Nov 16 2012, 12:19 AM
I renewed my membership for 2013 and received my membership card in the mail. No renewal dogtag, sticker, or 2013 rulebook. Are those being mailed separately now?

Renewing members receive a membership card, renewal tag, subscription to Discgolfer magazine - the official publication of the PDGA and sticker.

Nov 16 2012, 07:37 AM
I doubt the new rule book has even been printed (or for that matter the dog tags being pressed). Typically I have found when I renew early (or have a multi-year), the renewal tag, etc are batched together later much closer to the end of the year with others in that category once the materials are available.

Nov 16 2012, 09:40 AM
I doubt the new rule book has even been printed

Back in mid-September I read:

I thought I heard the new rules were already at the printer.

My understanding is that they are being formatted for the printers and that it may be too late to implement any changes. I am saddened by that, I'm new to the process and I thought we had more time.

... which is why I was surprised that the 2013 rulebook didn't show up with my membership card. Seems rather wasteful to be mailing these out separately.

Nov 19 2012, 11:54 AM
Information on packages for players who sign up for new membership or renew during October and November of 2012:

New Members (who sign up Oct/Nov): receive the 2012 New member items right away they then receive the 2013 renewal items when applicable.

Renewing Members (who sign up Oct/Nov): receive an updated card [only] w/EXP DATE of 12/31/13 then receive the 2013 renewal pack when applicable.

The rule books are here as well as the renewal tags. If you have a question about your specific package not arriving then please send me an email (mailto:[email protected]) with your name and PDGA number and I'll take care of it.

Thank you,
Sara Nicholson
PDGA Memberships Manager

I renewed my membership for 2013 and received my membership card in the mail. No renewal dogtag, sticker, or 2013 rulebook. Are those being mailed separately now?


Dec 30 2012, 05:27 PM
Any updated on getting the 2013 rule books out in advance of the 2013 tournaments?

Dec 30 2012, 05:53 PM
Renewal packages with the updated rule book are going out now. I just received mine on Friday. In the mean time, the online rules have been updated and you can download the PDFs for the Official Rules of Disc Golf and the Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events at