Nov 21 2011, 09:20 AM
More info to come after state coordinator approval. Will have a singles and team element. This will be a don't miss for anyone currently enrolled in high school. Clubs, I'm calling you out. Help me get the word out and start helping your area kids to fundraise to get themselves to Houston.

Nov 21 2011, 01:29 PM
Is this a Texas event only?

Nov 21 2011, 08:22 PM
Is this a Texas event only?

So far we are leaning that way. Where are you from?

Nov 22 2011, 01:23 AM
Oklahoma City
I know of a guy who just started a club at the high school he teaches at. Thought I would pass the info on the him.

Paul Taylor
Nov 22 2011, 07:32 PM
I thought this tournament was in May following most of the UIL activities for high schools and was held in the Lubbock area. When did this change?

Nov 22 2011, 08:57 PM
I thought this tournament was in May following most of the UIL activities for high schools and was held in the Lubbock area. When did this change?

We decided to move it up in the year so that it wasn't during the end of semester school work period. We discussed it with the guys that ran it last year and it's going to be in Houston this year. It isn't set in stone in a certain location yet, so we asked if it was alright if we ran it. They agreed. Do you have a team or individuals interested in coming Paul? Is it an issue that it's in Houston and do you have a recomendation for May? I am open to suggestions, they will all be considered.

Paul Taylor
Nov 22 2011, 11:12 PM
We have a couple of kids that play at the school that I teach at. The thing is that they are athletes in spring sports and so being early in the year could possibly take them out of the tournament because of that.

As for it being in Houston, that is closer and would probably be easier if they decided to get a team to play or come as individuals. We have a kid that just transferred in from Oregon and is suppose to be quiet a player, but I have not had the chance to play with him yet. He is the one sort of spear heading the ones who play around here.

Dec 06 2011, 11:59 AM
Any updates on this event?

Dec 07 2011, 11:20 AM
Any updates on this event?

Let us know of any public websites that have info so that I can send/post to local schools around Austin.

I'm not sure of my schedule yet, but would love to help staff if available!

Dec 08 2011, 11:53 AM
The date is approved. I am trying to decide now on sanctioning level. The players pack will be a-tier level, but I don't want to have to pay the extra sanctioning fees.

Dec 08 2011, 11:59 AM
There will be a singles and a team element to this tourny. The singles will be Saturday only to help with those that need to travel back or cannot find a team. The team format will combine Saturday singles scores with a form of doubles on Sunday for one morning round with awards hopefully wrapped up at noon. We will hopefully have the website up by next week as I know people need time to plan for this. I am having a little trouble finding a host hotel in the area with an area big enough for the Plastic Fantastic swap meet. I'll keep everyone posted.

Dec 08 2011, 12:03 PM
I am working out format details now for the weekend but it will consist of two rounds Saturday on the redesigned Mozola course with some epic views of downtown Houston. Then Sunday will be an early round at the also newly redesigned 21 hole TC Jester.

Dec 15 2011, 12:52 AM
Alright working out signup's right now. I will have links in the next couple of days for online registration. If you want to sign up ahead of time please pm me. I'll have an address and who to make the checks out to soon.
Registration will be $28 and that covers your entry for the singles and/or team entry. Each person will have to pay the $28 but that get's you what is becoming a very nice players pack. This will be an XB-tier, so awesome players packs and amenities.

I need a couple of clubs to step up and help me out. I will be contacting you for sure.

Tournament will crown both a team, and singles state champions. The format will be 2 rounds of 21 holes at Mozola Memorial Course in the shadow of downtown Houston Saturday the 4th of February, and one round of 21 holes of doubles/team play Sunday morning at the newly redesigned TC Jester Park.
Teams need to be in multiples of two. The team winner will be determined by adding the two lowest scores from Saturdays rounds to the lowest round from the Sunday round. A team can have multiple doubles groups competing and we will take the lowest score for the team score.
The singles winner will be determined from Saturday's rounds only.
Players can play either day, entry fee is the same. (they will get the same awesome players pack) So if you have someone that can't play saturday but can sunday...bring them on and let them help the team out.

Lastly for tonight-
This tournament is for the future of our sport, the kids. Please consider sponsoring this tournament in whatever way you see fit. I will gladly take merch or money. Anything and everything will be greatly appreciated. Hole sponsorships start at $25 and I have 42 available right now. Your name/logo/info will be on display on a nice bandit sign at the tee box for all to see. There is also a Shirt sponsorship available to anyone interested. This will get your name/logo on the sleeve of the shirt in the players pack. This is only available to 1 sponsor and first come first serve. The shirt sponsor level is $500. If i can get enough sponsorships this will go in every players pack and to every staff member. Thanks for your considerations and support. Lets do this right and show these kids how we feel about them.

Patrick Brogdon

Dec 15 2011, 04:09 PM
And we're sanctioned!

Dec 15 2011, 10:13 PM
First sleeve gone! One more sleeve to go. Step up now! It's for the the kids. You know you want to.

Dec 16 2011, 10:53 AM
Vibram will sponsor some merch.....just get with me

Jan 04 2012, 03:14 PM
And registration is finally up!

Register here:

Jan 06 2012, 12:11 PM
And registration is finally up!

Register here:

Going to need some volunteers to help pull this off smoothly. Saturday morning and evening especially. We have to throw 12 baskets out at Mozola. There will also be a need for people to help with officiating and speed of play.
On another note hole sponsorships are available for "purchase" at as well as tournament registration.

Please register as early as possible. I can't promise a certain shirt size unless you register by Tuesday January 24th.

Jan 13 2012, 02:13 PM
New sponsorship opportunity available:
$30 dri-fit shirt/tourney stamped disc option available at

Thanks for your support!

Jan 30 2012, 01:53 PM
Very important!!!!!! This weekends tournament is cancelled. We are hoping to have a date rescheduled for later in the spring, possibly in May. Please help me pass the word about this weekend.

Feb 05 2012, 05:39 PM
What happened?

Feb 06 2012, 10:45 AM
What happened?

We had light signups. So we decided to push to possibly May, opening it to all Juniors and not just Texas kids. Also, it will most likely be a one day, singles event. It we do it this way, it offers a great setting for kids to get ready for Worlds this summer.

Any thoughts?

Feb 22 2012, 01:36 PM
The weekend of May 12th would probably not be good because all 9th graders in Texas will be taking the STAAR tests that they need to graduate so fewer players/coaches would be available (including myself) to travel on that Friday.

Just fyi.

May 01 2012, 11:20 PM
I'm curious....whtat is the status of this event...had a few asking when and where.

May 05 2012, 01:19 AM
I'm curious....whtat is the status of this event...had a few asking when and where.

Cancelled indefinitely.