekken en motiveren, maar vanwege gebrek aan animo is dat idee weer in de ijskast beland. Hopelijk niet voor lang.

Ik hoor heel vaak dat vanuit de discgolfers daar nogal commentaar op is
a la "we betalen wel lidmaatschap, maar wat doen de NFB voor ons?"

Als voorzitter van de WDG ben ik ook opgenomen in het dagelijks bestuur
van de NFB, en zal daar zo veel mogelijk proberen de aandacht voor
discgolf te vergroten, en te kijken hoe en hoeveel de band tussen NFB en
discgolf aangesterkt kan worden.

Bijna tegelijkertijd met Erik, is ook Michel Oranje uit de WDG gestapt.

De huidige samenstelling van de WDG is, nu ook Bert is toegetreden tot
de WDG als volgt:

Rens Agterberg
Bert Brader
Hans Nagtegaal - voorzitter
Rene Westenberg

Wij hebben samen een visie document opgesteld en ingediend bij de NFB,
waarin we aan de NFB inzage geven wie we zijn, wat discgolf is, waar we
naar toe willen, en hoe we dat zouden moeten tewerkstelligen. En
uiteraard, hoe de NFB daarin een rol kan spelen. DE NFB gaat dit
document inpassen binnen haar beleid voor de komende jaren.

Ik hoop daar op korte termijn meer over te vertellen.

[ iets over .....last month's DISCussion... ...... re oa. Doorn... ]

En tot snel ziens!!!



aside from Hans statement that I applaud...I'm adding as part of the 'commentary(ies)' : the Dulcimer Disc Golf Club ( everyone who has ever played disc golf in Holland in an organized disc golf event since 1983 has a lifetime membership where dues are either $0,01 or $0,02 or $0,03 after the next 'PDGA country coordinator in NL' election.

as one states : I would hope that a good pdga kaddy would point out to the double disc court(s) that social network information, just like anything on the internet, is not necessarily written as Frisbeetarian Honest Truth [FHT] by the person claiming to be the owner of the page, nor is it necessarily the day-to-day opinions or beliefs of the owner, nor is the owner of the page completely responsible for its content. Such information ought not to be regarded as anything but hear-say, or second-hand knowledge. This information is certainly not to be trusted without a 2nd and sometimes 3rd or even 4th independent form of proof that the person's alleged statements or opinions can be verified.

Jan 26 2012, 06:13 AM
With the Park Oudegein,s winter tournament # ? , it might be nice to
see some pictures and/or a story(ies) about one of the older courses in the Netherlands. The players from the USA who have ventured to throw around, I can recall Everett Lasley, took on the rain ( like the rain today!) and how about the cold and that fellow who came back the next day and had his diving apparatus to get his disc(s). here's a couple of pictures, as I need plenty of 'mental floss' to be there on the 4th and be here early! This pole-hole with Mike and Dave, is back in Schijndel, where this article from the 80's shows a few players who may make the trip next month?

p.s. the 2nd Saturday (11th) in Prinses AmaliaPark in Feb. at 15:00 will instead become part of the NFB 'kaderdag' with a lunch at noon ( I'm told we must not be late!) see more at disc golf the plans for the Park Transwijk are progressing with the 4th Saturday at 15:00 in Feb (25th) will be there instead of the ddc courts in the Prinses Amaliapark.

Jan 27 2012, 06:13 PM
Return of the 5th Sunday in park oudegein, January round is beginning at 11:00 a.m....frisbetarians may be earlier and many times after a 4th Saturday at 15:0

Jan 29 2012, 03:22 AM
from Utrecht CS, sneltram splits at Nieuwegein City Plaza, the branch to IJsselstein the stop called 'doorslag' then walk 8-9 minutes to the park, across the street, Jack's Grillhouse will be open at noon., coming back bus # 64 stops closer to the park.

Jan 31 2012, 05:01 AM
correction.... bus #74 from Utrecht CS to "IJsselsteinsweg" halte ( busstop)

300m. across the river to Jack's Grillhouse and

the course ( map with Plan A , is with Rens and I'm awaiting to have permission to put it on the 'DISCussion'

here's some foto's from the morning 'frisbetarian' round with among others, Ton trying to remove the pole to have a better view of the original #10 tee marker, ( he's a half marathoner and a 50+er!

a gallery pass to share, from Ron, Diana and 'Molly's paw'. Ron, with Diana's encouragement and Molly going in the water and returning with some pretty nice disc(s). any tips for them, he will probably in the park that day, if not I can relay the message.

I'll bring the disc(s) along this Saturday and will call and/or mail to people who recognize them and want to come earlier and practice their approaches and putting, and avoid the discs going in the water in the first place!

Plan B with the 6 tee notion was received by a couple from s'hertogenbosh recently back from a year in Los Angeles area, where they played with 4 discs and like the sport. I'm hoping to hear from Joost 'cigar' trail and if they played it?

happy Tuesday, which is also the Queen's birthday. Last year some nice lunch in 'the Villa' in Vleuton, so we're walking over today and hear more about the notion that Prinses Amalia (our Park in Utrecht) will become the new Queen instead of a King., parents will of course be in the picture ! :) .

The educational program's in both the Netherlands and the USA will be tremendously improved with the notion that kids also have baseball and/or flying disc brains! The 'country classroom's!' playing disc golf, one of the national pastimes in "Edraa", and the large savings in Paper, a lot less 'testing' and the 'Rads to Dollar to Euro' ratio(s)... disctivity at hotmail dot com

back to putting...

Feb 03 2012, 07:31 PM
for the disc golf players, kaddies and/or gallery pass holders,

Bus 74 (richting Vianen UT) Connexxion
Vertrektijd [bus leaves] Utrecht CS
7:51 Bushalte Busstation Zuid, Utrecht
8:17 Bushalte IJsselsteinseweg, Nieuwegein walk 4 minutes and you're in the park

to Utrecht CS from another train station ( like Rotterdam and Amsterdam, use ( yesterday with the snow, the train from the Hague to Utrecht was delayed) will give you up to date info

Mar 20 2012, 04:11 PM
20th of March 2012

Anyone going to Utrecht area this season and interested in 'standard days' and times ? I have some time to work out an agenda. The Park Transwijk at 15:00 on the 4th Saturday, for example; 'sneltram' line from Utrecht CS, step out at the Vasco de Gamalaan

I am also hearing something about a 25 year near Schijndel, NL 'Two Words Disc Golf Club Open' ?


pdga kaddy #3129

p.s. happy Birthday Alan V. !