Feb 20 2013, 12:10 AM
The discussion board is completely dead and has been for the last couple years. Any ideas as to why? 6 years ago, this site was da bomb.

Also, does anyone know why non-registered disc golfers cannot use this? Other than interacting with disc golfers on the course, this board seems like the next best way to increase interest in the sport and communicate with people that aren't in the club. Keeping it members only is obviously accomplishing nothing. Anyone else feel this way?

Feb 20 2013, 03:45 AM
My opinion... some folks didn't like the way it was moderated, some didn't like the website issues and performance of the website, some didn't like the members only thing. As folks were not happy with this site they started looking else where and found stuff they like.

Steve Ganz has taken over the website and has exceeded all expectations. If anybody left because of website technical issues and performance they should take another look. He has really made a huge difference.

How to get folks to come back here? I don't know. But the website performance issues have been resolved.

Feb 20 2013, 07:34 AM
Pete nailed most of it. I also think a semi-constant threat of the forum going away has probably deterred traffic too. They've been talking up the "new, upgraded" site for years now (obviously it hasn't happened) and the new site is supposedly not going to include a discussion forum. What's the old saying about rats and a sinking ship?

Feb 22 2013, 12:10 PM
All of that, plus the emergence of alternatives. There are now sites with discussions that cater to the broader range of disc golfers, not to mention Facebook.

Feb 27 2013, 08:02 PM
Only PDGA members, so 50 dollars to join the board, any other sites are more fun, I miss it to but to many other ways to interact with golfers.