Jan 09 2012, 02:34 PM
What up Vegas?
Just wanted to invite you'all to our little shin-dig here at Hart Park in Bakersfield Ca on Feb 25th.
1 day non- sanctioned tourney part of the Central Valley Series.

1 round on the Mtn. and 1 round on the Flats.
1st 100 registered will get the custom Dynamic Disc dry fit. All entries will have BBQ lunch

For the Pro's sorry it's the same weekend as the Gentlemans Challenge. I like to play that event myself but I didn't make our schedule.

If any of you AM's aren't volunteering at the GCC and wanna come play in a fun event check out the flyer at or

Feb 02 2012, 01:43 PM
What up Vegas!

Pre-registartion list availiable on

Send in those entries. You won't be disappointed