Dec 23 2011, 10:59 AM
This year's Ice Bowl will once again be held at Bright Brewing in Eola, Texas.

Date: Jan. 28th
Signups day of only starting at 9:30ish
Cost: $15 plus 3 cans of food...if no food $35!!

Course will be 10 holes, we'll play it twice in the morning, then play it backwards twice in the afternoon.

Sponsors: Bright Brewing and Cortese Flag & Silkscreen

For more info pm me through this site, www.cvdga.com, or call me at the shop 325-653-4809

Jan 06 2012, 01:26 PM
Marks says he's got some of his best light beer on tap right now...hope it make it to the Ice Bowl. He'll also will have a stout on tap.

IceBowl count down...it's only 22 days away!

Jan 30 2012, 11:58 AM
WOW...83 players at a 10 hole course in Eola, what a sight to see!!!

$581 and around 400lbs of food for the Salvation Army!!!

Thanks to everyone that came...especially the out-of-towners!!!

full info can be found here....http://www.conchovalleydiscgolf.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?10176.last
if you didn't finish in the payout and want to know your score let me know and I'll get it to you.

If you lost a disc on the roof, I have most of them at the shop and will hold on to them until I see you next time!

Hope to add a few holes next year to spread everyone out a little. So spread the word of the fun that will be had in 2013 the weekend between the NFL Playoffs and the Superbowl!