Sep 26 2011, 10:49 AM
What about a $5 entry level membership to the PDGA. This $5 would entitle players to get a PDGA number and get ratings. Perhaps drop the $10 non-member fee for playing events, and make it $5 for these players.
Think of how many people would sign up. I bet you would get 100 new members, just from our local club members.
We could reach 500,000 members in under a year I bet.
Sep 26 2011, 02:29 PM
Make membership free and give members a discount that is shared by the TD.
For example, $20 per non-pdga member goes to the PDGA, but the PDGA only wants 10$ per PDGA member, and requires that the TD charge PDGA members at least $5 less than non-members.
That way, players would have nothing to lose by joining, and TDs have a financial incentive to encourage players to join. The PDGA actually makes more money in the process, while growing the active membership numbers significantly.
Sep 26 2011, 03:20 PM
bring back BEER for C-tiers !!!
Sep 26 2011, 07:07 PM
Or maybe have a working website where the scores can be posted and viewed.
John Hernlund
Sep 26 2011, 08:24 PM
What about the 99% of disc golfers who won't play any PDGA-sanctioned tournaments, or who would rather play casual local doubles or singles events? They have no incentive to join the PDGA, even if membership were free.
Sep 26 2011, 08:35 PM
maybe they would be interested if the pdga did not only relate to members as individuals but also as club members and disc golf course managers. if they perceived a relationship between their courses and the pdga perhaps they would be interested.
John Hernlund
Sep 26 2011, 10:00 PM
maybe they would be interested if the pdga did not only relate to members as individuals but also as club members and disc golf course managers. if they perceived a relationship between their courses and the pdga perhaps they would be interested.
I think most casual players would love to chip in some funds (even if just as a donation) if they knew it went to developing more courses, and maintaining the ones we have. But this is definitely beyond the current scope of the PDGA, which has a tough time managing all the tasks that are its bread and butter. Also, PDGA is more interested in high profile marketing and trying to get on TV than they are in building up from the roots.
Sep 26 2011, 10:17 PM
i'm encouraged by the pdga championship and hope that it's just the beginning of the pdga running more events. one possibility. disc golf clubs with 25+ current pdga members become eligible to send two or three representatives in each division to the pdga club championships every year. payouts are grants to the club rather than to individuals. well, trophies for sure. how cool would it be to have a brand new practice basket with your name on it donated to your local club? clubs can then use those spots as leverage to gain more members and to foster competition and participation within a club. that kind of grassroots connection is worth its weight in gold. benefiting those that make disc golf, played at any level, possible at all.
John Hernlund
Sep 27 2011, 02:26 AM
...disc golf clubs with 25+ current pdga members become eligible to send two or three representatives in each division...payouts are grants to the club rather than to individuals...clubs can then use those gain more members...foster competition...participation...grassroots connection...worth its weight in gold. benefiting those that make disc golf, played at any level, possible at all...
Yeah! This is a good direction to think about heading. The Egyptians didn't build the pyramids starting with the top stone, they built them from the bottom-up.
Sep 27 2011, 09:57 AM
i have been a member for 15 years, have run 25 or so pdga events including A-tiers and was a state coordinator for a long time...if there is not some sort of low cost semi non playing membership for 2012 i will not be renewing...
Sep 27 2011, 03:24 PM
i have been a member for 15 years, have run 25 or so pdga events including A-tiers and was a state coordinator for a long time...if there is not some sort of low cost semi non playing membership for 2012 i will not be renewing...
I believe the same goes for me. I have not played in a sanctioned tournament in at least 6 years, but have faithfully joined and supported the PDGA by helping out at tournaments and designing and building courses. But I think my membership days are over unless I can buy a non-playing membership. You can keep the magazine and sell me a $20 non-playing membership.
It may be time to re-join the Percussive Arts Society.
John Hernlund
Sep 27 2011, 08:15 PM
You can keep the magazine and sell me a $20 non-playing membership.
Here's an idea for a double whammy, to grow the sport AND the PDGA:
1) Offer a $20 non-playing membership.
2) Stipulate that the money from non-playing members goes to help build new courses in areas that are starved for courses but ripe for further growth, help organize new clubs, get them non-profit status, connect them to potential donors/sponsors, give them materials to help approach gov't bodies that control cherry public lands, help design courses, install good tee pads, give advice on ways to keep costs low, etc.. Set up a course building grant program (like $10K per grant) that people can apply for any place in the world, which asks them to justify the need for funds, do some preliminary groundwork and research, and have a panel review the proposals and select the best. Set up a disc golf course/club legal defense fund to help them fend off attacks and attempts to close courses down, etc.. Collect literature and success stories, statements from police chiefs and mayors, etc., on the positive benefits that installing a disc golf course can have on public land that is in a dubious condition and ill-utilized. Etc., etc..
Oct 05 2011, 01:16 PM
I joined a club recently and was amazed at how fun and inspiring participation in a thriving club can be. Maybe the PDGA could register clubs and hold an event where each registered club gets to send its club champion to compete, and the payout is to the club. That would be fun to watch online on a big screen at a club party, and they can stream ads simultaneously with the coverage and make money like crazy on advertising.
John Hernlund
Oct 05 2011, 05:43 PM
I joined a club recently and was amazed at how fun and inspiring participation in a thriving club can be. Maybe the PDGA could register clubs...
I noticed that there is some kind of "Affiliate Club Program" that the PDGA lists on its website, but the web pages ( don't really describe what that means, other than to say that members of these clubs can get discounts and a discussion forum topic. Looking at the forum listing, it does seem that they sometimes use these forums (judging by the number of posts listed by each one). But there is no indication that this program actually does anything?
Does anyone know anything more about this program?
I noticed that there is some kind of "Affiliate Club Program" that the PDGA lists on its website, but the web pages ( don't really describe what that means, other than to say that members of these clubs can get discounts and a discussion forum topic. Looking at the forum listing, it does seem that they sometimes use these forums (judging by the number of posts listed by each one). But there is no indication that this program actually does anything?
Does anyone know anything more about this program?
The Affiliate Club program gives clubs an opportunity to sign up members for a $5 discount. Clubs can either pass the $5 savings onto their members, or charge members regular price and take the $5 for the club. Our club always has this at our annual Ice Bowl, and they pass the $5 savings onto the player. So basically, if you show up at the Des Moines Ice Bowl, you can renew your PDGA membership for a $5 discount.