Sep 28 2011, 10:50 AM
I have 2 tickets for sale for the Oklahoma State vs. Kansas football game on Oct. 8th.The tickets are on the 50 yard line row 16 "best seat in the house" I am asking $300.00 dollars for the pair. That is $100.00 off the face value also there are already 2 nice chair backs on the seats so that saves you another $20.00 bucks! All proceeds will go directly to my tuition..Thanks for your time! If interested call 918.724.6781

Sep 28 2011, 11:20 AM
I am also throwing in a POSSE parking pass! Very close to the stadium and will save you another $30.00!

Sep 28 2011, 12:12 PM
That sounds like a great deal Matt. Too bad I'm an OU fan.:(

All the OSU fans sitting around me would probably kick me out once they heard me rooting for Kansas. ;)

Do they still sell beer at these games?

Sep 28 2011, 12:25 PM
Gee Matt, wish I was not dead broke it would sure be grand to see the boys play. I haven't been able to make a game since Terry Miller was the running back.:o look that up and tell me how long ago that was. 1974 I think.
Oh well hope you find a buyer it should be a fun time and a good game.:cool: