Mar 07 2012, 02:14 PM
Any word on when it will be finished? My mom ordered me 1 for Christmas... I was told it wouldn't be ready until Feb...

Dec 12 2012, 05:34 PM
I have Pre-Paid for my 2011 Pro World's DVD at Santa Cruz , California. This was just after the Pro Worlds was completed.

I have heard it has been delayed , yet again. I have tried to contact the PDGA with no success.

It is now 2013. Will it ever be released ? I also noticed , you can no longer check availability and it was taken off the Items you can purchase from the PDGA Store.

Please let me know if it will ever ship. If not , I would like a full refund.

Donny Olow
[email protected]

Dec 12 2012, 10:02 PM
The only bright spot to the whole fiasco Donny, is that NOBODY was charged anything - the credit cards are never charged until the items ship.

Somebody needs to take over the project from the Chains guy, take it from whatever stage it is in and stay on it until it's finished.


Dec 14 2012, 12:12 PM
I was really looking forward to seeing myself hit the first tree off of the tee on hole #1 of the final 9. Dernit!

Jan 03 2013, 08:47 PM
Any Information is Greatly appreciated. If it will never ship , please also let me know.