Aug 20 2013, 03:36 PM
Before I contact her and tell her her options, I wanted to double check here. We only have one pro woman signed up. I looked at her history and she is 900 rated and has accepted cash as a pro. Is her only option to play MPO? or MPM if she age qualifies?
Thanks for any help.
Aug 20 2013, 03:55 PM
It looks like she would have to have a rating of less than 850 to play am if she has already accepted cash as a pro:
Look at the bottom where it says PROS PLAYING AM.
Aug 20 2013, 05:28 PM
At 900 rated, she could play MA2 or MA1 if she was willing.
Aug 20 2013, 05:40 PM
We usually will inform a player if they are in a solo division and offer them a chance to change divisions if they desire. If not, we let them play in a division of 1.