John Hernlund
Jan 20 2012, 08:40 PM
I think the PDGA membership will be thrilled by this news...
Jan 20 2012, 10:04 PM
Congrats Steve Ganz.
I am not alone in wishing you outstanding success in your new position. And hopefully soon.
Jan 21 2012, 09:09 AM
Thanks, guys! I couldn't be more excited to be serving the membership in this capacity.
oldman wallis
Jan 21 2012, 12:18 PM
Welcome aboard Steve. You will be great working for us.
Jan 21 2012, 11:54 PM
Best news this year! Best of luck Steve!
Jan 23 2012, 12:08 PM
Having worked with Steve out at Pro Worlds in Santa Cruz this last August, I can speak from personal experience that Steve really knows his craft and I could not be more enthused for the future of the PDGA's Information Technology and the performance of the website. Congrats and welcome, Steve!!!
Jan 24 2012, 01:03 PM
That's a great picture of Mr. Ganz on the home page.
Jan 28 2012, 01:10 AM
Welcome Steve. Glad you took the position. Perhaps you are the man to put the PDGA on PayPal so we can join and renew with ease?
Jan 29 2012, 02:19 PM
Welcome Steve. Glad you took the position. Perhaps you are the man to put the PDGA on PayPal so we can join and renew with ease?
Tom, the PDGA has been using paypal for years... so it would indeed be nice to have that option for payment when using the PDGA proshop checkout.
Jan 30 2012, 11:38 AM
So, can I renew my membership with PayPal?
Jan 30 2012, 01:59 PM
So, can I renew my membership with PayPal?
Not through the PDGA Store. The PDGA store is run by a third party hired by the PDGA. What Jebb is referring to is the method through which the PDGA collects tournament fees online, which is exclusively through Paypal.
Jan 30 2012, 06:49 PM
Exactly what I am talking about. I bet we could entice more memberships and speed up renewals if we could use PayPal.
Jan 31 2012, 12:43 AM
Congrats, Steve. Long time overdue in my opinion.
Feb 01 2012, 10:27 AM
I'd definitely like to work on offering PayPal as a payment option everywhere.
Feb 01 2012, 01:51 PM
Congrats Steve you are an early nominee for the Irony of the Month award.
Just as the PDGA is making a move to improve our image among youth and ban smoking at our major events we have a new Technology Director whose message board avatar looks to be a kid smoking.
That's going to be a tough one to beat but keep those nominations coming.
Feb 01 2012, 04:00 PM
Congrats Steve. :)
I know you're a card-carrying member of the Apple Corps, but please push the Android release of the PDGA app.
Feb 01 2012, 04:29 PM
Just as the PDGA is making a move to improve our image among youth and ban smoking at our major events we have a new Technology Director whose message board avatar looks to be a kid smoking.
Thanks for the reminder. Consider it changed.
For what it's worth, that was a picture of me at around age 4 or 5 with a crayon in my mouth. I use that avatar all over the web and have for years.
Feb 01 2012, 04:36 PM
I know you're a card-carrying member of the Apple Corps, but please push the Android release of the PDGA app.
PDGA everywhere is my credo. The Android app is in development. Unfortunately it's one of those projects that is dependent on the launch of the new website. Hence the reason my number one priority is launching the new website.
Feb 08 2012, 12:40 PM
Thanks for taking on this project for our organization.
Please consider adding to your 'to do' list a change in the online sanctioning agreement.
Instead of the 3 entry points month-day-year for starting and ending dates maybe a little calendar could pop up where you could click the date. Having the weekends in calendar form might be nice and help eliminate some input errors.
Good luck with everything and welcome aboard.
Feb 27 2012, 10:59 PM
Tournament registration at now accepts PayPal as a payment option.
Feb 28 2012, 10:53 AM
Feb 28 2012, 02:54 PM
Where can I send you some Oklahoma Joe's now Steve? Thanks, for taking on this responsibility, I know that you are a great ambassador to the sport personally, and your dedication is without question. We are all in a much better place now than we were in the past by your expertise and experience.
Feb 29 2012, 03:06 AM
Tournament registration at now accepts PayPal as a payment option.
Thank you Steve. Looks like you got some feedback and made it happen. That is good. Keep up the good work.
Now, about that website.......
Mar 08 2012, 01:47 PM
Steve do you have an update on the new website?
The BOD meeting minutes from the January meeting (posted this week) included this...
IT Report �Gentry
New Website
The journey to get the new website launched has been a long and interesting journey. We have been making slow but consistent progress over the past month. All of the PDGA obligations have been completed and Accuvant is finishing up bugs that were discovered during functionality testing.
The current plan is to have a fully functional website ready for extensive beta testing by Thursday January 12th. At that point we will be doing an extensive review of the site and determining if any changes need to be made before launch. If all goes well the new site could be launched as soon as January 17th although a day or two for fine tuning and modifications would not be unexpected.
Mar 09 2012, 04:32 PM
Steve do you have an update on the new website?
The BOD meeting minutes from the January meeting (posted this week) included this...
IT Report –Gentry
New Website
The current plan is to have a fully functional website ready for extensive beta testing by Thursday January 12th. At that point we will be doing an extensive review of the site and determining if any changes need to be made before launch. If all goes well the new site could be launched as soon as January 17th although a day or two for fine tuning and modifications would not be unexpected.
So that didn't happen.
When I came on board on January 17th it seemed that, at least on the surface, we were perhaps 90% of the way there. Unfortunately, the remaining 10% included critical existing functionality that was either missing or broken. I'm talking about the event schedule, tournament results, player statistics, etc.
The vendor is wrapping up the latest round of bug fixes and that will be followed up by another round of QA along with further performance testing and tuning.
I'm determined to launch the new site only when it's ready and not a moment sooner. When I have full confidence in a date I'll start talking about it. Throwing out an estimated time of delivery right now would be premature.
In the mean time, the existing site continues to provide the critical functionality we need and we are making incremental improvements to improve the overall experience wherever we can. I know that load times can be slow, but the kind of debilitated performance we saw last summer is long gone. I was pleased to see the current site weather the increased traffic of the first NT rather well.
I'll keep you posted.
Mar 12 2012, 03:37 PM
Thank you Steve. I agree that posting no date is better than posting a date them missing it again.
Mar 26 2012, 02:38 PM
Keep your eyes on for website updates.