Apr 23 2013, 02:27 PM
I understand "pace of play" but am curious if there is or has ever been a "time limit" on a round. Currently our home course takes ~1.5 -2.0 hours to play. Often, during league play, one group inevidably ends up finishing as much as 45 minutes after the all the other cards are in. (clearly violating pace of play) Can we/should we set a reasonable time limit? Does anyone have any experience with this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Apr 23 2013, 06:23 PM
No time limits on rounds, just on making individual shots. If you know really slow players, try not to get them in the same group. If it's a division that's regularly slow, then maybe have them play in threesomes.

Apr 23 2013, 08:14 PM
I understand "pace of play" but am curious if there is or has ever been a "time limit" on a round. Currently our home course takes ~1.5 -2.0 hours to play. Often, during league play, one group inevidably ends up finishing as much as 45 minutes after the all the other cards are in. (clearly violating pace of play) Can we/should we set a reasonable time limit? Does anyone have any experience with this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Is this slow group the same group of players each week? If not, do the slow groups have any common players each week? Isolating the culprit(s) in slow play would be a good first step.

Once you figure out who the slow players are, try to pair them with a notoriously fast player to see if that makes any difference. A speedy player might counteract the slow one enough to "average out" the pace. If that doesn't work, I'd seek out a volunteer or two who have no qualms about clocking a slow player and saying something if the player takes too much time.

And if you don't want to go to that much trouble or prefer the passive-aggressive route, you should have absolutely no mercy in shaming a slow group when they waltz in 45 minutes after everyone else, particularly if it's habitual. Saying things like "Finally" and "It's about time" and "What took you guys so long?" might send a message. Or maybe come up with an excuse to award a door prize to them, and make the prize a clock.

Apr 29 2013, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the replies. The problem is that this is a tag league so everyone has to wait around for all the scores to come in before tags can be redistrubuted. We just told everyone this week that we all have to respect each others time as we all have lives and other things to do (mowing grass, kids sports, etc) and don't have all day to wait on a few guys goofing around. we plan to have this conversation each week... Thanks again for your input!