Dec 04 2013, 08:08 PM
2014 Harrah Open - Saturday February 22nd 2014 (The last Saturday in February)

This year�s event is the 5th annual and will again be held at Harrah Heritage Park in Harrah, OK.

Tee Sign Sponsorship

For a $100 donation you will receive an 8 � X 11in color laminated sign located at the tee box for an available hole. The sign will contain the hole number, a graphic, and any other information you wish to be displayed about you or your business. You will also be included in the flyer and receive a mention at the tournament.

Donations can be made to the �Harrah Friends of the Park� with in care of �The Harrah Open� in the comments section � The Friends of the Park is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote recreation within the community of Harrah.

I�m also accepting give away items � pens, mugs, business cards, etc. Disc golfers love this type of stuff and it is a great way to promote your business.

Flyers will be posted at local businesses and all metro area disc golf courses to be seen by countless numbers of disc golfers who make an extra effort to support those who promote their sport.

Please contact me if you or your business is interested in sponsoring a hole.

Thank you for your support!


William Bredemeyer
Chairman, Harrah Parks and Recreation Department
(405) 454-3813
[email protected]

Dec 06 2013, 02:36 PM
2014 Harrah Open
5th Annual - One Day – Two Rounds

Sponsored by
Harrah Parks and Recreaction
Harrah Friends of The Park
Harrah Lions Club
The Kenneth “Brent” Edwards Memorial
Harrah Disposal
Church Ave Spirits
In-N-Out Bail Bonds
Jennings Law, P.C.
Calico Joe's
Shady Nook Auto Parts, Inc.

Saturday February 22, 2014

Harrah Heritage Park – Harrah, OK
This is a temporary course that will only be available for play the day of the tournament.

Sign Up: 8:00am – 9:00am
Rules/Start: 9:30am
Second Round TBD

PRO1 $50(Best)
PRO2 $40(Better)
PRO3 $30 (Good)

Over 100% Cash Payout
Free CTP's Included - One free entry for each division
Ace Pot and 2 Mulligans (One per round) - Included in Entry
$1000 Added Cash

The Harrah Lions Club will be providing lunch again this year for sale at the park. Please come hungry and support them.

Disc Donation:
Remember to bring your new and used discs for donation to the Harrah Public Schools and other local youth programs.

Last years discs were donated to Cub Scout Pack 65, Lions Club Boys Ranch, and Russell Babb Elementary!!!

Tournament Entry = 1 Ticket
Each disc donated = 1 Ticket

From Tulsa:
Turner Turnpike West 65 miles. Take the OK-66 Exit 158 toward Wellston. Turn Right (West) onto E HWY 66 go 2.2 miles. Turn Left (South) onto HWY 102 go 13 miles. Turn Right (West) onto US HWY 62 go 4.6 miles into Harrah. Turn left onto Church Ave/Harrah Newalla Road go .8 mile. Turn Left (East) into Harrah Heritage Park. (+35� 28' 53.68" N, -97� 09' 32.63" W)

From I40:
I-40; exit Harrah Newalla Road North. Go 6.6 miles to a right (East) into Harrah Heritage Park. (+35� 28' 53.68" N, -97� 09' 32.63" W)

For more information please contact William Bredemeyer (405) 454-3979 or [email protected]

Feb 02 2014, 11:27 AM
The 5th Harrah Open is only 3 weeks away! Come hungry and support the Lions Club.

First 120 players - Sign up will start at 7:30am

Remember to bring your new and used discs for the donation raffles.

Feb 16 2014, 11:54 AM
Less than a week away!

The course is marked. Baskets will be set up the day of the event. Parking is located in the main lot and on Harrah Rd.

Bring your donated discs for the raffles!!!

Please support the Lions and have lunch at the park.

SIgn-up will start promptly at 7:30am. First 120 will play - anyone after that might just have to watch =)

Drive safe, see everyone Saturday.

Mar 03 2014, 02:50 PM
102 players, great weather, and another Harrah Open is in the books. Giant thank you to everyone who helped out and all those in attendance.

The 2015 Harrah Open is scheduled for Sat Feb 28th 2015!!!

ACE POT $510 - Split 3 ways.

PRO1 - $700 ADDED - 21 Round 1 Round 2 Total Place Payout
Kody Custard 42 44 86 1 $455
Steve Hatcher 44 43 87 2 $295
Eric Rainey 47 43 90 3 $215
John Hatcher 44 47 91 T4 $150
Mitch McClellan 49 42 91 T4 $150
Donnie Butler 49 44 93 6 $90
Keith Walker 47 47 94 T7 $42.50
Bo Tillman 43 51 94 T7 $42.50
Cody Greenfield 46 49 95 T9 $32.50
Stephen Benton 50 45 95 T9 $32.50
Daryl Johnson 51 45 96 T11 $15
LG 48 48 96 T11 $15
Jason LaPierre 47 51 98 T13
Miles Deep AKA Matt Steward 48 50 98 T13
Don Cook 52 46 98 T13
Marshall Herman 56 43 99 16
Hutch 49 51 100 17
Ben Pearson 54 49 103 18
Dan P 56 51 107 19
Chili 59 54 113 20
Patton 59 57 116 21

LADIES - $100 ADDED - 4 Round 1 Round 2 Total Place Payout
Kristen Chandler 52 49 101 1 $75
Linda Chandler 63 62 125 2 $45
Nancy Burklin 65 61 126 3 $30
Lois Quintero 65 68 133 4 $20

PRO2 - $200 ADDED - 30 Round 1 Round 2 Total Place Payout
Kyle Wilkes 46 41 87 1 $270
Trevor Swink 43 46 89 2 $165
River Sky Eagle 48 45 93 T3 $105
Jake Christian 48 45 93 T3 $105
John McClellan 51 44 95 5 $75
Doyle Jordan 51 45 96 6 $65
Jason Lawrence 53 44 97 T7 $52.50
Kelly Allen 49 48 97 T7 $52.50
Jack Wilson 49 49 98 9 $45
John Logan 52 47 99 T10 $31.66
Joe Ed Davis 48 51 99 T10 $31.66
Toyko 51 48 99 T10 $31.66
Jack Lawson 49 51 100 13 $25
Miki Rudd 49 52 101 14 $25
Ryan Power 52 50 102 T15 $6.25
Luis Aragon 49 53 102 T15 $6.25
Ron Elliott 51 51 102 T15 $6.25
Clayton Lawson 51 51 102 T15 $6.25
Brian Hibbler 50 53 103 T19
Weston Moody 48 55 103 T19
W Kyle Power 50 54 104 21
Michael McDaniel 56 50 106 T22
Mark Hoffman 53 53 106 T22
Andy Pearson 55 51 106 T22
K2 54 53 107 25
Cory Sharp 52 56 108 26
Jason Akbaran 56 53 109 27
Billy Juby 59 52 111 28
Richard Murrow 56 57 113 T29
Carver Coyle 53 60 113 T29

PRO3 - $0 ADDED - 47 Round 1 Round 2 Total Place Payout
Rodney Carpenter 52 47 99 T1 $72.50
Chantz Whitehead 51 48 99 T1 $72.50
Brad Evans 52 48 100 3 $80
Jimmy Billings 52 50 102 4 $70
Chris Aragon 53 50 103 T5 $55
Aaron Power 54 49 103 T5 $55
Jay Slack 52 52 104 T7 $42.50
David Barnicoat 54 50 104 T7 $42.50
Eddie Stanke 55 51 106 T9 $35
Jason Long 55 51 106 T9 $35
Greg Hobbs 55 51 106 T9 $35
Jason Kreth 56 51 107 12 $30
Lewis Estrada 55 53 108 T13 $25
Rodney Graber 51 57 108 T13 $25
Don Elliot 55 55 110 T15 $25
Kevin Mo 56 54 110 T15 $25
Eddie V 55 55 110 T15 $25
Lino Cardenas 59 52 111 18 $20
Floyd Murry 55 57 112 T19 $20
Steven Beard 58 54 112 T19 $20
David Duncan JR 50 62 112 T19 $20
Jeremy Gray 60 53 113
Buddy West 56 57 113
Tyler Porter 58 56 114
Brandon Jones 57 57 114
Donny Fritts 60 54 114
Trevor Chelenski 60 54 114
Dion Thompson 61 54 115
John Smith 58 58 116
Brandon Schopf 59 57 116
Joseph Copenhaver 59 57 116
Stephen Quintero 60 57 117
Tyler Bratcher 62 55 117
Mike Story 60 57 117
Joe Rudoff 58 60 118
Craig Choate 64 55 119
David Ducan III 60 59 119
Bonesman 60 60 120
Bobby Greeson 63 58 121
Mike Fine 64 59 123
Wayne Campbell 61 62 123
Larry Jaynes 61 64 125
William Frye 65 61 126
Aaron Elliott 68 59 127
Jeff Copley 68 60 128
David M Ducan SR 70 61 131