Dec 18 2012, 12:01 AM
Support World Champion Disc Golfer "Paul McBeth" by suggesting he appears on the "Ellen TV Show".

Paul McBeth, a 22-year old from Huntington Beach, Ca., was recently crowned the "P.D.G.A." World Champ in the sport of Disc Golf this summer. Disc Golf is relatively still an unknown sport to many. In an attempt to share this sport with the rest of the world, the idea of the Ellen TV Show came to mind. With nearly 3 million viewers each week, the Ellen Show with her support for improving health and being active would be a definite boost for our sport.
Furthermore, female participation in disc golf is more than welcome, as well as the youth.
The time to grow our sport is, NOW. This opportunity would be prime in bringing Disc Golf to the masses.
Mobile devices may not link properly. Go to Ellentv.com on their Full website.

Below is the link to the Ellen Show: (simply click and fill out form, stating you want Paul McBeth on the show in the "Tell us Your Story" box)
Floyd Henke #24076

Feb 13 2013, 01:02 PM
Well, I see that there were over a 1000 views on this thread. I hope some folks took the time to click on the "Ellen" show and try suggesting Paul to come on the show. Hard to know if anyone responded or even thinks this is a good idea.

There are many people out there that would love to play disc golf but don't know it yet.
I too realize there is an underground contingent in this sport. There are those who believe in NOT expanding this sport to the masses. Keep it local, Keep it chill, and hush so the courses won't be crowded. I look forward to more women, kids, and seniors on the courses.
More churches and schools along with clubs can be a fruitful addition to the scene.
As the courses get more crowded, more courses will be installed.

I appreciate people taking the time to read and maybe participate in getting Paul a chance to show his skills off to the world on TV.
Last week a copy of "Discgolfer" was handed to Conan O'Brien with Paul McBeth on the cover.
A reminder that Dave Feldberg was on the show in prior years was mentioned.
Conan will consider bringing Paul on the show. It helps though when other discgolfers and folks try contacting the "Conan Show" to show interest for a disc golfer to appear on the show again. Your "hype" is helpful, things happen better with a fanbase.

Thanks fellow golfers,
Floyd Henke

Apr 10 2013, 09:11 PM
Ok, is seems funny replying to my own posts.
The folks at "The Ellen Show" now have a copy of Discgolfer magazine with Paul McBeth on the front cover. I get the feeling they don't take Disc Golf too seriously. It's difficult at times to tell people how FUN the sport can be.

If anyone has requested Paul to come on her show, thanks.
If anyone else would be interested in suggesting Paul McBeth go on the "Ellen Show" then scroll up to first post , click on link, fill-in the info.

Maybe Ellen is scared to throw a disc/frisbee, we can help her;)


Apr 11 2013, 07:16 PM
What do we do once we get him on there? Where is Ellen broadcast from? I gave it a shot and filled out the form

Apr 22 2013, 04:00 PM
Have McBeth go on the show with celebraties that play disc golf.