Feb 13 2015, 10:55 PM
May 23rd & 24th - First Flight Presented by Axiom Discs - Ams only A-Tier

We've added another course this year. Players will play one round each at The Canyons at Dellwood Park, Highland Park, and Channahon Community Park. Total maximum number of players is 216. This tournament filled early last year, and we had to turn people away, so don't wait too long to register.

Players Pack:

Innova Disc
Latitude64 Disc
Gateway Disc
Salient Liquid Metal Disc
Tournament Poster
Players Guide

Pre-registration is mandatory. We will not be taking walk ups for this tournament. Also, since it's an A-tier, PDGA membership is a requirement. Registration will close on Wednesday, May 20th at 4pm. Of course, if we fill before then, it will close at that time.

Final 9: We will have a final 9 for every division with 12 or more players! The layout has yet to be determined. Check back here for more info at a later date.

Registration fee is $65, which includes $3 for the ace pot, and a $2 online registration fee. Pre-registration is available here:

Of course, you can also register in person at Aces and Chains, 1706 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 815-207-8874. If you register in person, you save the $2 online registration fee. (You can also mail in your registration to the same address.)

Feb 25 2015, 08:33 PM
I am very excited to announce that Viridisk will be coming to film the tournament! If you are not familiar with their work, follow this link to their website to check it out:

With their unique combination of cameras and angles, I can't wait to see what the tournament coverage will look like.

Apr 15 2015, 12:18 AM
We've added a tournament t-shirt to the players pack for the first 100 players to register. To receive the t-shirt, you must also register prior to May 1st (so we have time to print them.) If you have already registered, you will be receiving an email in the next few days asking for your shirt size.

We will also be providing some food for all the registered players who attend the players party Saturday night. This is thanks to our generous sponsor Axiom Discs. The remainder of the sponsorship money will be added to the payouts.

May 01 2015, 11:12 PM
Players pack discs are as follows:

Gateway Devil Hawk
Innova Thunderbird
Latitude64 Maul
Salient Discs Touch