Jun 17 2013, 07:38 PM
WTF is wrong with Disc Golf Planet TV????!!! They refuse to reply to the hundreds of complaints from paying customers. Bad & unethical business!
Jun 18 2013, 08:34 PM
WTF is wrong with Disc Golf Planet TV????!!! They refuse to reply to the hundreds of complaints from paying customers. Bad & unethical business!
Paying customers? You mean the "lifetime members" who DONATED $25 to the cause and were never under any obligation to pay anything at all?
Exactly what kind of reply do you want them to give, anyway? What exactly did they do that was "unethical business"?
The entitlement issues some people have over this are mind boggling.
Jun 19 2013, 05:36 PM
THEY DID NOT DELIVER WHAT THEY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO DELIVER. You cannot argue with that. Some people donated on more than one occasion as well. Honesty is always the best policy to people who have donated money and patience.
Jun 19 2013, 08:11 PM
THEY DID NOT DELIVER WHAT THEY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO DELIVER. You cannot argue with that. Some people donated on more than one occasion as well. Honesty is always the best policy to people who have donated money and patience.
What did they say they were going to deliver? From what I saw before the tournament started (, they said that their coverage of the KCWO was going to be the evening wrap-up shows and only the evening wrap-up shows. The quality of that show notwithstanding, it was what they said they were going to do. No false advertising, no lying.
And again, I'll ask, what exactly do you want them to say? Are you asking for an apology? Do you want them to do everything over? "Okay everyone, come back to Kansas City, we're doing the whole tournament over again so DGP can cover it live this time."
Aside from the inconvenience of wanting to watch the KCWO live and not being able to, what harm was done to anyone that DGP has to answer for?
I just don't understand the level of anger that seems to be surrounding this thing. Oh no, we weren't able to watch live disc golf on the internet. Talk about first world problems.
Jun 20 2013, 01:04 AM
Youre right. Great job DGPTV!!!!!
Jun 20 2013, 01:49 AM
I really didnt want to come across as a jerk, I just want progress. I will continue to support the cause. However there is NOTHING wrong with addressing question marks. There are a lot of people with their ears and eyes open.
Jun 20 2013, 11:40 AM
I really didnt want to come across as a jerk, I just want progress. I will continue to support the cause. However there is NOTHING wrong with addressing question marks. There are a lot of people with their ears and eyes open.
I agree, nothing wrong with asking questions, but the tone is important.
DGP tried something different with last weekend's broadcasts. I think it's fair to criticize the quality of those studio shows (they were fairly poor in my opinion). I think it's fair to ask if that's the future of DGP broadcasts (it isn't). It's fair that people care about their product.
I just think some of the reactions (particularly the angry ones) are totally overblown relative to how directly invested the reactors are in the whole thing. Yeah, some have donated $25...some more than once...but that $25 doesn't really go very far in the grand scheme. And DGP has provided plenty of product to justify anyone's $25 investment even if they didn't do anything from the KCWO at all.
Some reactions I've read would seem more in line with folks who invested thousands or have some sort of stake in the success of the show. It's crazy.
Jul 03 2013, 04:21 AM
Another NT without LIVE coverage? I thought DGP had a contract with the pDGA?
What a JOKE!