Jun 25 2013, 09:47 PM
Wanted to get some ideas of how folks are running their PDGA leagues.
As TD of our Tuscaloosa League I have a few issues that have come up


What is your policy for DNF rounds in league?

If you allow players to drop rounds in final payout calculations, do you allow them to drop DNF Rounds?

How would you convert a DNF Round to a raw score?

Is a DNF round equal to an "888" round?

Payouts -

Do you use the Pro table or the Am table.
Pro payout table is a bit heavier on top but doesn't pay out as deep of the field.
I like the AM table as more people can qualify for a payout and works better of you have one or two people that are much better than the rest of the field.


Jun 26 2013, 10:31 AM
Ours is a handicap league.
We run each week independently thus players are paid each week.
For the final league results players accumulate points each week for how many players they beat. Thus it is more advantageous to play than stay home (or DNF).

Jun 26 2013, 12:38 PM
Which pay table do you use?
Would you share your handicap rules?
[email protected]
