Sep 28 2011, 05:22 PM
It's time for Duncan Doubles at the Duncan Lake course! This is an opportunity to enjoy the rigors and rewards unique to the Duncan Lake course, and in a doubles format. Although we were rained out last year, the fall season course maintenance made a remarkable difference when it came time to prepare for the Hillclimber, so we're doing it again this year!
Hotels are available in Duncan--but camping is where it's at, so bring your gear and load up those coolers! :D
Pro: $80 per team
Adv: $70 per team
Am: $60 per team
Nov: $50 per team
Mixed teams are always welcome!!
SATURDAY, October 8th
7:30-8:30 AM - Registration
8:45 AM - Players Meeting
9:00 AM - First round start
2:00 PM - Second round start
Sunday, October 9th
8:30 AM - Third round start
1:30 PM - Fourth round start
4:00 PM - Raffle and ring of fire
5:00 PM - Awards
DUNCAN WORKDAY - Grab your work gloves and join us at the Duncan course this Saturday, October 1st, at 9:00am, when we'll be clearing tee pads and sharpening throwing lines. At noon we'll light some coals and grill up burgers and dogs for all volunteers. And yes, we plan to end workday early enough so that we can put down the weed eaters and loppers and pick up some discs for an afternoon of Duncan golf. :cool:
We will be renting some of the larger equipment to help us clear the course.
Supplies Needed:
Trash bags
Working on this course in the fall makes it much easier to prep for the Hillclimber, so please come and help if you are able!
See you at Duncan!!
Email Contacts:
Kate Schwartz: [email protected]
James Bierman: [email protected]
Hotels are available in Duncan--but camping is where it's at, so bring your gear and load up those coolers! :D
Pro: $80 per team
Adv: $70 per team
Am: $60 per team
Nov: $50 per team
Mixed teams are always welcome!!
SATURDAY, October 8th
7:30-8:30 AM - Registration
8:45 AM - Players Meeting
9:00 AM - First round start
2:00 PM - Second round start
Sunday, October 9th
8:30 AM - Third round start
1:30 PM - Fourth round start
4:00 PM - Raffle and ring of fire
5:00 PM - Awards
DUNCAN WORKDAY - Grab your work gloves and join us at the Duncan course this Saturday, October 1st, at 9:00am, when we'll be clearing tee pads and sharpening throwing lines. At noon we'll light some coals and grill up burgers and dogs for all volunteers. And yes, we plan to end workday early enough so that we can put down the weed eaters and loppers and pick up some discs for an afternoon of Duncan golf. :cool:
We will be renting some of the larger equipment to help us clear the course.
Supplies Needed:
Trash bags
Working on this course in the fall makes it much easier to prep for the Hillclimber, so please come and help if you are able!
See you at Duncan!!
Email Contacts:
Kate Schwartz: [email protected]
James Bierman: [email protected]